Base Field List

Base Field List

The Quik! Field Name below is the same base field name regardless of the parent field assigned to it.

529PlanType529 Plan Type529 Plan SelectionACCTAccount3/20/20 12:01 PMNULLBoolean1 = CollegeAmerica (American Funds)
ABANumABA Routing NumberRouting path the money will follow to get to or from the fund source (i.e. the ABA routing number)FUNDSOURCEFundSource6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringABA0001234
AccreditedInvestorAccreditedInvestorYou are an accredited investor, as defined in Rule 501(a) of the Securities Act of 1933.CLIENTSuitability12/20/23 1:17 PMNULLBooleanYes, No
AcctApprovalAccount Approved By PrincipalAccount Approved By PrincipalACCTAccount6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLBoolean0 = FALSE, 1 = TRUE
AcctCategoryAccount CategoryThe category of account being openedACCTAccount6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringBUS
AcctCloseDateAccount Close DateAccount Close DateACCTAccount3/18/20 12:01 PMNULLDate5/4/2019
AcctCloseDateAccount Closing Date OR date trust or account was closedDate account was closed, converted or transferredACCTAccount3/18/20 12:01 PMNULLDate12/12/2004
AcctControlPersonAccount Control PersonAre you a control person on this account?CLIENTAccount9/18/18 1:56 PMNULLStringYes
AcctDeliveryInstrAccount Delivery Instructions (DVP / RVP)Account Delivery Instructions (DVP / RVP) (Delivery vs. Payment / Receipt vs. Payment)ACCTAccount6/22/06 12:00 AMNULLStringTransfer
AcctDescAccount DescriptionAccount DescriptionACCTAccount4/10/24 5:52 AMNULLString1234ABC
AcctDescStatementsAccount Description StatementsAccount Description For StatementsACCTClient Personal Info10/10/22 11:46 AMNULLStringDescription
AcctEntityOwnerAccount Entity OwnerAre you an entity owner on this account?CLIENTAccount9/18/18 1:56 PMNULLStringYes
AcctGroupingNumsAccount Grouping NumbersAccount Grouping NumbersACCTAccount8/14/23 2:17 PMNULLString123ABC
AcctInfoAdditional Account InfoAdditional account infoFUNDSOURCEFundSource6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringAdditional info
AcctInstructionsAccount InstructionsAccount InstructionsACCTAccount9/7/23 12:00 AMNULLBoolean1 = Yes
AcctMnemonic1Account Mnemonic 1Account Mnemonic 1ACCTAccount4/10/24 5:52 AMNULLString1234ABC
AcctMnemonic2Account Mnemonic 2Account Mnemonic 2ACCTAccount4/10/24 5:52 AMNULLString1234ABC
AcctNumAccount NumberAccount NumberACCTAccount6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLString12345
AcctNumAccount Number or Contract Number associated to productAccount Number or Contract Number associated to productPRODUCTITEMProduct6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringABC123456
AcctNumAccount NumberA unique number identifying the account from which the payment originates or to which payments should be deposited.FUNDSOURCEFundSource6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLString55555-44444
AcctNumBaseAccount Number BaseThis is the base part of the account number when used with the Account Number Prefix (see Account Number for the full value)ACCTAccount4/5/08 12:00 AMNULLString456789
AcctNumOwnersNumber of account owners or joint tenantsNumber of account owners or joint tenantsACCTAccount6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLNumeric2
AcctNumPrefixAccount Number PrefixThis is the prefix part of the account number when used with the Account Number Base (see Account Number for the full value)ACCTAccount4/5/08 12:00 AMNULLString123
AcctObj1Account Objective (Primary)Primary account objectiveACCTAccount4/7/06 12:00 AMNULLStringGrowth
AcctObj2Account Objective (Secondary)Secondary account objectiveACCTAccount4/7/06 12:00 AMNULLStringIncome
AcctOpenDateAccount Opening Date OR Trust Establishment DateDate account was opened or trust was establishedACCTAccount6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLDate12/12/2004
AcctOpenMethodAccount Opening Date OR Trust Establishment MethodMethod of how account was openedACCTAccount4/8/06 12:00 AMNULLBoolean1 = Phone
AcctOpenMethodOtherAccount Opening Date OR Trust Establishment Method OtherOther method of how account was openedACCTAccount4/6/06 12:00 AMNULLNumericQuik! Software
AcctPurposePurpose of Account or InsuranceThe reason this account is being opened or policy is being purchased, i.e. personal, business, mortgage, profit sharing, fund IRA, retirement planning, educational, income replacement, savings, spouse insurance, guarantee insurability, key-person, cover debt, Section 303, deferred, brokerage, account update, advisory, new registrationACCTAccount6/19/05 12:00 AMNULLBoolean1 - New Registration
AcctPurposeBusCashAccount Purpose - Cash ManagementPurpose of Account - Business Cash Management and TreasuryACCTAccount4/26/22 10:36 AMNULLBoolean1
AcctPurposeBusFundingAccount Purpose - Business FundingPurpose of Account - Business FundingACCTAccount5/2/22 2:13 PMNULLBoolean1
AcctPurposeBusOperationAccount Purpose - Operations ManagementPurpose of Account - Business Operating Revenue and Expense ProcessingACCTAccount4/26/22 10:36 AMNULLBoolean1
AcctPurposeBusPayrollAccount Purpose - Payroll ManagementPurpose of Account - Business Payroll ProcessingACCTAccount4/26/22 10:36 AMNULLBoolean1
AcctPurposeDistTrustAssetsAccount Purpose - Trust Asset DistributionPurpose of Account - Distribution of Trust AssetsACCTAccount4/26/22 10:36 AMNULLBoolean1
AcctPurposeGeneralInvAccount Purpose - General InvestmentsPurpose of Account - General InvestingACCTAccount4/26/22 10:36 AMNULLBoolean1
AcctPurposeInvBusRevenueAccount Purpose - Business Revenue ManagementPurpose of Account - Investing of Business RevenueACCTAccount4/26/22 10:36 AMNULLBoolean1
AcctPurposeInvCollegeAccount Purpose - College InvestmentsPurpose of Account - Investing for CollegeACCTAccount4/26/22 10:36 AMNULLBoolean1
AcctPurposeInvEstatePlanningAccount Purpose - Estate PlanningPurpose of Account - Investing for Estate PlanningACCTAccount4/26/22 10:36 AMNULLBoolean1
AcctPurposeInvPooledAssetsAccount Purpose - Pooled Assets ManagementPurpose of Account - Investment of Pooled AssetsACCTAccount4/26/22 10:36 AMNULLBoolean1
AcctPurposeInvRetirementAccount Purpose - RetirementPurpose of Account - Investing for RetirementACCTAccount4/26/22 10:36 AMNULLBoolean1
