This document contains QUIK! TIPS in bold blue font to help you quickly find the best practice for a particular topic. These tips are summarized below for your convenience.
Topic | Quik! Tip |
Quik! New Account Process Solution | Quik! solutions offer straight-through processing and complete forms automation in a fraction of the time and cost of traditional methods. |
Where Automation Occurs | Perform server-side automation whenever possible because programming forms directly is costly and subject to the changing design of the form. |
Buttons | Buttons can be programmed to perform specific actions in specific events. |
Security | Forms delivered to Quik! for automation should NOT be secured. |
Font Size | Use no more than 4 different font sizes and use them consistently throughout the document: largest font for the form name or headlines, second largest for section headings, third for body text and a fourth size for large text sections (e.g. legal). |
Font Type and Style | Choose no more than two fonts for the entire document – one for headings and one for the body. |
Embedding Fonts in PDF | Always embed fonts when creating a PDF from your original document. |
Other Font Attributes | Use other text spacing and other effects sparingly. |
Field Length | Make a field long enough for the intended data, but not too big if less data is expected. |
Field Height | Make the fields the same height from field to field. |
Field Proportions & Consistency | Text fields should all be the same height and checkboxes should all be the same size. |
Field Line Types | Underlines make forms easier to read than boxes or combs. |
Boxes | Avoid using boxes for individual fields, instead use boxes to group sections together. |
Combs | Avoid using combs and boxes for individual characters. |
Spacing Around Fields & Objects | Use a consistent amount of white space around fields and objects. |
Image Type & Purpose | Use as few images as possible to keep file size to a minimum. When using images, use bitmap or native file types. |
Image Size | Use the smallest image file sizes as possible – the larger the image, the larger the PDF will be. |
Colors | Use white backgrounds (or no background) for best printing and viewing results. |
Images | Avoid using images in the background as they make the PDF take longer to display. |
Section Headings | Use a concise section heading to help the user understand groups of information. |
Document Instructions | Use concise instructions where appropriate to clarify what is expected of the user. |
Symbols | Use symbols sparingly and use symbols that are common amongst the users. |
Checkboxes | Use a box to indicate a checkbox and make all checkboxes the same size on the form. |
Bullets | Do not use a checkbox symbol to represent a bullet – use a different symbol for bullets. |
Checkbox Instructions | Include checkbox instructions when it is not obvious how to fill out a checkbox. |
Literature Number | Include a unique literature number that never changes on every form. |
Revision Date | Include the date the form was last revised on every form. |
Barcodes | Barcodes are useful for automated systems to distinguish the form and page of the form. |
Quik! Form ID | Quik! FormIDs can be used by customer processes to identify the form electronically in place of the literature number which is used to identify the paper version. |
Quik! Signature Line | Quik! Signature Line is the Quik! Seal of Quality that ensures the form was built for automation by Quik!. |
PDF Meta-Data | Meta-data is useful for identifying a form electronically. |
File Size | The file size of a PDF form should be as small as possible. |
Number of Pages | Minimize the number of pages in the PDF form. |
Embedded Objects | Avoid embedding objects in PDF files. |
PDF Links | Do not use PDF links in automated forms as they cause corruption. |
Contracts, Disclaimers & Legal Text | If a field is nested within text-only pages, make the field large and obvious to the user. |
Brochures & Marketing | Marketing information is best as part of a brochure or marketing document and is not necessary for most electronic form automation processes. |