Base Field List
Base Field List
The Quik! Field Name below is the same base field name regardless of the parent field assigned to it.
QuikFieldName | FieldShortName | FieldDescription | DataSetType | Category | DateActive | Format | DataType | SampleData |
529PlanType | 529 Plan Type | 529 Plan Selection | ACCT | Account | 3/20/20 12:01 PM | NULL | Boolean | 1 = CollegeAmerica (American Funds) |
ABANum | ABA Routing Number | Routing path the money will follow to get to or from the fund source (i.e. the ABA routing number) | FUNDSOURCE | FundSource | 6/17/05 12:00 AM | NULL | String | ABA0001234 |
AccreditedInvestor | AccreditedInvestor | You are an accredited investor, as defined in Rule 501(a) of the Securities Act of 1933. | CLIENT | Suitability | 12/20/23 1:17 PM | NULL | Boolean | Yes, No |
AcctApproval | Account Approved By Principal | Account Approved By Principal | ACCT | Account | 6/17/05 12:00 AM | NULL | Boolean | 0 = FALSE, 1 = TRUE |
AcctCategory | Account Category | The category of account being opened | ACCT | Account | 6/17/05 12:00 AM | NULL | String | BUS |
AcctCloseDate | Account Close Date | Account Close Date | ACCT | Account | 3/18/20 12:01 PM | NULL | Date | 5/4/2019 |
AcctCloseDate | Account Closing Date OR date trust or account was closed | Date account was closed, converted or transferred | ACCT | Account | 3/18/20 12:01 PM | NULL | Date | 12/12/2004 |
AcctControlPerson | Account Control Person | Are you a control person on this account? | CLIENT | Account | 9/18/18 1:56 PM | NULL | String | Yes |
AcctDeliveryInstr | Account Delivery Instructions (DVP / RVP) | Account Delivery Instructions (DVP / RVP) (Delivery vs. Payment / Receipt vs. Payment) | ACCT | Account | 6/22/06 12:00 AM | NULL | String | Transfer |
AcctDesc | Account Description | Account Description | ACCT | Account | 4/10/24 5:52 AM | NULL | String | 1234ABC |
AcctDescStatements | Account Description Statements | Account Description For Statements | ACCT | Client Personal Info | 10/10/22 11:46 AM | NULL | String | Description |
AcctEntityOwner | Account Entity Owner | Are you an entity owner on this account? | CLIENT | Account | 9/18/18 1:56 PM | NULL | String | Yes |
AcctGroupingNums | Account Grouping Numbers | Account Grouping Numbers | ACCT | Account | 8/14/23 2:17 PM | NULL | String | 123ABC |
AcctInfo | Additional Account Info | Additional account info | FUNDSOURCE | FundSource | 6/17/05 12:00 AM | NULL | String | Additional info |
AcctInstructions | Account Instructions | Account Instructions | ACCT | Account | 9/7/23 12:00 AM | NULL | Boolean | 1 = Yes |
AcctMnemonic1 | Account Mnemonic 1 | Account Mnemonic 1 | ACCT | Account | 4/10/24 5:52 AM | NULL | String | 1234ABC |
AcctMnemonic2 | Account Mnemonic 2 | Account Mnemonic 2 | ACCT | Account | 4/10/24 5:52 AM | NULL | String | 1234ABC |
AcctNum | Account Number | Account Number | ACCT | Account | 6/17/05 12:00 AM | NULL | String | 12345 |
AcctNum | Account Number or Contract Number associated to product | Account Number or Contract Number associated to product | PRODUCTITEM | Product | 6/17/05 12:00 AM | NULL | String | ABC123456 |
AcctNum | Account Number | A unique number identifying the account from which the payment originates or to which payments should be deposited. | FUNDSOURCE | FundSource | 6/17/05 12:00 AM | NULL | String | 55555-44444 |
AcctNumBase | Account Number Base | This is the base part of the account number when used with the Account Number Prefix (see Account Number for the full value) | ACCT | Account | 4/5/08 12:00 AM | NULL | String | 456789 |
AcctNumOwners | Number of account owners or joint tenants | Number of account owners or joint tenants | ACCT | Account | 6/17/05 12:00 AM | NULL | Numeric | 2 |
AcctNumPrefix | Account Number Prefix | This is the prefix part of the account number when used with the Account Number Base (see Account Number for the full value) | ACCT | Account | 4/5/08 12:00 AM | NULL | String | 123 |
AcctObj1 | Account Objective (Primary) | Primary account objective | ACCT | Account | 4/7/06 12:00 AM | NULL | String | Growth |
AcctObj2 | Account Objective (Secondary) | Secondary account objective | ACCT | Account | 4/7/06 12:00 AM | NULL | String | Income |
AcctOpenDate | Account Opening Date OR Trust Establishment Date | Date account was opened or trust was established | ACCT | Account | 6/17/05 12:00 AM | NULL | Date | 12/12/2004 |
AcctOpenMethod | Account Opening Date OR Trust Establishment Method | Method of how account was opened | ACCT | Account | 4/8/06 12:00 AM | NULL | Boolean | 1 = Phone |
AcctOpenMethodOther | Account Opening Date OR Trust Establishment Method Other | Other method of how account was opened | ACCT | Account | 4/6/06 12:00 AM | NULL | Numeric | Quik! Software |
AcctPurpose | Purpose of Account or Insurance | The reason this account is being opened or policy is being purchased, i.e. personal, business, mortgage, profit sharing, fund IRA, retirement planning, educational, income replacement, savings, spouse insurance, guarantee insurability, key-person, cover debt, Section 303, deferred, brokerage, account update, advisory, new registration | ACCT | Account | 6/19/05 12:00 AM | NULL | Boolean | 1 - New Registration |
AcctPurposeBusCash | Account Purpose - Cash Management | Purpose of Account - Business Cash Management and Treasury | ACCT | Account | 4/26/22 10:36 AM | NULL | Boolean | 1 |
AcctPurposeBusFunding | Account Purpose - Business Funding | Purpose of Account - Business Funding | ACCT | Account | 5/2/22 2:13 PM | NULL | Boolean | 1 |
AcctPurposeBusOperation | Account Purpose - Operations Management | Purpose of Account - Business Operating Revenue and Expense Processing | ACCT | Account | 4/26/22 10:36 AM | NULL | Boolean | 1 |
AcctPurposeBusPayroll | Account Purpose - Payroll Management | Purpose of Account - Business Payroll Processing | ACCT | Account | 4/26/22 10:36 AM | NULL | Boolean | 1 |
AcctPurposeDistTrustAssets | Account Purpose - Trust Asset Distribution | Purpose of Account - Distribution of Trust Assets | ACCT | Account | 4/26/22 10:36 AM | NULL | Boolean | 1 |
