The background of a form can have a large affect on how the form looks and, more importantly, prints on the user’s printer.
QUIK! TIP: Use white backgrounds (or no background) for best printing and viewing results.
While a background color can help make fields stand out, the background color requires extra memory to display the PDF and requires more ink from a user’s printer when printed. It is recommended that background colors be avoided so as little ink as necessary is used when printing, which also results in the fastest print process possible. In addition, forms printed with a background color do not work well if the document is photocopied, scanned or faxed.
QUIK! TIP: Avoid using images in the background as they make the PDF take longer to display.
While a background image can help establish a brand or make a document stand out in some way, background images require extra memory to display the PDF and require more ink from a user’s printer when printed. It is recommended that background images be avoided to ensure the highest level of performance for the user and to use as little ink as necessary when printing. In addition, forms printed with a background image do not work well if the document is photocopied, scanned or faxed.
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