There are 2 main ways dropdown lists can be added to a form. This article will cover the implementation of both options.

Option 1

Adding a Dropdown list via Code

See the SetFieldTypeByFieldName method page. Sample code below:

Dim strStates As New List(Of String)()

objQFE.SetFieldTypeByFieldName("H.State", QuikFormsEngine.FieldType.DropDownList(New List(Of String)(strStates)))

Option 2

Adding a Dropdown list via Form Rules Manager

  1. The first step is to log into your account via QCC - Quik! Customer Central 
  2. Then click the product, "Quik! Forms Enterprise"

  3. This will launch the Enterprise Manager
  4. The work to implement the rule(s) will all come through the fourth option '4 - Field Rules', 

  5. Clicking that fourth option will open the Field Rules Manager

  6. Scroll down to the Add New Field Rules section
  7. Within this area, select the 'By Full Field Name' option and select the 'DropDownList' Attribute Type

  8. Add in the Full Field Name and enter the values (separated by commas) which will be displayed into the drop down list on the form
    1. Note: These values will be displayed in descending order. i.e. - Entering 10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1 will correctly populate a dropdown list counting towards 10 starting with 1
  9. After finishing configuration of the rule, click the 'Add Rule' button. This will display your rule in a new table below.

  10. The last step is to apply by form or to apply the rule globally
  11. Applying the new rule to no specific form will add it globally and appear on all fields and in all forms in your library
  12. Applying to a specific form will do exactly that. This means you may need to duplicate this rule if you need it to apply to any additional forms.
  13. Once done click the 'Add Rules' button to add your new drop down list button to your form

How To Pre-fill Custom Dropdown Lists

A custom dropdown list in the Quik! viewer works like most other dropdown lists. To prefill the value in your custom dropdown list pass the exact value in the list that you want selected.

For example,