AcctPurposeGeneralInv | Account Purpose - General Investments | Purpose of Account - General Investing | ACCT | Account | 4/26/22 10:36 AM | NULL | Boolean | 1 |
AcctPurposeInvBusRevenue | Account Purpose - Business Revenue Management | Purpose of Account - Investing of Business Revenue | ACCT | Account | 4/26/22 10:36 AM | NULL | Boolean | 1 |
AcctPurposeInvCollege | Account Purpose - College Investments | Purpose of Account - Investing for College | ACCT | Account | 4/26/22 10:36 AM | NULL | Boolean | 1 |
AcctPurposeInvEstatePlanning | Account Purpose - Estate Planning | Purpose of Account - Investing for Estate Planning | ACCT | Account | 4/26/22 10:36 AM | NULL | Boolean | 1 |
AcctPurposeInvPooledAssets | Account Purpose - Pooled Assets Management | Purpose of Account - Investment of Pooled Assets | ACCT | Account | 4/26/22 10:36 AM | NULL | Boolean | 1 |
AcctPurposeInvRetirement | Account Purpose - Retirement | Purpose of Account - Investing for Retirement | ACCT | Account | 4/26/22 10:36 AM | NULL | Boolean | 1 |
AcctPurposeInvTaxBenefits | Account Purpose - Tax Benefit Management | Purpose of Account - Investing for Tax Benefits | ACCT | Account | 4/26/22 10:36 AM | NULL | Boolean | 1 |
AcctPurposeInvTaxPlanning | Account Purpose - Tax Planning | Purpose of Account - Investing for Tax Planning | ACCT | Account | 4/26/22 10:36 AM | NULL | Boolean | 1 |
AcctPurposeInvTrustAssets | Account Purpose - Trust Asset Management | Purpose of Account - Investing of Trust Assets | ACCT | Account | 4/26/22 10:36 AM | NULL | Boolean | 1 |
AcctPurposeOther | Account Purpose - Other | Purpose of Account - Other Purpose Description | ACCT | Account | 4/28/22 10:36 AM | NULL | String | 1 |
AcctPurposePaymentTrustExpenses | Account Purpose - Pay Trust Expenses | Purpose of Account - Payment of Trust Expenses | ACCT | Account | 4/26/22 10:36 AM | NULL | Boolean | 1 |
AcctPurposePaymentTteComp | Account Purpose - Pay Trustees | Purpose of Account - Payment of Trustee Compensation | ACCT | Account | 4/26/22 10:36 AM | NULL | Boolean | 1 |
AcctRole | Client Role on Account | Client role on account | CLIENT | Client Personal Info | 6/17/05 12:00 AM | NULL | String | Free flow text |
AcctRoleOther | Other Field For Client Role on Account | Other field to indicate the client role on account if OTHER is chosen | CLIENT | Client Personal Info | 7/20/07 12:00 AM | NULL | String | Beneficiary |
AcctSrcOfFunds | Account Source of Funds | Source of funds for the account | ACCT | Account | 6/19/05 12:00 AM | NULL | Boolean | 1 - Income from Earnings |
AcctSrcOfFundsOther | Other Account Source of Funds | Other source of funds for the account | ACCT | Account | 8/2/06 12:00 AM | NULL | String | Transfer |
AcctState | State account is set up in | Account state | ACCT | Account | 6/17/05 12:00 AM | NULL | String | CA |
AcctStatements | Account Statements | Indicates the preference of how account statements are sent | ACCT | Account | 6/15/16 1:02 PM | NULL | Boolean | 0 = FALSE, 1 = TRUE |
AcctTransferType | Account Transfer Type | Account Transfer Type | ACCT | Account | 5/12/23 2:17 PM | NULL | Boolean | 0 = FALSE, 1 = TRUE |
AcctType | Type of Account | Type of account (cash, margin, option, etc) | ACCT | Account | 6/17/05 12:00 AM | NULL | String | NULL |
AcctType | Type of Account | Type of account associated to product | PRODUCTITEM | Product | 6/17/05 12:00 AM | NULL | String | B1 |
AcctType | Account Type | Type of account used to describe the bank information (i.e., primary bank account, cash management account, existing carrier account, etc.) | FUNDSOURCE | FundSource | 6/19/05 12:00 AM | NULL | Boolean | 1 = Checking Account |
AcctTypeOther | Other Type of Account | Other type of account (cash, margin, option, etc) | ACCT | Account | 11/12/06 12:00 AM | NULL | String | Other |
ACHTransferAmt | ACH Transfer Amount | One-time ACH Transfer amount from your checking or savings at another financial institution | ACCT | Account | 8/14/23 2:17 PM | NULL | Numeric | 45000 |
ACHTransType | ACH Transaction Type | ACH Transaction Type | ACCT | Account | 9/7/23 12:00 AM | NULL | Boolean | 1 = Yes |
AddAdditionalAcctReport | Add Additional Account Report | Add Additional Account Report | ACCT | Account | 8/9/23 3:02 PM | NULL | Boolean | 0 = FALSE, 1 = TRUE |
AdditionalAcctNum | Additional Account Number | Additional Account Number | ACCT | Account | 8/9/23 3:02 PM | NULL | String | Test Account Number |
AdditionalAcctType | Additional Account Type | Additional Account Type | ACCT | Account | 8/9/23 3:02 PM | NULL | Boolean | 0 = FALSE, 1 = TRUE |
AdditionalMasterAcctNum | Additional Master Account Number | Additional Master Account Number for Additional Account | ACCT | Account | 9/7/23 12:00 AM | NULL | String | 1234ABC |
AdditionalParticipantType | Additional Participant Type | Additional Participant Type | ACCT | Account | 9/7/23 12:00 AM | NULL | Boolean | 1 = Yes |
AddlOwners | Additional Owners | Indicates if the account has additional owners | ACCT | Account | 10/11/06 12:00 AM | NULL | Boolean | YES |
AddManagerAcctNum | AddM anager Account Number | AddM anager Account Number | ACCT | Account | 8/14/23 2:17 PM | NULL | String | 123ABC |
AddMargin | Add Margin | Add Margin | ACCT | Account | 8/14/23 2:17 PM | NULL | Boolean | 0 = FALSE, 1 = TRUE |
AddtlPrivileges | Additional Privileges | Additional Privileges | ACCT | Account | 8/14/23 2:17 PM | NULL | Boolean | 0 = FALSE, 1 = TRUE |
AddTrustedContact | Add Trusted Contact | Checkbox to indicate that a trusted contact should be added to the account record | CLIENT | Client Personal Info | 1/11/18 8:29 PM | NULL | String | YES |
AddTrustedContact | Add Trusted Contact | Checkbox to indicate that a trusted contact should be added to the account record | ACCT | Client Personal Info | 1/11/18 8:29 PM | NULL | String | YES |
AdvisorControlledFund | Advisor Controlled Fund | Advisor Controlled Fund | CLIENT | Client Personal Info | 8/9/23 3:02 PM | NULL | Boolean | 0 = FALSE, 1 = TRUE |