AcctPurposeInvTaxBenefitsAccount Purpose - Tax Benefit ManagementPurpose of Account - Investing for Tax BenefitsACCTAccount4/26/22 10:36 AMNULLBoolean1
AcctPurposeInvTaxPlanningAccount Purpose - Tax PlanningPurpose of Account - Investing for Tax PlanningACCTAccount4/26/22 10:36 AMNULLBoolean1
AcctPurposeInvTrustAssetsAccount Purpose - Trust Asset ManagementPurpose of Account - Investing of Trust AssetsACCTAccount4/26/22 10:36 AMNULLBoolean1
AcctPurposeOtherAccount Purpose - OtherPurpose of Account - Other Purpose DescriptionACCTAccount4/28/22 10:36 AMNULLString1
AcctPurposePaymentTrustExpensesAccount Purpose - Pay Trust ExpensesPurpose of Account - Payment of Trust ExpensesACCTAccount4/26/22 10:36 AMNULLBoolean1
AcctPurposePaymentTteCompAccount Purpose - Pay TrusteesPurpose of Account - Payment of Trustee CompensationACCTAccount4/26/22 10:36 AMNULLBoolean1
AcctRoleClient Role on AccountClient role on accountCLIENTClient Personal Info6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringFree flow text
AcctRoleOtherOther Field For Client Role on AccountOther field to indicate the client role on account if OTHER is chosenCLIENTClient Personal Info7/20/07 12:00 AMNULLStringBeneficiary
AcctSrcOfFundsAccount Source of FundsSource of funds for the accountACCTAccount6/19/05 12:00 AMNULLBoolean1 - Income from Earnings
AcctSrcOfFundsOtherOther Account Source of FundsOther source of funds for the accountACCTAccount8/2/06 12:00 AMNULLStringTransfer
AcctStateState account is set up inAccount stateACCTAccount6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringCA
AcctStatementsAccount StatementsIndicates the preference of how account statements are sentACCTAccount6/15/16 1:02 PMNULLBoolean0 = FALSE, 1 = TRUE
AcctTransferTypeAccount Transfer TypeAccount Transfer TypeACCTAccount5/12/23 2:17 PMNULLBoolean0 = FALSE, 1 = TRUE
AcctTypeType of AccountType of account (cash, margin, option, etc)ACCTAccount6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
AcctTypeType of AccountType of account associated to productPRODUCTITEMProduct6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringB1
AcctTypeAccount TypeType of account used to describe the bank information (i.e., primary bank account, cash management account, existing carrier account, etc.)FUNDSOURCEFundSource6/19/05 12:00 AMNULLBoolean1 = Checking Account
AcctTypeOtherOther Type of AccountOther type of account (cash, margin, option, etc)ACCTAccount11/12/06 12:00 AMNULLStringOther
ACHTransferAmtACH Transfer AmountOne-time ACH Transfer amount from your checking or savings at another financial institutionACCTAccount8/14/23 2:17 PMNULLNumeric45000
ACHTransTypeACH Transaction TypeACH Transaction TypeACCTAccount9/7/23 12:00 AMNULLBoolean1 = Yes
AddAdditionalAcctReportAdd Additional Account ReportAdd Additional Account ReportACCTAccount8/9/23 3:02 PMNULLBoolean0 = FALSE, 1 = TRUE
AdditionalAcctNumAdditional Account NumberAdditional Account NumberACCTAccount8/9/23 3:02 PMNULLStringTest Account Number
AdditionalAcctTypeAdditional Account TypeAdditional Account TypeACCTAccount8/9/23 3:02 PMNULLBoolean0 = FALSE, 1 = TRUE
AdditionalMasterAcctNumAdditional Master Account NumberAdditional Master Account Number for Additional AccountACCTAccount9/7/23 12:00 AMNULLString1234ABC
AdditionalParticipantTypeAdditional Participant TypeAdditional Participant TypeACCTAccount9/7/23 12:00 AMNULLBoolean1 = Yes
AddlOwnersAdditional OwnersIndicates if the account has additional ownersACCTAccount10/11/06 12:00 AMNULLBooleanYES
AddManagerAcctNumAddM anager Account NumberAddM anager Account NumberACCTAccount8/14/23 2:17 PMNULLString123ABC
AddMarginAdd MarginAdd MarginACCTAccount8/14/23 2:17 PMNULLBoolean0 = FALSE, 1 = TRUE
AddtlPrivilegesAdditional PrivilegesAdditional PrivilegesACCTAccount8/14/23 2:17 PMNULLBoolean0 = FALSE, 1 = TRUE
AddTrustedContactAdd Trusted ContactCheckbox to indicate that a trusted contact should be added to the account recordCLIENTClient Personal Info1/11/18 8:29 PMNULLStringYES
AddTrustedContactAdd Trusted ContactCheckbox to indicate that a trusted contact should be added to the account recordACCTClient Personal Info1/11/18 8:29 PMNULLStringYES
AdvisorControlledFundAdvisor Controlled FundAdvisor Controlled FundCLIENTClient Personal Info8/9/23 3:02 PMNULLBoolean0 = FALSE, 1 = TRUE
AdvisoryAcctAccount Advisory FlagIndicates if account is an advisory accountACCTAccount6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLBoolean0 = FALSE, 1 = TRUE
AgeAgeAgeCLIENTClient Personal Info6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLNumeric45
AgeBasedTracksAMAggPercAge Based Tracks Actively Managed Aggressive PercentageAge Based Tracks Actively Managed Aggressive PercentageCLIENTSuitability9/7/23 12:00 AMNULLNumeric30
AgeBasedTracksAMModAggPercAge Based Tracks Actively Managed Moderate Aggressive PercentageAge Based Tracks Actively Managed Moderate Aggressive PercentageCLIENTSuitability9/7/23 12:00 AMNULLNumeric30
AgeBasedTracksAMModConPercAge Based Tracks Actively Managed Moderate Conservative PercentageAge Based Tracks Actively Managed Moderate Conservative PercentageCLIENTSuitability9/7/23 12:00 AMNULLNumeric30
AgeBasedTracksAMModPercAge Based Tracks Actively Managed Moderate  PercentageAge Based Tracks Actively Managed Moderate  PercentageCLIENTSuitability9/7/23 12:00 AMNULLNumeric30
AgeBasedTracksIndexAggPercAge Based Tracks Index Aggressive PercentageAge Based Tracks Index Aggressive PercentageCLIENTSuitability9/7/23 12:00 AMNULLNumeric30
AgeBasedTracksIndexModAggPercAge Based Tracks Index Moderate Aggressive PercentageAge Based Tracks Index Moderate Aggressive PercentageCLIENTSuitability9/7/23 12:00 AMNULLNumeric30
AgeBasedTracksIndexModConPercAge Based Tracks Index Moderate Conservative PercentageAge Based Tracks Index Moderate Conservative PercentageCLIENTSuitability9/7/23 12:00 AMNULLNumeric30
AgeBasedTracksIndexModPercAge Based Tracks Index Moderate  PercentageAge Based Tracks Index Moderate  PercentageCLIENTSuitability9/7/23 12:00 AMNULLNumeric30
AgeRequirementAge RequirementAge RequirementACCTAccount9/7/23 12:00 AMNULLString1234ABC
AgreementEffectiveDateAgreement Effective DateAgreement Effective DateACCTAccount9/7/23 12:00 AMNULLDate2/12/2019
