The license manager web service is used to set up and manage licenses for associating form groups with users or groups of users with the QFE Sample Website ONLY.
Service URL:
Service WSDL:
The following methods are used to manage licenses with Quik!. A license is used to associate form groups with a particular user or set of users, and to control rights in the Sample Website project. Quik! does not require customers to manage LicenseIDs that are assigned by Quik!, rather customers will continue using their own unique ID and passing it to Quik! to retrieve a LicenseID using the GetLicenseID method. By passing the Customer User ID to Quik! to maintain the customer does not have to set up additional storage methods and manage multiple identities.
- GetLicenseID
- GetLicenseList
- LoginAdmin
- UpdateLicense
Returns the LicenseID associated to a customer's unique user ID (called the CUNID or CustomerUserID).
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<soap:Envelope xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:soap="">
<GetLicenseIDResponse xmlns="">
Result Fields
This method returns the profile of a license with the following columns (NOTE: ProductLicenseID = LicenseID).
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<soap12:Envelope xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:soap12="">
<AuthenticationHeader xmlns="">
<GetLicenseList xmlns="" />
This method returns a list of license profiles with the following columns: (NOTE: ProductLicenseID = LicenseID)
Field Name | Data Type | Length | Description |
ProductLicenseID | Int |
| The Quik! LicenseID that matches the CUNID |
CustomerUserID | String |
| The CUNID that was passed in |
LicenseExpiry | Date |
| The date the license expires |
FirstName | String |
| First name of the license |
MiddleName | String |
| Middle name of the license |
LastName | String |
| Last name of the license |
String |
| The email address for the license | |
LastUpdate | Date |
| Date the license record was last modified |
This method only returns an error code (0 = Success) and a message that indicates the result.