AdvisoryAcct | Account Advisory Flag | Indicates if account is an advisory account | ACCT | Account | 6/17/05 12:00 AM | NULL | Boolean | 0 = FALSE, 1 = TRUE |
Age | Age | Age | CLIENT | Client Personal Info | 6/17/05 12:00 AM | NULL | Numeric | 45 |
AgeBasedTracksAMAggPerc | Age Based Tracks Actively Managed Aggressive Percentage | Age Based Tracks Actively Managed Aggressive Percentage | CLIENT | Suitability | 9/7/23 12:00 AM | NULL | Numeric | 30 |
AgeBasedTracksAMModAggPerc | Age Based Tracks Actively Managed Moderate Aggressive Percentage | Age Based Tracks Actively Managed Moderate Aggressive Percentage | CLIENT | Suitability | 9/7/23 12:00 AM | NULL | Numeric | 30 |
AgeBasedTracksAMModConPerc | Age Based Tracks Actively Managed Moderate Conservative Percentage | Age Based Tracks Actively Managed Moderate Conservative Percentage | CLIENT | Suitability | 9/7/23 12:00 AM | NULL | Numeric | 30 |
AgeBasedTracksAMModPerc | Age Based Tracks Actively Managed Moderate Percentage | Age Based Tracks Actively Managed Moderate Percentage | CLIENT | Suitability | 9/7/23 12:00 AM | NULL | Numeric | 30 |
AgeBasedTracksIndexAggPerc | Age Based Tracks Index Aggressive Percentage | Age Based Tracks Index Aggressive Percentage | CLIENT | Suitability | 9/7/23 12:00 AM | NULL | Numeric | 30 |
AgeBasedTracksIndexModAggPerc | Age Based Tracks Index Moderate Aggressive Percentage | Age Based Tracks Index Moderate Aggressive Percentage | CLIENT | Suitability | 9/7/23 12:00 AM | NULL | Numeric | 30 |
AgeBasedTracksIndexModConPerc | Age Based Tracks Index Moderate Conservative Percentage | Age Based Tracks Index Moderate Conservative Percentage | CLIENT | Suitability | 9/7/23 12:00 AM | NULL | Numeric | 30 |
AgeBasedTracksIndexModPerc | Age Based Tracks Index Moderate Percentage | Age Based Tracks Index Moderate Percentage | CLIENT | Suitability | 9/7/23 12:00 AM | NULL | Numeric | 30 |
AgeRequirement | Age Requirement | Age Requirement | ACCT | Account | 9/7/23 12:00 AM | NULL | String | 1234ABC |
AgreementEffectiveDate | Agreement Effective Date | Agreement Effective Date | ACCT | Account | 9/7/23 12:00 AM | NULL | Date | 2/12/2019 |
AKA | Alternate Full Name | Alias or AKA (also known as) | CLIENT | Client Personal Info | 8/6/14 4:02 PM | NULL | String | John Doe |
AllocationFormula | Allocation Formula | Allocation Formula | ACCT | Account | 8/14/23 2:17 PM | NULL | Boolean | 0 = FALSE, 1 = TRUE |
AllowanceNum | Number of Allowances | Number of Allowances | CLIENT | Client Personal Info | 8/6/14 4:06 PM | NULL | String | 2 |
AMLRequired | AML Required | Indicates if anti-money laundering forms are needed | RULE | Rule | 10/29/10 12:00 PM | NULL | Boolean | TRUE' |
Amt | Product Allocation Amount | Amount to apply to product | PRODUCTITEM | Product | 6/17/05 12:00 AM | NULL | Numeric | 10000 |
Amt | Amount | Numeric Currency Amount | FUNDSOURCE | FundSource | 3/18/20 12:01 PM | NULL | String | 100 |
AmtAlpha | Alpha Currency Amount | Alpha Currency Amount | FUNDSOURCE | FundSource | 3/18/20 12:01 PM | NULL | String | 23 |
AmtPerc | Allocation Amount as Percentage | The percentage of the amount to be applied to the fund | PRODUCTITEM | Product | 6/17/05 12:00 AM | NULL | Numeric | 0.5 |
AnnualIncrease | Annual Increase | Option to setup annual increases of Contributions | ACCT | Account | 9/7/23 12:00 AM | NULL | Boolean | 1 = Yes |
AnnuitizeDate | Annuitization Date | Date upon which the annuitization of contract begins. | ACCT | Account | 6/17/05 12:00 AM | NULL | Date | 12/12/2004 |
AnnuityCashSurrenderAmt | Annuity Cash Surrender Amount | Annuity Cash Surrender Amount | PRODUCTITEM | Product | 5/12/23 2:17 PM | NULL | Numeric | 1234 |
AnnuitySecurityName | Annuity Security Name | Name of Annuity Security | PRODUCTITEM | Product | 5/12/23 2:17 PM | NULL | String | Test Security |
AnnuitySharesNum | Annuity Shares Number | Number of Annuity Shares | PRODUCTITEM | Product | 5/14/23 2:17 PM | NULL | String | 12345ABCDE |
AnnuitySurrenderType | Annuity Surrender Type | Annuity Surrender Type | PRODUCTITEM | Product | 5/12/23 2:17 PM | NULL | Boolean | 0 = FALSE, 1 = TRUE |
AnnuityTransferShareType | Annuity Transfer Share Type | Transfer Type for Annuity Shares | PRODUCTITEM | Product | 5/12/23 2:17 PM | NULL | Boolean | 0 = FALSE, 1 = TRUE |
AppointInvAdv | Appoint Investment Advisor | Appoint Investment Advisor to fulfill responsibilities on the account | ACCT | Account | 5/25/22 2:54 PM | NULL | Boolean | 0 = FALSE, 1 = TRUE |
AppointInvAdvInfo | Appoint Investment Advisor To Receive Info | Appoint Investment Advisor to be sent informational communications | ACCT | Account | 5/25/22 2:54 PM | NULL | Boolean | 0 = FALSE, 1 = TRUE |
AppTypeCode | Application Type Code | Indicates the type of application, i.e.: app-less, app-later, and paper app. | ACCT | Account | 6/17/05 12:00 AM | NULL | String | NOR |
AssetAtBDAltInvest | Is asset being held at other broker dealer for Alternative Investments | Is asset being held at other broker dealer for Alternative Investments | CLIENT | Suitability | 4/7/16 7:23 PM | NULL | String | Yes, No |
AssetAtBDAnnuity | Is asset being held at other broker dealer for Annuity | Is asset being held at other broker dealer for Annuity | CLIENT | Suitability | 4/7/16 7:23 PM | NULL | String | Yes, No |
AssetAtBDBond | Is asset being held at other broker dealer for Bond | Is asset being held at other broker dealer for Bond | CLIENT | Suitability | 4/7/16 7:23 PM | NULL | String | Yes, No |
AssetAtBDCash | Is asset being held at other broker dealer for Cash | Is asset being held at other broker dealer for Cash | CLIENT | Suitability | 4/7/16 7:23 PM | NULL | String | Yes, No |
AssetAtBDCDs | Is asset being held at other broker dealer for Certificate of Deposit | Is asset being held at other broker dealer for Certificate of Deposit | CLIENT | Suitability | 4/7/16 7:23 PM | NULL | String | Yes, No |
AssetAtBDCommodities | Is asset being held at other broker dealer for Commodities | Is asset being held at other broker dealer for Commodities | CLIENT | Suitability | 4/7/16 7:23 PM | NULL | String | Yes, No |
