Typically, when a new customer is beginning a Quik! implementation, the Quik! onboarding team will walk through the following items with the customer's development team. Information and helpful links are provided for customer reference.

  1. Review customer goals, ideal workflow, any available design specs
  2. Understand Quik! architecture
  3. Review core setup components
    1. Finding forms
    2. Client Prefill
    3. Generating forms
  4. Review Quik! Field Definition
    1. Text fields: Consist of instance # (1) parent field (Owner) & base field (FName) (complete field example: 1own.FName)
      1. When mapping, create a translation table that relates Quik! base field name to your field name
      2. When prefilling, query translation table and prepend Quik! parent field to base field, loop through all records, supply to Quik! via AddFieldToForm or LoadXML with "shotgun approach"
    2. Checkboxes: Consist of field name (1acc.RegType) & export value (52 for Roth IRA)
      1. When mapping, create translation table that relates Quik! base field name to your field name, as well as Quik! export value to your options
      2. When prefilling, query translation tables and prepend Quik! parent field to base field, loop through all records, supply with export value to Quik! via AddFieldToForm or LoadXML with "shotgun approach"
    3. Calculated Fields: When forms ask for combined field (example: 1own.FullName)
      1. When mapping, fields should be mapped individually as above (for 1own.FullName, just map FName & LName)
      2. When prefilling, provide Quik! individual fields as above then let Quik! combine automatically
  5. Review Quik! Form Enterprise Manager
    1. How to subscribe to forms
    2. How to create Form Groups
    3. Field Rules, E-Signature
  6. Provide any further questions to Quik! onboarding team