AKAAlternate Full NameAlias or AKA (also known as)CLIENTClient Personal Info8/6/14 4:02 PMNULLStringJohn Doe
AllocationFormulaAllocation FormulaAllocation FormulaACCTAccount8/14/23 2:17 PMNULLBoolean0 = FALSE, 1 = TRUE
AllowanceNumNumber of AllowancesNumber of AllowancesCLIENTClient Personal Info8/6/14 4:06 PMNULLString2
AMLRequiredAML RequiredIndicates if anti-money laundering forms are neededRULERule10/29/10 12:00 PMNULLBooleanTRUE'
AmtProduct Allocation AmountAmount to apply to productPRODUCTITEMProduct6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLNumeric10000
AmtAmountNumeric Currency AmountFUNDSOURCEFundSource3/18/20 12:01 PMNULLString100
AmtAlphaAlpha Currency AmountAlpha Currency AmountFUNDSOURCEFundSource3/18/20 12:01 PMNULLString23
AmtPercAllocation Amount as PercentageThe percentage of the amount to be applied to the fundPRODUCTITEMProduct6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLNumeric0.5
AnnualIncreaseAnnual IncreaseOption to setup annual increases of ContributionsACCTAccount9/7/23 12:00 AMNULLBoolean1 = Yes
AnnuitizeDateAnnuitization DateDate upon which the annuitization of contract begins.ACCTAccount6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLDate12/12/2004
AnnuityCashSurrenderAmtAnnuity Cash Surrender AmountAnnuity Cash Surrender AmountPRODUCTITEMProduct5/12/23 2:17 PMNULLNumeric1234
AnnuitySecurityNameAnnuity Security NameName of Annuity SecurityPRODUCTITEMProduct5/12/23 2:17 PMNULLStringTest Security
AnnuitySharesNumAnnuity Shares NumberNumber of Annuity SharesPRODUCTITEMProduct5/14/23 2:17 PMNULLString12345ABCDE
AnnuitySurrenderTypeAnnuity Surrender TypeAnnuity Surrender TypePRODUCTITEMProduct5/12/23 2:17 PMNULLBoolean0 = FALSE, 1 = TRUE
AnnuityTransferShareTypeAnnuity Transfer Share TypeTransfer Type for Annuity SharesPRODUCTITEMProduct5/12/23 2:17 PMNULLBoolean0 = FALSE, 1 = TRUE
AppointInvAdvAppoint Investment AdvisorAppoint Investment Advisor to fulfill responsibilities on the accountACCTAccount5/25/22 2:54 PMNULLBoolean0 = FALSE, 1 = TRUE
AppointInvAdvInfoAppoint Investment Advisor To Receive InfoAppoint Investment Advisor to be sent informational communicationsACCTAccount5/25/22 2:54 PMNULLBoolean0 = FALSE, 1 = TRUE
AppTypeCodeApplication Type CodeIndicates the type of application, i.e.: app-less, app-later, and paper app.ACCTAccount6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNOR
AssetAtBDAltInvestIs asset being held at other broker dealer for Alternative InvestmentsIs asset being held at other broker dealer for Alternative InvestmentsCLIENTSuitability4/7/16 7:23 PMNULLStringYes, No
AssetAtBDAnnuityIs asset being held at other broker dealer for AnnuityIs asset being held at other broker dealer for AnnuityCLIENTSuitability4/7/16 7:23 PMNULLStringYes, No
AssetAtBDBondIs asset being held at other broker dealer for BondIs asset being held at other broker dealer for BondCLIENTSuitability4/7/16 7:23 PMNULLStringYes, No
AssetAtBDCashIs asset being held at other broker dealer for CashIs asset being held at other broker dealer for CashCLIENTSuitability4/7/16 7:23 PMNULLStringYes, No
AssetAtBDCDsIs asset being held at other broker dealer for Certificate of DepositIs asset being held at other broker dealer for Certificate of DepositCLIENTSuitability4/7/16 7:23 PMNULLStringYes, No
AssetAtBDCommoditiesIs asset being held at other broker dealer for CommoditiesIs asset being held at other broker dealer for CommoditiesCLIENTSuitability4/7/16 7:23 PMNULLStringYes, No
AssetAtBDEmpPlanIs asset being held at other broker dealer for Employer PlansIs asset being held at other broker dealer for Employer PlansCLIENTSuitability4/8/16 6:12 PMNULLStringYes, No
AssetAtBDETFIs asset being held at other broker dealer for Exchange Traded FundsIs asset being held at other broker dealer for Exchange Traded FundsCLIENTSuitability4/7/16 7:23 PMNULLStringYes, No
AssetAtBDFixedIncomeIs asset being held at other broker dealer for Fixed IncomeIs asset being held at other broker dealer for Fixed IncomeCLIENTSuitability4/7/16 7:23 PMNULLStringYes, No
AssetAtBDForeignCurrencyIs asset being held at other broker dealer for Foreign CurrencyIs asset being held at other broker dealer for Foreign CurrencyCLIENTSuitability4/7/16 7:23 PMNULLStringYes, No
AssetAtBDForeignSecuritiesIs asset being held at other broker dealer for Foreign SecuritiesIs asset being held at other broker dealer for Foreign SecuritiesCLIENTSuitability4/7/16 7:23 PMNULLStringYes, No
AssetAtBDFutureIs asset being held at other broker dealer for FuturesIs asset being held at other broker dealer for FuturesCLIENTSuitability4/7/16 7:23 PMNULLStringYes, No
AssetAtBDInsuranceIs asset being held at other broker dealer for InsuranceIs asset being held at other broker dealer for InsuranceCLIENTSuitability4/7/16 7:23 PMNULLStringYes, No
AssetAtBDLLPIs asset being held at other broker dealer for Limited Liability PartnershipIs asset being held at other broker dealer for Limited Liability PartnershipCLIENTSuitability4/7/16 7:23 PMNULLStringYes, No
AssetAtBDManagedAcctIs asset being held at other broker dealer for Managed AccountsIs asset being held at other broker dealer for Managed AccountsCLIENTSuitability4/8/16 6:12 PMNULLStringYes, No
AssetAtBDMarginIs asset being held at other broker dealer for MarginIs asset being held at other broker dealer for MarginCLIENTSuitability4/7/16 7:23 PMNULLStringYes, No
AssetAtBDMetalsIs asset being held at other broker dealer for MetalsIs asset being held at other broker dealer for MetalsCLIENTSuitability4/7/16 7:23 PMNULLStringYes, No
AssetAtBDMutualFundIs asset being held at other broker dealer for Mutual FundsIs asset being held at other broker dealer for Mutual FundsCLIENTSuitability4/7/16 7:23 PMNULLStringYes, No
AssetAtBDOptionIs asset being held at other broker dealer for OptionsIs asset being held at other broker dealer for OptionsCLIENTSuitability4/7/16 7:23 PMNULLStringYes, No
AssetAtBDOtherIs asset being held at other broker dealer for OtherIs asset being held at other broker dealer for OtherCLIENTSuitability4/7/16 7:23 PMNULLStringYes, No
AssetAtBDRealEstateIs asset being held at other broker dealer for Real EstateIs asset being held at other broker dealer for Real EstateCLIENTSuitability4/7/16 7:23 PMNULLStringYes, No