AssetAtBDEmpPlan | Is asset being held at other broker dealer for Employer Plans | Is asset being held at other broker dealer for Employer Plans | CLIENT | Suitability | 4/8/16 6:12 PM | NULL | String | Yes, No |
AssetAtBDETF | Is asset being held at other broker dealer for Exchange Traded Funds | Is asset being held at other broker dealer for Exchange Traded Funds | CLIENT | Suitability | 4/7/16 7:23 PM | NULL | String | Yes, No |
AssetAtBDFixedIncome | Is asset being held at other broker dealer for Fixed Income | Is asset being held at other broker dealer for Fixed Income | CLIENT | Suitability | 4/7/16 7:23 PM | NULL | String | Yes, No |
AssetAtBDForeignCurrency | Is asset being held at other broker dealer for Foreign Currency | Is asset being held at other broker dealer for Foreign Currency | CLIENT | Suitability | 4/7/16 7:23 PM | NULL | String | Yes, No |
AssetAtBDForeignSecurities | Is asset being held at other broker dealer for Foreign Securities | Is asset being held at other broker dealer for Foreign Securities | CLIENT | Suitability | 4/7/16 7:23 PM | NULL | String | Yes, No |
AssetAtBDFuture | Is asset being held at other broker dealer for Futures | Is asset being held at other broker dealer for Futures | CLIENT | Suitability | 4/7/16 7:23 PM | NULL | String | Yes, No |
AssetAtBDInsurance | Is asset being held at other broker dealer for Insurance | Is asset being held at other broker dealer for Insurance | CLIENT | Suitability | 4/7/16 7:23 PM | NULL | String | Yes, No |
AssetAtBDLLP | Is asset being held at other broker dealer for Limited Liability Partnership | Is asset being held at other broker dealer for Limited Liability Partnership | CLIENT | Suitability | 4/7/16 7:23 PM | NULL | String | Yes, No |
AssetAtBDManagedAcct | Is asset being held at other broker dealer for Managed Accounts | Is asset being held at other broker dealer for Managed Accounts | CLIENT | Suitability | 4/8/16 6:12 PM | NULL | String | Yes, No |
AssetAtBDMargin | Is asset being held at other broker dealer for Margin | Is asset being held at other broker dealer for Margin | CLIENT | Suitability | 4/7/16 7:23 PM | NULL | String | Yes, No |
AssetAtBDMetals | Is asset being held at other broker dealer for Metals | Is asset being held at other broker dealer for Metals | CLIENT | Suitability | 4/7/16 7:23 PM | NULL | String | Yes, No |
AssetAtBDMutualFund | Is asset being held at other broker dealer for Mutual Funds | Is asset being held at other broker dealer for Mutual Funds | CLIENT | Suitability | 4/7/16 7:23 PM | NULL | String | Yes, No |
AssetAtBDOption | Is asset being held at other broker dealer for Options | Is asset being held at other broker dealer for Options | CLIENT | Suitability | 4/7/16 7:23 PM | NULL | String | Yes, No |
AssetAtBDOther | Is asset being held at other broker dealer for Other | Is asset being held at other broker dealer for Other | CLIENT | Suitability | 4/7/16 7:23 PM | NULL | String | Yes, No |
AssetAtBDRealEstate | Is asset being held at other broker dealer for Real Estate | Is asset being held at other broker dealer for Real Estate | CLIENT | Suitability | 4/7/16 7:23 PM | NULL | String | Yes, No |
AssetAtBDREITs | Is asset being held at other broker dealer for REITs | Is asset being held at other broker dealer for REITs | CLIENT | Suitability | 4/7/16 7:23 PM | NULL | String | Yes, No |
AssetAtBDSavings | Is asset being held at other broker dealer for Savings | Is asset being held at other broker dealer for Savings | CLIENT | Suitability | 4/7/16 7:23 PM | NULL | String | Yes, No |
AssetAtBDShortTerm | Is asset being held at other broker dealer for Short Term Investments | Is asset being held at other broker dealer for Short Term Investments | CLIENT | Suitability | 4/7/16 7:23 PM | NULL | String | Yes, No |
AssetAtBDStock | Is asset being held at other broker dealer for Stock | Is asset being held at other broker dealer for Stock | CLIENT | Suitability | 4/7/16 7:23 PM | NULL | String | Yes, No |
AssetAtBDUIT | Is asset being held at other broker dealer for Unit Investment Trusts | Is asset being held at other broker dealer for Unit Investment Trusts | CLIENT | Suitability | 4/7/16 7:23 PM | NULL | String | Yes, No |
AssetAtBDVariableAnnuity | Is asset being held at other broker dealer for Variable Annuities | Is asset being held at other broker dealer for Variable Annuities | CLIENT | Suitability | 4/7/16 7:23 PM | NULL | String | Yes, No |
AssetAtBDVariableContract | Is asset being held at other broker dealer for Variable Contract | Is asset being held at other broker dealer for Variable Contract | CLIENT | Suitability | 4/7/16 7:23 PM | NULL | String | Yes, No |
AssetAtBDVUL | Is asset being held at other broker dealer for Variable Life | Is asset being held at other broker dealer for Variable Life | CLIENT | Suitability | 4/7/16 7:23 PM | NULL | String | Yes, No |
AssetBasedPricingName | Asset Based Pricing Name | Asset Based Pricing Name | ACCT | Account | 8/9/23 3:02 PM | NULL | String | Test Account Number |
AssetDescription | Asset Description | Asset Description | PRODUCTITEM | Account | 5/14/23 2:17 PM | NULL | Numeric | Test Asset |
AssetInvestmentOther | Other Investment Asset | Name of other investment | CLIENT | Suitability | 11/1/16 11:49 AM | NULL | String | Alternative Investment |
AssetInvestmentOther1 | Other Investment Asset 1 | Name of other investment - instance 1 | CLIENT | Suitability | 11/1/16 11:49 AM | NULL | String | Alternative Investment |
AssetInvestmentOther2 | Other Investment Asset 2 | Name of other investment - instance 2 | CLIENT | Suitability | 11/1/16 11:49 AM | NULL | String | Alternative Investment |
AssetInvestmentOther3 | Other Investment Asset 3 | Name of other investment - instance 3 | CLIENT | Suitability | 11/1/16 11:49 AM | NULL | String | Alternative Investment |
AssetInvestmentOther4 | Other Investment Asset 4 | Name of other investment - instance 4 | CLIENT | Suitability | 11/1/16 11:49 AM | NULL | String | Alternative Investment |
AssetInvestmentOther5 | Other Investment Asset 5 | Name of other investment - instance 5 | CLIENT | Suitability | 11/1/16 11:49 AM | NULL | String | Alternative Investment |
