Business Challenge
Your company has developed an interface for clients to sign up for a new account. Clients enter all of their information within the pages of the application in an intuitive, easy-to-follow format. Once completed, however, you must somehow transfer this information to multiple government-required forms for submission to a federal agency. The agency does not accept account information in any format other than their prescribed forms. Thus, instead of the user filling out the form for submission to the government, the form acts as a final "report" of the wizard 's information.
The Quik! Solution
Using the Quik! Forms Engine, you can seamlessly transfer your client data from a custom UI to a traditional form in an instant. Thanks to our innovative field mapping system, once a customer enters a repeatable piece of information (i.e. their phone number), every time a form "downstream" includes a phone number, their number will automatically fill in that field. The user only has to enter their information on the interface once, and the data is transferred onto one (or several) forms for final submission. This transfer can be as simple as a "submit to form" button on the final page of the UI. With the Quik! Forms Engine, the forms can be generated, pre-filled with information, and ready for processing to the next stage.
Real-World Example
BlueDot, a national leader in software for immigration lawyers, collects client information on an online questionairre, and then automatically transfers this information to forms managed by Quik! with pre-determined field mapping.