AssetAtBDREITsIs asset being held at other broker dealer for REITsIs asset being held at other broker dealer for REITsCLIENTSuitability4/7/16 7:23 PMNULLStringYes, No
AssetAtBDSavingsIs asset being held at other broker dealer for SavingsIs asset being held at other broker dealer for SavingsCLIENTSuitability4/7/16 7:23 PMNULLStringYes, No
AssetAtBDShortTermIs asset being held at other broker dealer for Short Term InvestmentsIs asset being held at other broker dealer for Short Term InvestmentsCLIENTSuitability4/7/16 7:23 PMNULLStringYes, No
AssetAtBDStockIs asset being held at other broker dealer for StockIs asset being held at other broker dealer for StockCLIENTSuitability4/7/16 7:23 PMNULLStringYes, No
AssetAtBDUITIs asset being held at other broker dealer for Unit Investment TrustsIs asset being held at other broker dealer for Unit Investment TrustsCLIENTSuitability4/7/16 7:23 PMNULLStringYes, No
AssetAtBDVariableAnnuityIs asset being held at other broker dealer for Variable AnnuitiesIs asset being held at other broker dealer for Variable AnnuitiesCLIENTSuitability4/7/16 7:23 PMNULLStringYes, No
AssetAtBDVariableContractIs asset being held at other broker dealer for Variable ContractIs asset being held at other broker dealer for Variable ContractCLIENTSuitability4/7/16 7:23 PMNULLStringYes, No
AssetAtBDVULIs asset being held at other broker dealer for Variable LifeIs asset being held at other broker dealer for Variable LifeCLIENTSuitability4/7/16 7:23 PMNULLStringYes, No
AssetBasedPricingNameAsset Based Pricing NameAsset Based Pricing NameACCTAccount8/9/23 3:02 PMNULLStringTest Account Number
AssetDescriptionAsset DescriptionAsset DescriptionPRODUCTITEMAccount5/14/23 2:17 PMNULLNumericTest Asset
AssetInvestmentOtherOther Investment AssetName of other investmentCLIENTSuitability11/1/16 11:49 AMNULLStringAlternative Investment
AssetInvestmentOther1Other Investment Asset 1Name of other investment - instance 1CLIENTSuitability11/1/16 11:49 AMNULLStringAlternative Investment
AssetInvestmentOther2Other Investment Asset 2Name of other investment - instance 2CLIENTSuitability11/1/16 11:49 AMNULLStringAlternative Investment
AssetInvestmentOther3Other Investment Asset 3Name of other investment - instance 3CLIENTSuitability11/1/16 11:49 AMNULLStringAlternative Investment
AssetInvestmentOther4Other Investment Asset 4Name of other investment - instance 4CLIENTSuitability11/1/16 11:49 AMNULLStringAlternative Investment
AssetInvestmentOther5Other Investment Asset 5Name of other investment - instance 5CLIENTSuitability11/1/16 11:49 AMNULLStringAlternative Investment
AssetInvestmentOther6Other Investment Asset 6Name of other investment - instance 6CLIENTSuitability11/1/16 11:49 AMNULLStringAlternative Investment
AssetValueAltInvestAsset Value of Alternative InvestmentsAsset Value of Alternative InvestmentsCLIENTSuitability4/7/16 7:23 PMNULLString10
AssetValueAnnuityAsset Value of AnnuityAsset Value of AnnuityCLIENTSuitability4/7/16 7:23 PMNULLString10
AssetValueBondAsset Value of BondAsset Value of BondCLIENTSuitability4/7/16 7:23 PMNULLString10
AssetValueCashAsset Value of CashAsset Value of CashCLIENTSuitability4/7/16 7:23 PMNULLString10
AssetValueCDsAsset Value of Certificate of DepositAsset Value of Certificate of DepositCLIENTSuitability4/7/16 7:23 PMNULLString10
AssetValueCommoditiesAsset Value of CommoditiesAsset Value of CommoditiesCLIENTSuitability4/7/16 7:23 PMNULLString10
AssetValueEmpPlanAsset Value of Employer PlansAsset Value of Employer PlansCLIENTSuitability4/8/16 6:12 PMNULLString10
AssetValueETFAsset Value of Exchange Traded FundsAsset Value of Exchange Traded FundsCLIENTSuitability4/7/16 7:23 PMNULLString10
AssetValueFixedIncomeAsset Value of Fixed IncomeAsset Value of Fixed IncomeCLIENTSuitability4/7/16 7:23 PMNULLString10
AssetValueForeignCurrencyAsset Value of Foreign CurrencyAsset Value of Foreign CurrencyCLIENTSuitability4/7/16 7:23 PMNULLString10
AssetValueForeignSecuritiesAsset Value of Foreign SecuritiesAsset Value of Foreign SecuritiesCLIENTSuitability4/7/16 7:23 PMNULLString10
AssetValueFutureAsset Value of FuturesAsset Value of FuturesCLIENTSuitability4/7/16 7:23 PMNULLString10
AssetValueInsuranceAsset Value of InsuranceAsset Value of InsuranceCLIENTSuitability4/7/16 7:23 PMNULLString10
AssetValueLLPAsset Value of Limited Liability PartnershipAsset Value of Limited Liability PartnershipCLIENTSuitability4/7/16 7:23 PMNULLString10
AssetValueManagedAcctAsset Value of Managed AccountsAsset Value of Managed AccountsCLIENTSuitability4/8/16 6:12 PMNULLString10000
AssetValueMarginAsset Value of MarginAsset Value of MarginCLIENTSuitability4/7/16 7:23 PMNULLString10
AssetValueMetalsAsset Value of MetalsAsset Value of MetalsCLIENTSuitability4/7/16 7:23 PMNULLString10
AssetValueMutualFundAsset Value of Mutual FundsAsset Value of Mutual FundsCLIENTSuitability4/7/16 7:23 PMNULLString10
AssetValueOptionAsset Value of OptionsAsset Value of OptionsCLIENTSuitability4/7/16 7:23 PMNULLString10
AssetValueOtherAsset Value of OtherAsset Value of OtherCLIENTSuitability4/7/16 7:23 PMNULLString10
AssetValueOther1Asset Value of Other 1Asset Value of Other - Instance 1CLIENTSuitability11/1/16 11:49 AMNULLString10
AssetValueOther2Asset Value of Other 2Asset Value of Other - Instance 2CLIENTSuitability11/1/16 11:49 AMNULLString10
AssetValueOther3Asset Value of Other 3Asset Value of Other - Instance 3CLIENTSuitability11/1/16 11:49 AMNULLString10
AssetValueOther4Asset Value of Other 4Asset Value of Other - Instance 4CLIENTSuitability11/1/16 11:49 AMNULLString10
AssetValueOther5Asset Value of Other 5Asset Value of Other - Instance 5CLIENTSuitability11/1/16 11:49 AMNULLString10
AssetValueOther6Asset Value of Other 6Asset Value of Other - Instance 6CLIENTSuitability11/1/16 11:49 AMNULLString10
AssetValueRealEstateAsset Value of Real EstateAsset Value of Real EstateCLIENTSuitability4/7/16 7:23 PMNULLString10
AssetValueREITsAsset Value of REITsAsset Value of REITsCLIENTSuitability4/7/16 7:23 PMNULLString10
AssetValueSavingsAsset Value of SavingsAsset Value of SavingsCLIENTSuitability4/7/16 7:23 PMNULLString10
AssetValueShortTermAsset Value of Short Term InvestmentsAsset Value of Short Term InvestmentsCLIENTSuitability4/7/16 7:23 PMNULLString10