AssetInvestmentOther6 | Other Investment Asset 6 | Name of other investment - instance 6 | CLIENT | Suitability | 11/1/16 11:49 AM | NULL | String | Alternative Investment |
AssetValueAltInvest | Asset Value of Alternative Investments | Asset Value of Alternative Investments | CLIENT | Suitability | 4/7/16 7:23 PM | NULL | String | 10 |
AssetValueAnnuity | Asset Value of Annuity | Asset Value of Annuity | CLIENT | Suitability | 4/7/16 7:23 PM | NULL | String | 10 |
AssetValueBond | Asset Value of Bond | Asset Value of Bond | CLIENT | Suitability | 4/7/16 7:23 PM | NULL | String | 10 |
AssetValueCash | Asset Value of Cash | Asset Value of Cash | CLIENT | Suitability | 4/7/16 7:23 PM | NULL | String | 10 |
AssetValueCDs | Asset Value of Certificate of Deposit | Asset Value of Certificate of Deposit | CLIENT | Suitability | 4/7/16 7:23 PM | NULL | String | 10 |
AssetValueCommodities | Asset Value of Commodities | Asset Value of Commodities | CLIENT | Suitability | 4/7/16 7:23 PM | NULL | String | 10 |
AssetValueEmpPlan | Asset Value of Employer Plans | Asset Value of Employer Plans | CLIENT | Suitability | 4/8/16 6:12 PM | NULL | String | 10 |
AssetValueETF | Asset Value of Exchange Traded Funds | Asset Value of Exchange Traded Funds | CLIENT | Suitability | 4/7/16 7:23 PM | NULL | String | 10 |
AssetValueFixedIncome | Asset Value of Fixed Income | Asset Value of Fixed Income | CLIENT | Suitability | 4/7/16 7:23 PM | NULL | String | 10 |
AssetValueForeignCurrency | Asset Value of Foreign Currency | Asset Value of Foreign Currency | CLIENT | Suitability | 4/7/16 7:23 PM | NULL | String | 10 |
AssetValueForeignSecurities | Asset Value of Foreign Securities | Asset Value of Foreign Securities | CLIENT | Suitability | 4/7/16 7:23 PM | NULL | String | 10 |
AssetValueFuture | Asset Value of Futures | Asset Value of Futures | CLIENT | Suitability | 4/7/16 7:23 PM | NULL | String | 10 |
AssetValueInsurance | Asset Value of Insurance | Asset Value of Insurance | CLIENT | Suitability | 4/7/16 7:23 PM | NULL | String | 10 |
AssetValueLLP | Asset Value of Limited Liability Partnership | Asset Value of Limited Liability Partnership | CLIENT | Suitability | 4/7/16 7:23 PM | NULL | String | 10 |
AssetValueManagedAcct | Asset Value of Managed Accounts | Asset Value of Managed Accounts | CLIENT | Suitability | 4/8/16 6:12 PM | NULL | String | 10000 |
AssetValueMargin | Asset Value of Margin | Asset Value of Margin | CLIENT | Suitability | 4/7/16 7:23 PM | NULL | String | 10 |
AssetValueMetals | Asset Value of Metals | Asset Value of Metals | CLIENT | Suitability | 4/7/16 7:23 PM | NULL | String | 10 |
AssetValueMutualFund | Asset Value of Mutual Funds | Asset Value of Mutual Funds | CLIENT | Suitability | 4/7/16 7:23 PM | NULL | String | 10 |
AssetValueOption | Asset Value of Options | Asset Value of Options | CLIENT | Suitability | 4/7/16 7:23 PM | NULL | String | 10 |
AssetValueOther | Asset Value of Other | Asset Value of Other | CLIENT | Suitability | 4/7/16 7:23 PM | NULL | String | 10 |
AssetValueOther1 | Asset Value of Other 1 | Asset Value of Other - Instance 1 | CLIENT | Suitability | 11/1/16 11:49 AM | NULL | String | 10 |
AssetValueOther2 | Asset Value of Other 2 | Asset Value of Other - Instance 2 | CLIENT | Suitability | 11/1/16 11:49 AM | NULL | String | 10 |
AssetValueOther3 | Asset Value of Other 3 | Asset Value of Other - Instance 3 | CLIENT | Suitability | 11/1/16 11:49 AM | NULL | String | 10 |
AssetValueOther4 | Asset Value of Other 4 | Asset Value of Other - Instance 4 | CLIENT | Suitability | 11/1/16 11:49 AM | NULL | String | 10 |
AssetValueOther5 | Asset Value of Other 5 | Asset Value of Other - Instance 5 | CLIENT | Suitability | 11/1/16 11:49 AM | NULL | String | 10 |
AssetValueOther6 | Asset Value of Other 6 | Asset Value of Other - Instance 6 | CLIENT | Suitability | 11/1/16 11:49 AM | NULL | String | 10 |
AssetValueRealEstate | Asset Value of Real Estate | Asset Value of Real Estate | CLIENT | Suitability | 4/7/16 7:23 PM | NULL | String | 10 |
AssetValueREITs | Asset Value of REITs | Asset Value of REITs | CLIENT | Suitability | 4/7/16 7:23 PM | NULL | String | 10 |
AssetValueSavings | Asset Value of Savings | Asset Value of Savings | CLIENT | Suitability | 4/7/16 7:23 PM | NULL | String | 10 |
AssetValueShortTerm | Asset Value of Short Term Investments | Asset Value of Short Term Investments | CLIENT | Suitability | 4/7/16 7:23 PM | NULL | String | 10 |
AssetValueStock | Asset Value of Stock | Asset Value of Stock | CLIENT | Suitability | 4/7/16 7:23 PM | NULL | String | 10 |
AssetValueUIT | Asset Value of Unit Investment Trusts | Asset Value of Unit Investment Trusts | CLIENT | Suitability | 4/7/16 7:23 PM | NULL | String | 10 |
AssetValueVariableAnnuity | Asset Value of Variable Annuities | Asset Value of Variable Annuities | CLIENT | Suitability | 4/7/16 7:23 PM | NULL | String | 10 |
AssetValueVariableContract | Asset Value of Variable Contract | Asset Value of Variable Contract | CLIENT | Suitability | 4/7/16 7:23 PM | NULL | String | 10 |
AssetValueVUL | Asset Value of Variable Life | Asset Value of Variable Life | CLIENT | Suitability | 4/7/16 7:23 PM | NULL | String | 10 |
Attachment | Attachment Field | A placeholder field for attachment icons to be placed where no fields exist | QUIKFORMINFO | Quik | 9/14/15 12:00 AM | NULL | Numeric | Nothing |
Attn | Product Company Attention | Product Company Attention | COMPANY | ProdCo | 6/17/05 12:00 AM | NULL | String | ATTN: Broker-Dealer Services |
AuthElectiveDeferrals | Authorization Elective Deferrals | Authorization of Elective Deferrals | ACCT | Account | 9/7/23 12:00 AM | NULL | Boolean | 1 = Yes |
AuthMode | Authorization Mode | Modes of authentication (i.e., Internet, Telephone, etc.) | ACCT | Account | 6/17/05 12:00 AM | NULL | String | ALL |
AuthMode | Authorization Mode | Mode of authorization (i.e. Internet, telephone, etc.) | REP | Rep Profile | 6/17/05 12:00 AM | NULL | String | ALL |
