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This is the response from the web service:

  "ResultData": {
    "UNID": "string",
    "HTML": "string",
    "FormIDs": "string"
  "ErrorCode": 0,
  "Message": "string"

If no errors occurred, you will find a populated ResultData property with the UNID and FormIDs that have just been generated, plus an HTML property that can have either the full HTML of the forms, or a form link (only if HostFormOnQuik was posted with a value of true).

It 's is important to mention that the FormIDs displayed in the JSON response are the ones that have been generated, without including any invalid formID provided in the request. For example, if a user requests to generate formIDs 1, 2 and 123123, being the last one invalid, only the first two will be generated. The request body looks like:

"QuikFormID": "1,2,123123"

and the response looks like:

  "ResultData": {
    "UNID": "PX%2fxa5rnePmsF...",
    "HTML": "<!--[if lte IE 9]><!DOCTYPE html><html… ",

    "FormIDs": "1,2"
  "ErrorCode": 0,
  "Message": "Forms generated successfully."}
Anchor_5ky06l36as82_5ky06l36as82 Anchor_8n1szhr6a8gv_8n1szhr6a8gv Anchor_shadkz73da4a
_shadkz73da4aAjax Example
A basic ajax request via jQuery is described as follows.
var data = '{"ESignType": {"Type": "DOCUSIGN","SignCallBackURL":
"" }, "HostFormOnQuik": true, "QuikFormID": "1"}';
var token = 'PUT_TOKEN_HERE';
type: "POST",
contentType: "application/json",
url: "",
data: data,
beforeSend: function (xhr) {
xhr.setRequestHeader("Authorization", "BEARER " + token);
Anchor_4urf2ucz2af2_4urf2ucz2af2QFE SOAP Web Service Spec.