AssetValueStockAsset Value of StockAsset Value of StockCLIENTSuitability4/7/16 7:23 PMNULLString10
AssetValueUITAsset Value of Unit Investment TrustsAsset Value of Unit Investment TrustsCLIENTSuitability4/7/16 7:23 PMNULLString10
AssetValueVariableAnnuityAsset Value of Variable AnnuitiesAsset Value of Variable AnnuitiesCLIENTSuitability4/7/16 7:23 PMNULLString10
AssetValueVariableContractAsset Value of Variable ContractAsset Value of Variable ContractCLIENTSuitability4/7/16 7:23 PMNULLString10
AssetValueVULAsset Value of Variable LifeAsset Value of Variable LifeCLIENTSuitability4/7/16 7:23 PMNULLString10
AttachmentAttachment FieldA placeholder field for attachment icons to be placed where no fields existQUIKFORMINFOQuik9/14/15 12:00 AMNULLNumericNothing
AttnProduct Company AttentionProduct Company AttentionCOMPANYProdCo6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringATTN: Broker-Dealer Services
AuthElectiveDeferralsAuthorization Elective DeferralsAuthorization of Elective DeferralsACCTAccount9/7/23 12:00 AMNULLBoolean1 = Yes
AuthModeAuthorization ModeModes of authentication (i.e., Internet, Telephone, etc.)ACCTAccount6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringALL
AuthModeAuthorization ModeMode of authorization (i.e. Internet, telephone, etc.)REPRep Profile6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringALL
AuthorizationLevelAuthorization LevelAuthorization LevelACCTAccount9/7/23 12:00 AMNULLBoolean1 = Yes
AuthPartyTypeAuthorized Party TypeType of authorized partyCLIENTEmployer/Education4/8/18 8:50 AMNULLBoolean1 = Trustee
AuthSignOnBehalfAuthorized Sign On BehalfAuthorized to sign on behalf of the transaction ownerCLIENTAccount10/10/22 11:46 AMNULLBoolean0 = FALSE, 1 = TRUE
AuthTypeAuthorization TypeType code that indicates features authorized by the entity.i.e., All, Transfers, Withdrawals, Name/Address Changes, DCA, Asset Allocation, etc.ACCTAccount6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringAA
AuthTypeAuthorization TypeIndicates features authorized by the entity. Type code that qualifies the Authorization indicator.REPRep Profile6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringALL
BankCashTransAmtBank Cash Transfer AmountBank Cash Transfer AmountPRODUCTITEMProduct5/12/23 2:17 PMNULLNumeric1234
BankTransferTypeBank Transfer TypeBank or Credit Union Transfer TypePRODUCTITEMProduct5/12/23 2:17 PMNULLBoolean0 = FALSE, 1 = TRUE
BarcodeQuik! Barcode FieldBarcode FieldQUIKFORMINFOQuik7/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
Barcode3901Quik! Barcode FieldBarcode 39 FieldQUIKFORMINFOQuik11/29/06 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
Barcode3902Quik! Barcode FieldBarcode 39 FieldQUIKFORMINFOQuik11/29/06 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
Barcode3903Quik! Barcode FieldBarcode 39 FieldQUIKFORMINFOQuik11/29/06 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
Barcode3904Quik! Barcode FieldBarcode 39 FieldQUIKFORMINFOQuik11/29/06 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
BD.Addr1Broker Dealer Address Line 1Address Line 1REPBranch/Broker-Dealer6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
BD.Addr123Broker Dealer Address All LinesAddress All LinesREPBranch/Broker-Dealer6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
BD.Addr1234Broker Dealer Address All Lines w SuiteAddress All Lines w SuiteREPBranch/Broker-Dealer6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
BD.Addr2Broker Dealer Address Line 2Address Line 2REPBranch/Broker-Dealer6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
BD.Addr3Broker Dealer Address Line 3Address Line 3REPBranch/Broker-Dealer6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
BD.Addr4Broker Dealer Address Line 4Address Line 4 (not included in Addr123)REPBranch/Broker-Dealer6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
BD.AddrTypeBroker Dealer Address Type IndicatorAddress Type IndicatorREPBranch/Broker-Dealer6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
BD.AddrUnitTypeBroker Dealer Address Unit TypeAddress Unit TypeREPBranch/Broker-Dealer6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
BD.AttnBroker Dealer Attention LineAttention address lineREPBranch/Broker-Dealer6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
BD.CityBroker Dealer Address CityAddress CityREPBranch/Broker-Dealer6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
BD.CityStateBroker Dealer City StateCity State combined togetherREPBranch/Broker-Dealer6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
BD.CityStateZipBroker Dealer City State ZipCity State Zip combined togetherREPBranch/Broker-Dealer6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
BD.CountryBroker Dealer CountryCountryREPBranch/Broker-Dealer6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
BD.CountyBroker Dealer CountyCounty or ProvinceREPBranch/Broker-Dealer6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
BD.EmailBroker Dealer Email AddressEmail AddressREPBranch/Broker-Dealer6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
BD.EndDateBroker Dealer End DateDate ended residencyREPBranch/Broker-Dealer6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
BD.FaxBroker Dealer FaxFaxREPBranch/Broker-Dealer6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
BD.FaxCombBroker Dealer Fax CombFax Comb FieldREPBranch/Broker-Dealer6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
BD.ForeignRouteBroker Dealer Foreign RoutingForeign routing or postal codeREPBranch/Broker-Dealer6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
BD.FullAddrBroker Dealer Full AddressAll address lines combined togetherREPBranch/Broker-Dealer6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
BD.MobileBroker Dealer MobileMobileREPBranch/Broker-Dealer6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
BD.Mobile0Broker Dealer Mobile Country CodeMobile Country CodeREPBranch/Broker-Dealer6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
BD.Mobile1Broker Dealer Mobile Area CodeMobile Area CodeREPBranch/Broker-Dealer6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
BD.Mobile2Broker Dealer Mobile PrefixMobile PrefixREPBranch/Broker-Dealer6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