AuthorizationLevel | Authorization Level | Authorization Level | ACCT | Account | 9/7/23 12:00 AM | NULL | Boolean | 1 = Yes |
AuthPartyType | Authorized Party Type | Type of authorized party | CLIENT | Employer/Education | 4/8/18 8:50 AM | NULL | Boolean | 1 = Trustee |
AuthSignOnBehalf | Authorized Sign On Behalf | Authorized to sign on behalf of the transaction owner | CLIENT | Account | 10/10/22 11:46 AM | NULL | Boolean | 0 = FALSE, 1 = TRUE |
AuthType | Authorization Type | Type code that indicates features authorized by the entity.i.e., All, Transfers, Withdrawals, Name/Address Changes, DCA, Asset Allocation, etc. | ACCT | Account | 6/17/05 12:00 AM | NULL | String | AA |
AuthType | Authorization Type | Indicates features authorized by the entity. Type code that qualifies the Authorization indicator. | REP | Rep Profile | 6/17/05 12:00 AM | NULL | String | ALL |
BankCashTransAmt | Bank Cash Transfer Amount | Bank Cash Transfer Amount | PRODUCTITEM | Product | 5/12/23 2:17 PM | NULL | Numeric | 1234 |
BankTransferType | Bank Transfer Type | Bank or Credit Union Transfer Type | PRODUCTITEM | Product | 5/12/23 2:17 PM | NULL | Boolean | 0 = FALSE, 1 = TRUE |
Barcode | Quik! Barcode Field | Barcode Field | QUIKFORMINFO | Quik | 7/17/05 12:00 AM | NULL | String | NULL |
Barcode3901 | Quik! Barcode Field | Barcode 39 Field | QUIKFORMINFO | Quik | 11/29/06 12:00 AM | NULL | String | NULL |
Barcode3902 | Quik! Barcode Field | Barcode 39 Field | QUIKFORMINFO | Quik | 11/29/06 12:00 AM | NULL | String | NULL |
Barcode3903 | Quik! Barcode Field | Barcode 39 Field | QUIKFORMINFO | Quik | 11/29/06 12:00 AM | NULL | String | NULL |
Barcode3904 | Quik! Barcode Field | Barcode 39 Field | QUIKFORMINFO | Quik | 11/29/06 12:00 AM | NULL | String | NULL |
BD.Addr1 | Broker Dealer Address Line 1 | Address Line 1 | REP | Branch/Broker-Dealer | 6/17/05 12:00 AM | NULL | String | NULL |
BD.Addr123 | Broker Dealer Address All Lines | Address All Lines | REP | Branch/Broker-Dealer | 6/17/05 12:00 AM | NULL | String | NULL |
BD.Addr1234 | Broker Dealer Address All Lines w Suite | Address All Lines w Suite | REP | Branch/Broker-Dealer | 6/17/05 12:00 AM | NULL | String | NULL |
BD.Addr2 | Broker Dealer Address Line 2 | Address Line 2 | REP | Branch/Broker-Dealer | 6/17/05 12:00 AM | NULL | String | NULL |
BD.Addr3 | Broker Dealer Address Line 3 | Address Line 3 | REP | Branch/Broker-Dealer | 6/17/05 12:00 AM | NULL | String | NULL |
BD.Addr4 | Broker Dealer Address Line 4 | Address Line 4 (not included in Addr123) | REP | Branch/Broker-Dealer | 6/17/05 12:00 AM | NULL | String | NULL |
BD.AddrType | Broker Dealer Address Type Indicator | Address Type Indicator | REP | Branch/Broker-Dealer | 6/17/05 12:00 AM | NULL | String | NULL |
BD.AddrUnitType | Broker Dealer Address Unit Type | Address Unit Type | REP | Branch/Broker-Dealer | 6/17/05 12:00 AM | NULL | String | NULL |
BD.Attn | Broker Dealer Attention Line | Attention address line | REP | Branch/Broker-Dealer | 6/17/05 12:00 AM | NULL | String | NULL |
BD.City | Broker Dealer Address City | Address City | REP | Branch/Broker-Dealer | 6/17/05 12:00 AM | NULL | String | NULL |
BD.CityState | Broker Dealer City State | City State combined together | REP | Branch/Broker-Dealer | 6/17/05 12:00 AM | NULL | String | NULL |
BD.CityStateZip | Broker Dealer City State Zip | City State Zip combined together | REP | Branch/Broker-Dealer | 6/17/05 12:00 AM | NULL | String | NULL |
BD.Country | Broker Dealer Country | Country | REP | Branch/Broker-Dealer | 6/17/05 12:00 AM | NULL | String | NULL |
BD.County | Broker Dealer County | County or Province | REP | Branch/Broker-Dealer | 6/17/05 12:00 AM | NULL | String | NULL |
BD.Email | Broker Dealer Email Address | Email Address | REP | Branch/Broker-Dealer | 6/17/05 12:00 AM | NULL | String | NULL |
BD.EndDate | Broker Dealer End Date | Date ended residency | REP | Branch/Broker-Dealer | 6/17/05 12:00 AM | NULL | String | NULL |
BD.Fax | Broker Dealer Fax | Fax | REP | Branch/Broker-Dealer | 6/17/05 12:00 AM | NULL | String | NULL |
BD.FaxComb | Broker Dealer Fax Comb | Fax Comb Field | REP | Branch/Broker-Dealer | 6/17/05 12:00 AM | NULL | String | NULL |
BD.ForeignRoute | Broker Dealer Foreign Routing | Foreign routing or postal code | REP | Branch/Broker-Dealer | 6/17/05 12:00 AM | NULL | String | NULL |
BD.FullAddr | Broker Dealer Full Address | All address lines combined together | REP | Branch/Broker-Dealer | 6/17/05 12:00 AM | NULL | String | NULL |
BD.Mobile | Broker Dealer Mobile | Mobile | REP | Branch/Broker-Dealer | 6/17/05 12:00 AM | NULL | String | NULL |
BD.Mobile0 | Broker Dealer Mobile Country Code | Mobile Country Code | REP | Branch/Broker-Dealer | 6/17/05 12:00 AM | NULL | String | NULL |
BD.Mobile1 | Broker Dealer Mobile Area Code | Mobile Area Code | REP | Branch/Broker-Dealer | 6/17/05 12:00 AM | NULL | String | NULL |
BD.Mobile2 | Broker Dealer Mobile Prefix | Mobile Prefix | REP | Branch/Broker-Dealer | 6/17/05 12:00 AM | NULL | String | NULL |
BD.Mobile3 | Broker Dealer Mobile Line Code | Mobile Line Code | REP | Branch/Broker-Dealer | 6/17/05 12:00 AM | NULL | String | NULL |
BD.MobileComb | Broker Dealer Mobile Comb | Mobile Comb Field | REP | Branch/Broker-Dealer | 6/17/05 12:00 AM | NULL | String | NULL |
BD.Other | Broker Dealer Other | Other phone | REP | Branch/Broker-Dealer | 6/17/05 12:00 AM | NULL | String | NULL |
BD.Pager | Broker Dealer Pager | Pager | REP | Branch/Broker-Dealer | 6/17/05 12:00 AM | NULL | String | NULL |
BD.Phone | Broker Dealer Phone | Phone | REP | Branch/Broker-Dealer | 6/17/05 12:00 AM | NULL | String | NULL |
BD.Phone0 | Broker Dealer Phone Country Code | Phone Country Code | REP | Branch/Broker-Dealer | 6/17/05 12:00 AM | NULL | String | NULL |
BD.Phone0Comb | Broker Dealer Phone Country Code Comb Field | Phone Country Code Comb Field | REP | Branch/Broker-Dealer | 6/17/05 12:00 AM | NULL | String | NULL |
BD.Phone1 | Broker Dealer Phone Area Code | Phone Area Code | REP | Branch/Broker-Dealer | 6/17/05 12:00 AM | NULL | String | NULL |
