The Quik! Field Definition is currently designed to meet the form automation needs on a form. As businesses change their policies, procedures, and workflow that involves workflows involving forms, Quik! makes incremental incrementally upgrades to the field definition to accommodate customer needs.
Customers who use Quik! to automate their forms will find that the forms form automation solutions also need to adapt and change quickly.
However, in certain instances, it is not possible and not realistic unrealistic for Quik! to move as fast as customer requirements change. The end result is that the automation is subject to imperfections and requires that the customer to partner with Quik! to find a resolution, sometimes requiring the customer to make changes to change their process flow and/or form design.
To better anticipate and deal with form changes and field inconsistencies, customers should follow these guidelines:
Guidelines for Form Automation:
Follow these best practices to ensure your automation remains consistent and functional:
Best Practices for designing a solution
When designing a solution to pre-fill forms, the best practice is to prefill common, repetitive fields found in our Standard Service Level – prefilling the Premium Service Level fields is possible but more costly to implement and maintain over the long-run.
Report Issues Promptly
If a field problem arises from bundling forms, report the
issue to the Quik! Forms team, indicating all the forms involved. Then,
discontinue bundling the problem form or warn users about the problem until it can be fixed.
Avoid Using Non-Quik! Fields for Automation
When building automation around the Quik! forms, you can safely rely on fields named according to the Quik! Field Definition, but not randomly named fields:
Note |
Important Note:
Expect Delays When Requesting New Fields
When requesting the addition of a new field
to the Quik! Field Definition,
please anticipate that the process
may take at least 90 days or longer
. The timeline depends on whether ETI determines the field can be added and when the next software release
is scheduled
ETI always makes best efforts to add fields and deploy them fast to satisfy customer needs
If ETI releases a field
before full production release, there are defined methods for using the new field as a non-Quik! field in the Quik! software (please refer to software reference guides)
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Q: Can I map to generic fields?
A: No. Quik! does not support mapping to generic fields as they are subject to change without notice.
Q: Why does adding a new field take 90 days or more?
A: The process involves approvals, development, and scheduling the update in a software release. We always aim to address requests as quickly as possible.
Q: What should I do if my automation breaks?
A: Immediately report the issue to the Quik! Forms team and follow the recommended interim solutions.