BD.Mobile3Broker Dealer Mobile Line CodeMobile Line CodeREPBranch/Broker-Dealer6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
BD.MobileCombBroker Dealer Mobile CombMobile Comb FieldREPBranch/Broker-Dealer6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
BD.OtherBroker Dealer OtherOther phoneREPBranch/Broker-Dealer6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
BD.PagerBroker Dealer PagerPagerREPBranch/Broker-Dealer6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
BD.PhoneBroker Dealer PhonePhoneREPBranch/Broker-Dealer6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
BD.Phone0Broker Dealer Phone Country CodePhone Country CodeREPBranch/Broker-Dealer6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
BD.Phone0CombBroker Dealer Phone Country Code Comb FieldPhone Country Code Comb FieldREPBranch/Broker-Dealer6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
BD.Phone1Broker Dealer Phone Area CodePhone Area CodeREPBranch/Broker-Dealer6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
BD.Phone1CombBroker Dealer Phone Area Code Comb FieldPhone Area Code Comb FieldREPBranch/Broker-Dealer6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
BD.Phone2Broker Dealer Phone PrefixPhone PrefixREPBranch/Broker-Dealer6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
BD.Phone2CombBroker Dealer Phone Prefix Comb FieldPhone Prefix Comb FieldREPBranch/Broker-Dealer6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
BD.Phone3Broker Dealer Phone Line CodePhone Line CodeREPBranch/Broker-Dealer6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
BD.Phone3CombBroker Dealer Phone Line Code Comb FieldPhone Line Code Comb FieldREPBranch/Broker-Dealer6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
BD.PhoneCombBroker Dealer Phone CombPhone Comb FieldREPBranch/Broker-Dealer6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
BD.PhoneExtBroker Dealer Phone ExtensionPhone ExtensionREPBranch/Broker-Dealer6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
BD.PhoneNumFormatBroker Dealer Phone Number FormatPhone number format for international vs domestic numbersREPBranch/Broker-Dealer6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
BD.PrimaryAddressBroker Dealer Primary AddressPrimary AddressREPBranch/Broker-Dealer6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
BD.PrimaryEmailBroker Dealer Primary EmailPrimary EmailREPBranch/Broker-Dealer6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
BD.PrimaryPhoneBroker Dealer Primary PhonePrimary PhoneREPBranch/Broker-Dealer6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
BD.StartDateBroker Dealer Start DateDate started residencyREPBranch/Broker-Dealer6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
BD.StateBroker Dealer Address StateAddress StateREPBranch/Broker-Dealer6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
BD.SuiteBroker Dealer SuiteAddress SuiteREPBranch/Broker-Dealer6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
BD.URLBroker Dealer URLWebsite address or URLREPBranch/Broker-Dealer6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
BD.ZipBroker Dealer Address ZipAddress ZipREPBranch/Broker-Dealer6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
BD.ZipCombBroker Dealer Address Zip CombAddress Zip Comb FieldREPBranch/Broker-Dealer6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
BDAcctNumBroker Dealer Account NumberBroker Dealer Account NumberACCTAccount8/11/16 12:00 AMNULLString998023-A124
BDCompanyBroker Dealer Company NameBroker Dealer Company NameREPBranch/Broker-Dealer6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringTrustman Financial Services
BDEmployeeEmployee of Broker/DealerEmployee of Broker/DealerCLIENTSuitability6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLBooleanYes, No
BDGovAgencyGovt Agency Regulating CompanyName of government agency that regulates the companyCLIENTSuitability6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringSEC
BDNumBroker Dealer NumberBroker Dealer NumberREPBranch/Broker-Dealer6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLString12345
BDOtherAcctNumAccount Number Held At Client Broker/DealerAccount Number Held At Client Broker/DealerCLIENTSuitability8/12/05 12:00 AMNULLStringA-12345
BDOtherAcctRegAccount Registration Held At Client Broker/DealerAccount Registration Held At Client Broker/DealerCLIENTSuitability8/12/05 12:00 AMNULLStringA-12345
BDOtherEmployeeEmployee of Another Broker/DealerEmployee of Another Broker/DealerCLIENTSuitability6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLBooleanYes, No
BDOtherNameName of Client Broker/DealerName of broker/dealer client is employed byCLIENTSuitability6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringFirst Bank
BDOtherRelatedRelated to Employee of Another Broker/DealerClient is related to employee of another broker/dealerCLIENTSuitability6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLBooleanYes, No
BDOtherRelatedBDNameOther Broker/Dealer Name Of Related EmployeeName of other broker/dealer where related employee worksCLIENTSuitability10/11/06 12:00 AMNULLStringTrustman Financial Services
BDOtherRelatedDescOther BrokerDealer Relationship DescriptionOther description of client relationship to employee of Broker/DealerCLIENTSuitability10/13/06 12:00 AMNULLStringEmployee is contractor
BDOtherRelatedNameName of BD Employee at Other Broker/DealerName of BD employee at other broker/dealerCLIENTSuitability6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringJohn Smith
BDRelatedRelated To Employee of Broker/DealerRelated To Employee of Broker/DealerCLIENTSuitability6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLBooleanYes, No
BDRelatedDescBrokerDealer Relationship DescriptionDescription of client relationship to employee of Broker/DealerCLIENTSuitability10/13/06 12:00 AMNULLStringEmployee is contractor
BDRelatedNameName of BD Employee Related ToName of BD Employee Related ToCLIENTSuitability6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringJohn Smith
BDRepNumBroker Dealer Rep NumberRepresentative number assigned by a broker/dealerREPBranch/Broker-Dealer5/2/22 2:13 PMNULLString2345678