BD.Phone1Comb | Broker Dealer Phone Area Code Comb Field | Phone Area Code Comb Field | REP | Branch/Broker-Dealer | 6/17/05 12:00 AM | NULL | String | NULL |
BD.Phone2 | Broker Dealer Phone Prefix | Phone Prefix | REP | Branch/Broker-Dealer | 6/17/05 12:00 AM | NULL | String | NULL |
BD.Phone2Comb | Broker Dealer Phone Prefix Comb Field | Phone Prefix Comb Field | REP | Branch/Broker-Dealer | 6/17/05 12:00 AM | NULL | String | NULL |
BD.Phone3 | Broker Dealer Phone Line Code | Phone Line Code | REP | Branch/Broker-Dealer | 6/17/05 12:00 AM | NULL | String | NULL |
BD.Phone3Comb | Broker Dealer Phone Line Code Comb Field | Phone Line Code Comb Field | REP | Branch/Broker-Dealer | 6/17/05 12:00 AM | NULL | String | NULL |
BD.PhoneComb | Broker Dealer Phone Comb | Phone Comb Field | REP | Branch/Broker-Dealer | 6/17/05 12:00 AM | NULL | String | NULL |
BD.PhoneExt | Broker Dealer Phone Extension | Phone Extension | REP | Branch/Broker-Dealer | 6/17/05 12:00 AM | NULL | String | NULL |
BD.PhoneNumFormat | Broker Dealer Phone Number Format | Phone number format for international vs domestic numbers | REP | Branch/Broker-Dealer | 6/17/05 12:00 AM | NULL | String | NULL |
BD.PrimaryAddress | Broker Dealer Primary Address | Primary Address | REP | Branch/Broker-Dealer | 6/17/05 12:00 AM | NULL | String | NULL |
BD.PrimaryEmail | Broker Dealer Primary Email | Primary Email | REP | Branch/Broker-Dealer | 6/17/05 12:00 AM | NULL | String | NULL |
BD.PrimaryPhone | Broker Dealer Primary Phone | Primary Phone | REP | Branch/Broker-Dealer | 6/17/05 12:00 AM | NULL | String | NULL |
BD.StartDate | Broker Dealer Start Date | Date started residency | REP | Branch/Broker-Dealer | 6/17/05 12:00 AM | NULL | String | NULL |
BD.State | Broker Dealer Address State | Address State | REP | Branch/Broker-Dealer | 6/17/05 12:00 AM | NULL | String | NULL |
BD.Suite | Broker Dealer Suite | Address Suite | REP | Branch/Broker-Dealer | 6/17/05 12:00 AM | NULL | String | NULL |
BD.URL | Broker Dealer URL | Website address or URL | REP | Branch/Broker-Dealer | 6/17/05 12:00 AM | NULL | String | NULL |
BD.Zip | Broker Dealer Address Zip | Address Zip | REP | Branch/Broker-Dealer | 6/17/05 12:00 AM | NULL | String | NULL |
BD.ZipComb | Broker Dealer Address Zip Comb | Address Zip Comb Field | REP | Branch/Broker-Dealer | 6/17/05 12:00 AM | NULL | String | NULL |
BDAcctNum | Broker Dealer Account Number | Broker Dealer Account Number | ACCT | Account | 8/11/16 12:00 AM | NULL | String | 998023-A124 |
BDCompany | Broker Dealer Company Name | Broker Dealer Company Name | REP | Branch/Broker-Dealer | 6/17/05 12:00 AM | NULL | String | Trustman Financial Services |
BDEmployee | Employee of Broker/Dealer | Employee of Broker/Dealer | CLIENT | Suitability | 6/17/05 12:00 AM | NULL | Boolean | Yes, No |
BDGovAgency | Govt Agency Regulating Company | Name of government agency that regulates the company | CLIENT | Suitability | 6/17/05 12:00 AM | NULL | String | SEC |
BDNum | Broker Dealer Number | Broker Dealer Number | REP | Branch/Broker-Dealer | 6/17/05 12:00 AM | NULL | String | 12345 |
BDOtherAcctNum | Account Number Held At Client Broker/Dealer | Account Number Held At Client Broker/Dealer | CLIENT | Suitability | 8/12/05 12:00 AM | NULL | String | A-12345 |
BDOtherAcctReg | Account Registration Held At Client Broker/Dealer | Account Registration Held At Client Broker/Dealer | CLIENT | Suitability | 8/12/05 12:00 AM | NULL | String | A-12345 |
BDOtherEmployee | Employee of Another Broker/Dealer | Employee of Another Broker/Dealer | CLIENT | Suitability | 6/17/05 12:00 AM | NULL | Boolean | Yes, No |
BDOtherName | Name of Client Broker/Dealer | Name of broker/dealer client is employed by | CLIENT | Suitability | 6/17/05 12:00 AM | NULL | String | First Bank |
BDOtherRelated | Related to Employee of Another Broker/Dealer | Client is related to employee of another broker/dealer | CLIENT | Suitability | 6/17/05 12:00 AM | NULL | Boolean | Yes, No |
BDOtherRelatedBDName | Other Broker/Dealer Name Of Related Employee | Name of other broker/dealer where related employee works | CLIENT | Suitability | 10/11/06 12:00 AM | NULL | String | Trustman Financial Services |
BDOtherRelatedDesc | Other BrokerDealer Relationship Description | Other description of client relationship to employee of Broker/Dealer | CLIENT | Suitability | 10/13/06 12:00 AM | NULL | String | Employee is contractor |
BDOtherRelatedName | Name of BD Employee at Other Broker/Dealer | Name of BD employee at other broker/dealer | CLIENT | Suitability | 6/17/05 12:00 AM | NULL | String | John Smith |
BDRelated | Related To Employee of Broker/Dealer | Related To Employee of Broker/Dealer | CLIENT | Suitability | 6/17/05 12:00 AM | NULL | Boolean | Yes, No |
BDRelatedDesc | BrokerDealer Relationship Description | Description of client relationship to employee of Broker/Dealer | CLIENT | Suitability | 10/13/06 12:00 AM | NULL | String | Employee is contractor |
BDRelatedName | Name of BD Employee Related To | Name of BD Employee Related To | CLIENT | Suitability | 6/17/05 12:00 AM | NULL | String | John Smith |
BDRepNum | Broker Dealer Rep Number | Representative number assigned by a broker/dealer | REP | Branch/Broker-Dealer | 5/2/22 2:13 PM | NULL | String | 2345678 |
BenClassPerson | Beneficiary Class Person | Is the Beneficiary a class of person (e.g., grandchildren of Settlor)? | CLIENT | Client Personal Info | 8/14/23 2:17 PM | NULL | Boolean | 0 = FALSE, 1 = TRUE |
BenClassPersonDesc | Beneficiary Class Person Description | If the Beneficiary is a class of person or unborn individual, please describe class of person | CLIENT | Client Personal Info | 8/14/23 2:17 PM | NULL | String | Grandchild |
BeneAmt | Client Beneficiary Amount | Amount that beneficiary receives from client account | CLIENT | Beneficiary Info | 6/17/05 12:00 AM | NULL | Numeric | 100000 |
BeneDesigType | Beneficiary Designation Type | Designates whether there are changes to the existing beneficiaries or if all new beneficiaries are being listed | ACCT | Account | 3/20/20 12:01 PM | NULL | Boolean | 1 = Designation of Beneficiary |
