Quik! Field Definition Service Levels

The Quik! Field Definition is organized into four distinct service levels, where a service level defines the level of automation a form is capable of satisfying. These four levels are as follows, in hierarchy of lowest to highest:

Service Level


Applicable Forms


The smallest set of fields used to define fields available in common customer relationship databases for the purposes of pre-filling forms

All forms


The base level of fields intended to make it easy to pre-fill standard fields on all forms

All forms


An upgraded level of fields intended to make it easy to submit form data electronically for processing, but not necessarily for pre-filling

Selected forms, primarily clearing firm forms and any forms for companies using the Quik! Forms Data Engine


An upgraded level of form build that ensures every field is built to perfection for digital signature.

Customer's signable forms only


Fields that are being added to the definition and being used prior to being published or supported in the Quik! software

Subject to ETI's discretion

For help regarding Quik! Forms and the Quik! API
Email: support@quikforms.com | Phone: (877) 456-QUIK