BenClassPersonBeneficiary Class PersonIs the Beneficiary a class of person (e.g., grandchildren of Settlor)?  CLIENTClient Personal Info8/14/23 2:17 PMNULLBoolean0 = FALSE, 1 = TRUE
BenClassPersonDescBeneficiary Class Person DescriptionIf the Beneficiary is a class of person or unborn individual, please describe class of personCLIENTClient Personal Info8/14/23 2:17 PMNULLStringGrandchild
BeneAmtClient Beneficiary AmountAmount that beneficiary receives from client accountCLIENTBeneficiary Info6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLNumeric100000
BeneDesigTypeBeneficiary Designation TypeDesignates whether there are changes to the existing beneficiaries or if all new beneficiaries are being listedACCTAccount3/20/20 12:01 PMNULLBoolean1 = Designation of Beneficiary
BenePercClient Beneficiary PercentPercentage that beneficiary receives from client accountCLIENTBeneficiary Info6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLNumeric0.5
BenePerStirpesClient Beneficiary Per StirpesIndicates that if beneficiary predeceases the account owner the beneficiary's share of the account will pass through to the beneficiaries heirsCLIENTBeneficiary Info10/12/05 12:00 AMNULLBooleanTRUE
BeneRelationClient Beneficiary RelationshipRelationship of the beneficiary to the clientCLIENTBeneficiary Info9/25/05 12:00 AMNULLBoolean1 = Spouse 2 = Non-Spouse
BeneTypeBeneficiary TypeThe type of beneficiary (primary, contingent)CLIENTBeneficiary Info10/1/13 2:00 PMNULLBoolean1 = Primary
BenLegalPersonEntityTypeBeneficiary Legal Person Entity TypeIf the Beneficiary is a legal person that is an entity, please describe type of entityCLIENTClient Personal Info8/14/23 2:17 PMNULLStringFoundation
BenLivingNaturalPersonBeneficiary Living Natural PersonIs the Beneficiary a living natural person?CLIENTClient Personal Info8/14/23 2:17 PMNULLBoolean0 = FALSE, 1 = TRUE
BenReceivingDistributionsBeneficiary Receiving DistributionsThe Beneficiary(ies) is receiving current distributions from the TrustCLIENTClient Personal Info8/14/23 2:17 PMNULLBoolean0 = FALSE, 1 = TRUE
BenVestedInterestBeneficiary Vested InterestThe Beneficiary(ies) of the Trust has vested and/or irrevocable beneficial interestCLIENTClient Personal Info8/14/23 2:17 PMNULLBoolean0 = FALSE, 1 = TRUE
BondPremiumAmortBond Premium AmortizationBond Election - Bond Premium Amortization (tax free bonds must be amortized) - IRS Default, AlternativeACCTInvestment Profile11/1/16 11:49 AMNULLBooleanYes, No
BP.Addr1Birth Place Address Line 1Address Line 1CLIENTClient Personal Info6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
BP.Addr123Birth Place Address All LinesAddress All LinesCLIENTClient Personal Info6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
BP.Addr1234Birth Place Address All Lines w SuiteAddress All Lines w SuiteCLIENTClient Personal Info6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
BP.Addr2Birth Place Address Line 2Address Line 2CLIENTClient Personal Info6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
BP.Addr3Birth Place Address Line 3Address Line 3CLIENTClient Personal Info6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
BP.Addr4Birth Place Address Line 4Address Line 4 (not included in Addr123)CLIENTClient Personal Info6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
BP.AddrTypeBirth Place Address Type IndicatorAddress Type IndicatorCLIENTClient Personal Info6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
BP.AddrUnitTypeBirth Place Address Unit TypeAddress Unit TypeCLIENTClient Personal Info6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
BP.AttnBirth Place Attention LineAttention address lineCLIENTClient Personal Info6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
BP.CityBirth Place Address CityAddress CityCLIENTClient Personal Info6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
BP.CityStateBirth Place City StateCity State combined togetherCLIENTClient Personal Info6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
BP.CityStateZipBirth Place City State ZipCity State Zip combined togetherCLIENTClient Personal Info6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
BP.CountryBirth Place CountryCountryCLIENTClient Personal Info6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
BP.CountyBirth Place CountyCounty or ProvinceCLIENTClient Personal Info6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
BP.EmailBirth Place Email AddressEmail AddressCLIENTClient Personal Info6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
BP.EndDateBirth Place End DateDate ended residencyCLIENTClient Personal Info6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
BP.FaxBirth Place FaxFaxCLIENTClient Personal Info6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
BP.FaxCombBirth Place Fax CombFax Comb FieldCLIENTClient Personal Info6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
BP.ForeignRouteBirth Place Foreign RoutingForeign routing or postal codeCLIENTClient Personal Info6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
BP.FullAddrBirth Place Full AddressAll address lines combined togetherCLIENTClient Personal Info6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
BP.MobileBirth Place MobileMobileCLIENTClient Personal Info6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
BP.Mobile0Birth Place Mobile Country CodeMobile Country CodeCLIENTClient Personal Info6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
BP.Mobile1Birth Place Mobile Area CodeMobile Area CodeCLIENTClient Personal Info6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
BP.Mobile2Birth Place Mobile PrefixMobile PrefixCLIENTClient Personal Info6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
BP.Mobile3Birth Place Mobile Line CodeMobile Line CodeCLIENTClient Personal Info6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
BP.MobileCombBirth Place Mobile CombMobile Comb FieldCLIENTClient Personal Info6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
BP.OtherBirth Place OtherOther phoneCLIENTClient Personal Info6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
BP.PagerBirth Place PagerPagerCLIENTClient Personal Info6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
BP.PhoneBirth Place PhonePhoneCLIENTClient Personal Info6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
