JSON Request Body Example
JSON Request Body Example
Below is a simple example of the HTMLSettings portion of the Execute method request, used to generate forms in REST.
JSON Sample Request
{ "HostFormOnQuik": true, "FormFields": [ { "FieldName": "1own.FName", "FieldValue": "John" }, { "FieldName": "1own.LName", "FieldValue": "Doe" } ], "QuikFormID": "12" }
- A customer's Quik! account credentials are also needed to generate forms, but those are submitted via OAuthToken in the request header, and are not passed in the request body.
- "HostFormOnQuik" is an example of the many Quik! Forms Engine properties that can be applied to the final HTML. See here for a complete list of properties.
- "FormFields" contain the field data that will prefill the form
- "QuikFormID" is the list of Quik! Form IDs that will be generated. This is the only required parameter when calling the Execute method, since the Quik! Forms Engine must, at the very least, know which forms to generate. Below is an example of the minimum required data for an Execute request.
Minimum JSON Sample Request
{ "QuikFormID": "12" }
For help regarding Quik! Forms and the Quik! API
Email: support@quikforms.com | Phone: (877) 456-QUIK