This document contains QUIK! TIPS in bold blue font to help you quickly find the best practice for a particular topic. These tips are summarized below for your convenience.

TopicQuik! Tip
Quik! New Account Process SolutionQuik! solutions offer straight-through processing and complete
forms automation in a fraction of the time and cost of traditional
Where Automation OccursPerform server-side automation whenever possible because
programming forms directly is costly and subject to the changing
design of the form.
ButtonsButtons can be programmed to perform specific actions in
specific events.
SecurityForms delivered to Quik! for automation should NOT be secured.
Font SizeUse no more than 4 different font sizes and use them
consistently throughout the document: largest font for the form
name or headlines, second largest for section headings, third for
body text and a fourth size for large text sections (e.g. legal).
Font Type and StyleChoose no more than two fonts for the entire document – one for
headings and one for the body.
Embedding Fonts in PDFAlways embed fonts when creating a PDF from your original
Other Font AttributesUse other text spacing and other effects sparingly.
Field LengthMake a field long enough for the intended data, but not too big if
less data is expected.
Field HeightMake the fields the same height from field to field.
Field Proportions & ConsistencyText fields should all be the same height and checkboxes should
all be the same size.
Field Line TypesUnderlines make forms easier to read than boxes or combs.
BoxesAvoid using boxes for individual fields, instead use boxes to
group sections together.
CombsAvoid using combs and boxes for individual characters.
Spacing Around Fields & ObjectsUse a consistent amount of white space around fields and
Image Type & PurposeUse as few images as possible to keep file size to a minimum.
When using images, use bitmap or native file types.
Image SizeUse the smallest image file sizes as possible – the larger the
image, the larger the PDF will be.
ColorsUse white backgrounds (or no background) for best printing and
viewing results.
ImagesAvoid using images in the background as they make the PDF
take longer to display.
Section HeadingsUse a concise section heading to help the user understand
groups of information.
Document InstructionsUse concise instructions where appropriate to clarify what is
expected of the user.
SymbolsUse symbols sparingly and use symbols that are common
amongst the users.
CheckboxesUse a box to indicate a checkbox and make all checkboxes the
same size on the form.
BulletsDo not use a checkbox symbol to represent a bullet – use a
different symbol for bullets.
Checkbox InstructionsInclude checkbox instructions when it is not obvious how to fill
out a checkbox.
Literature NumberInclude a unique literature number that never changes on every
Revision DateInclude the date the form was last revised on every form.
BarcodesBarcodes are useful for automated systems to distinguish the
form and page of the form.
Quik! Form IDQuik! FormIDs can be used by customer processes to identify
the form electronically in place of the literature number which is
used to identify the paper version.
Quik! Signature LineQuik! Signature Line is the Quik! Seal of Quality that ensures the
form was built for automation by Quik!.
PDF Meta-DataMeta-data is useful for identifying a form electronically.
File SizeThe file size of a PDF form should be as small as possible.
Number of PagesMinimize the number of pages in the PDF form.
Embedded ObjectsAvoid embedding objects in PDF files.
PDF LinksDo not use PDF links in automated forms as they cause
Contracts, Disclaimers & Legal TextIf a field is nested within text-only pages, make the field large
and obvious to the user.
Brochures & MarketingMarketing information is best as part of a brochure or marketing
document and is not necessary for most electronic form
automation processes.