BP.Phone0Birth Place Phone Country CodePhone Country CodeCLIENTClient Personal Info6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
BP.Phone0CombBirth Place Phone Country Code Comb FieldPhone Country Code Comb FieldCLIENTClient Personal Info6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
BP.Phone1Birth Place Phone Area CodePhone Area CodeCLIENTClient Personal Info6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
BP.Phone1CombBirth Place Phone Area Code Comb FieldPhone Area Code Comb FieldCLIENTClient Personal Info6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
BP.Phone2Birth Place Phone PrefixPhone PrefixCLIENTClient Personal Info6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
BP.Phone2CombBirth Place Phone Prefix Comb FieldPhone Prefix Comb FieldCLIENTClient Personal Info6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
BP.Phone3Birth Place Phone Line CodePhone Line CodeCLIENTClient Personal Info6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
BP.Phone3CombBirth Place Phone Line Code Comb FieldPhone Line Code Comb FieldCLIENTClient Personal Info6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
BP.PhoneCombBirth Place Phone CombPhone Comb FieldCLIENTClient Personal Info6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
BP.PhoneExtBirth Place Phone ExtensionPhone ExtensionCLIENTClient Personal Info6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
BP.PhoneNumFormatBirth Place Phone Number FormatPhone number format for international vs domestic numbersCLIENTClient Personal Info6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
BP.PrimaryAddressBirth Place Primary AddressPrimary AddressCLIENTClient Personal Info6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
BP.PrimaryEmailBirth Place Primary EmailPrimary EmailCLIENTClient Personal Info6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
BP.PrimaryPhoneBirth Place Primary PhonePrimary PhoneCLIENTClient Personal Info6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
BP.StartDateBirth Place Start DateDate started residencyCLIENTClient Personal Info6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
BP.StateBirth Place Address StateAddress StateCLIENTClient Personal Info6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
BP.SuiteBirth Place SuiteAddress SuiteCLIENTClient Personal Info6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
BP.URLBirth Place URLWebsite address or URLCLIENTClient Personal Info6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
BP.ZipBirth Place Address ZipAddress ZipCLIENTClient Personal Info6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
BP.ZipCombBirth Place Address Zip CombAddress Zip Comb FieldCLIENTClient Personal Info6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
BR.Addr1Branch Address Line 1Address Line 1REPBranch/Broker-Dealer6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
BR.Addr1Branch Address Address Line 1Address Line 1FUNDSOURCEFundSource10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
BR.Addr123Branch Address All LinesAddress All LinesREPBranch/Broker-Dealer6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
BR.Addr123Branch Address Address All LinesAddress All LinesFUNDSOURCEFundSource10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
BR.Addr1234Branch Address All Lines w SuiteAddress All Lines w SuiteREPBranch/Broker-Dealer6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
BR.Addr1234Branch Address Address All Lines w SuiteAddress All Lines w SuiteFUNDSOURCEFundSource10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
BR.Addr2Branch Address Line 2Address Line 2REPBranch/Broker-Dealer6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
BR.Addr2Branch Address Address Line 2Address Line 2FUNDSOURCEFundSource10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
BR.Addr3Branch Address Line 3Address Line 3REPBranch/Broker-Dealer6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
BR.Addr3Branch Address Address Line 3Address Line 3FUNDSOURCEFundSource10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
BR.Addr4Branch Address Line 4Address Line 4 (not included in Addr123)REPBranch/Broker-Dealer6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
BR.Addr4Branch Address Address Line 4Address Line 4 (not included in Addr123)FUNDSOURCEFundSource10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
BR.AddrTypeBranch Address Type IndicatorAddress Type IndicatorREPBranch/Broker-Dealer6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
BR.AddrTypeBranch Address Address Type IndicatorAddress Type IndicatorFUNDSOURCEFundSource10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
BR.AddrUnitTypeBranch Address Unit TypeAddress Unit TypeREPBranch/Broker-Dealer6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
BR.AddrUnitTypeBranch Address Address Unit TypeAddress Unit TypeFUNDSOURCEFundSource10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
BR.AttnBranch Attention LineAttention address lineREPBranch/Broker-Dealer6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
BR.AttnBranch Address Attention LineAttention address lineFUNDSOURCEFundSource10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
BR.CityBranch Address CityAddress CityREPBranch/Broker-Dealer6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
BR.CityBranch Address Address CityAddress CityFUNDSOURCEFundSource10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
BR.CityStateBranch City StateCity State combined togetherREPBranch/Broker-Dealer6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
BR.CityStateBranch Address City StateCity State combined togetherFUNDSOURCEFundSource10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
BR.CityStateZipBranch City State ZipCity State Zip combined togetherREPBranch/Broker-Dealer6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
BR.CityStateZipBranch Address City State ZipCity State Zip combined togetherFUNDSOURCEFundSource10/24/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
BR.CountryBranch CountryCountryREPBranch/Broker-Dealer6/17/05 12:00 AMNULLStringNULL
BR.CountryBranch Address CountryCountryFUNDSOURCEFundSource10/24/05 12:00 AM