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Private Sub btnGenerate_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnGenerate.Click
'This example web page demonstrates the Quik! Forms Engine web service and form viewer by loading a hard-coded FormID.
'A production version of this example would give users the ability to select one or more forms and generate them from a website
'Enter the credentials for your Quik! account
strQuikCustID = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings("QuikCustID").ToString 'Your master account CustomerID
strQuikUsername = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings("QuikUsername").ToString 'Your master account username
strQuikPassword = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings("QuikPassword").ToString 'Your master account password
Dim objQFE As QuikFormsEngineWSv5200.QuikFormsEngineService
objQFE = New QuikFormsEngineWSv5200.QuikFormsEngineService
'Get the XML as a string
'Dim xmlDoc As New System.Xml.XmlDocument
Dim strXML As String
'strXML = xmlDoc.OuterXml
strXML = "<?xml version=""1.0"" encoding=""UTF-8"" standalone=""yes""?><ParentField><Field><FieldName>1own.FName</FieldName><FieldValue>Thomas</FieldValue><FieldReadOnly>false</FieldReadOnly><FieldVisibility>1</FieldVisibility><FieldRequired>false</FieldRequired><FieldFormat></FieldFormat><FieldMask>false</FieldMask><FieldCalcOverride>false</FieldCalcOverride><HiddenField>false</HiddenField></Field><Field><FieldName>1own.LName</FieldName><FieldValue>Williams</FieldValue><FieldReadOnly>true</FieldReadOnly><FieldVisibility>1</FieldVisibility><FieldRequired>true</FieldRequired><FieldFormat></FieldFormat><FieldMask>false</FieldMask><FieldCalcOverride>false</FieldCalcOverride><HiddenField>false</HiddenField></Field></ParentField>"
Dim objWSResults As New QuikFormsEngineWSv5200.QuikResultWS
Dim strJava() As String
'Set the customer credentials into the SOAP Header
Dim authHeader As New QuikFormsEngineWSv5200.AuthenticationHeader
authHeader.UserName = strQuikUserName
authHeader.Password = strQuikPassword
authHeader.CustomerID = strQuikCustID
objQFE.AuthenticationHeaderValue = authHeader
objWSResults = objQFE.Execute(
CustomJavaFileIncludePath:=strJava, _
CustomJavaScript:=strJava, _
FormIDs:=Me.txtFormIDs.Text, _
FormExpiryDate:=CDate("5/24/2014"), _
HostFormOnQuik:=True, _
HTMLBodyOnloadFunction:="", _
HTMLFieldFontColor:="", _
HTMLFooter:="", _
HTMLFooterStyle:="", _
HTMLLoadingImage:="", _
HTMLLogoAltText:="", _
HTMLLogoPath:="", _
HTMLMainInstruction:="", _
HTMLMetaNames:="", _
HTMLMinorInstruction:="", _
HTMLReportFormError:="", _
HTMLRequiredBorderColor:="", _
HTMLShowButtonClear:=True, _
HTMLShowButtonPrint:=True, _
HTMLShowButtonReset:=True, _
HTMLShowButtonSave:=True, _
HTMLShowButtonSign:=True, _
HTMLShowButtonSubmit:=True, _
HTMLStyles:="", _
HTMLTitle:="", _
iScrollFilePath:="", _
iScrollOff:=False, _
jQueryBlockUIFilePath:="", _
jQueryFilePath:="", _
jQueryUIFilePath:="", _
LoadXML:=strXML, _
PreviewMode:=False, _
SaveURL:="", _
SignAllDocsCombined:=True, _
SignJavascript:="", _
SignMessage:="", _
SignShowSignNow:=True, _
SignShowVerifyCode:=True, _
SignShowVerifyIDCheck:=True, _
SignSubject:="", _
SignURL:="", _
SubmitJavascript:="", _
SubmitURL:="", _
TestDataMode:=Me.chkTestMode.Checked, _
TestFinalFormsMode:=Me.chkTestForms.Checked _

'Check for errors in running the Quik! Forms Engine
If objWSResults.ErrorCode <> 0 Then
'Write the HTML file to disk and serve to the user
'System.IO.File.WriteAllText("c:\temp\sample.html", strResults)
''Redirect to the HTML file
'Dim objFile As QuikFormsEngine.QuikFormOutput
'For Each objFile In arrFiles
' Dim strFileName As String = objFile.FullName
' If strFileName = "" Then
' strFileName = "ERROR! No forms were generated."
' Response.Write(strFileName)
' Else
' Response.ContentType = "text/html"
' Response.Redirect(strFileName)
' End If
'Stream the HTML file out as a response
Dim strHTML As String = objWSResults.ResultData.Tables(0).Rows(0).Item(0)
If strHTML = "" Then
strHTML = "ERROR! No forms were generated."
Response.ContentType = "text/html"
End If
End If
objQFE = Nothing
End Sub

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