BenePerc | Client Beneficiary Percent | Percentage that beneficiary receives from client account | CLIENT | Beneficiary Info | 6/17/05 12:00 AM | NULL | Numeric | 0.5 |
BenePerStirpes | Client Beneficiary Per Stirpes | Indicates that if beneficiary predeceases the account owner the beneficiary's share of the account will pass through to the beneficiaries heirs | CLIENT | Beneficiary Info | 10/12/05 12:00 AM | NULL | Boolean | TRUE |
BeneRelation | Client Beneficiary Relationship | Relationship of the beneficiary to the client | CLIENT | Beneficiary Info | 9/25/05 12:00 AM | NULL | Boolean | 1 = Spouse 2 = Non-Spouse |
BeneType | Beneficiary Type | The type of beneficiary (primary, contingent) | CLIENT | Beneficiary Info | 10/1/13 2:00 PM | NULL | Boolean | 1 = Primary |
BenLegalPersonEntityType | Beneficiary Legal Person Entity Type | If the Beneficiary is a legal person that is an entity, please describe type of entity | CLIENT | Client Personal Info | 8/14/23 2:17 PM | NULL | String | Foundation |
BenLivingNaturalPerson | Beneficiary Living Natural Person | Is the Beneficiary a living natural person? | CLIENT | Client Personal Info | 8/14/23 2:17 PM | NULL | Boolean | 0 = FALSE, 1 = TRUE |
BenReceivingDistributions | Beneficiary Receiving Distributions | The Beneficiary(ies) is receiving current distributions from the Trust | CLIENT | Client Personal Info | 8/14/23 2:17 PM | NULL | Boolean | 0 = FALSE, 1 = TRUE |
BenVestedInterest | Beneficiary Vested Interest | The Beneficiary(ies) of the Trust has vested and/or irrevocable beneficial interest | CLIENT | Client Personal Info | 8/14/23 2:17 PM | NULL | Boolean | 0 = FALSE, 1 = TRUE |
BondPremiumAmort | Bond Premium Amortization | Bond Election - Bond Premium Amortization (tax free bonds must be amortized) - IRS Default, Alternative | ACCT | Investment Profile | 11/1/16 11:49 AM | NULL | Boolean | Yes, No |
BP.Addr1 | Birth Place Address Line 1 | Address Line 1 | CLIENT | Client Personal Info | 6/17/05 12:00 AM | NULL | String | NULL |
BP.Addr123 | Birth Place Address All Lines | Address All Lines | CLIENT | Client Personal Info | 6/17/05 12:00 AM | NULL | String | NULL |
BP.Addr1234 | Birth Place Address All Lines w Suite | Address All Lines w Suite | CLIENT | Client Personal Info | 6/17/05 12:00 AM | NULL | String | NULL |
BP.Addr2 | Birth Place Address Line 2 | Address Line 2 | CLIENT | Client Personal Info | 6/17/05 12:00 AM | NULL | String | NULL |
BP.Addr3 | Birth Place Address Line 3 | Address Line 3 | CLIENT | Client Personal Info | 6/17/05 12:00 AM | NULL | String | NULL |
BP.Addr4 | Birth Place Address Line 4 | Address Line 4 (not included in Addr123) | CLIENT | Client Personal Info | 6/17/05 12:00 AM | NULL | String | NULL |
BP.AddrType | Birth Place Address Type Indicator | Address Type Indicator | CLIENT | Client Personal Info | 6/17/05 12:00 AM | NULL | String | NULL |
BP.AddrUnitType | Birth Place Address Unit Type | Address Unit Type | CLIENT | Client Personal Info | 6/17/05 12:00 AM | NULL | String | NULL |
BP.Attn | Birth Place Attention Line | Attention address line | CLIENT | Client Personal Info | 6/17/05 12:00 AM | NULL | String | NULL |
BP.City | Birth Place Address City | Address City | CLIENT | Client Personal Info | 6/17/05 12:00 AM | NULL | String | NULL |
BP.CityState | Birth Place City State | City State combined together | CLIENT | Client Personal Info | 6/17/05 12:00 AM | NULL | String | NULL |
BP.CityStateZip | Birth Place City State Zip | City State Zip combined together | CLIENT | Client Personal Info | 6/17/05 12:00 AM | NULL | String | NULL |
BP.Country | Birth Place Country | Country | CLIENT | Client Personal Info | 6/17/05 12:00 AM | NULL | String | NULL |
BP.County | Birth Place County | County or Province | CLIENT | Client Personal Info | 6/17/05 12:00 AM | NULL | String | NULL |
BP.Email | Birth Place Email Address | Email Address | CLIENT | Client Personal Info | 6/17/05 12:00 AM | NULL | String | NULL |
BP.EndDate | Birth Place End Date | Date ended residency | CLIENT | Client Personal Info | 6/17/05 12:00 AM | NULL | String | NULL |
BP.Fax | Birth Place Fax | Fax | CLIENT | Client Personal Info | 6/17/05 12:00 AM | NULL | String | NULL |
BP.FaxComb | Birth Place Fax Comb | Fax Comb Field | CLIENT | Client Personal Info | 6/17/05 12:00 AM | NULL | String | NULL |
BP.ForeignRoute | Birth Place Foreign Routing | Foreign routing or postal code | CLIENT | Client Personal Info | 6/17/05 12:00 AM | NULL | String | NULL |
BP.FullAddr | Birth Place Full Address | All address lines combined together | CLIENT | Client Personal Info | 6/17/05 12:00 AM | NULL | String | NULL |
BP.Mobile | Birth Place Mobile | Mobile | CLIENT | Client Personal Info | 6/17/05 12:00 AM | NULL | String | NULL |
BP.Mobile0 | Birth Place Mobile Country Code | Mobile Country Code | CLIENT | Client Personal Info | 6/17/05 12:00 AM | NULL | String | NULL |
BP.Mobile1 | Birth Place Mobile Area Code | Mobile Area Code | CLIENT | Client Personal Info | 6/17/05 12:00 AM | NULL | String | NULL |
BP.Mobile2 | Birth Place Mobile Prefix | Mobile Prefix | CLIENT | Client Personal Info | 6/17/05 12:00 AM | NULL | String | NULL |
BP.Mobile3 | Birth Place Mobile Line Code | Mobile Line Code | CLIENT | Client Personal Info | 6/17/05 12:00 AM | NULL | String | NULL |
BP.MobileComb | Birth Place Mobile Comb | Mobile Comb Field | CLIENT | Client Personal Info | 6/17/05 12:00 AM | NULL | String | NULL |
BP.Other | Birth Place Other | Other phone | CLIENT | Client Personal Info | 6/17/05 12:00 AM | NULL | String | NULL |
BP.Pager | Birth Place Pager | Pager | CLIENT | Client Personal Info | 6/17/05 12:00 AM | NULL | String | NULL |
BP.Phone | Birth Place Phone | Phone | CLIENT | Client Personal Info | 6/17/05 12:00 AM | NULL | String | NULL |
BP.Phone0 | Birth Place Phone Country Code | Phone Country Code | CLIENT | Client Personal Info | 6/17/05 12:00 AM | NULL | String | NULL |
BP.Phone0Comb | Birth Place Phone Country Code Comb Field | Phone Country Code Comb Field | CLIENT | Client Personal Info | 6/17/05 12:00 AM | NULL | String | NULL |
BP.Phone1 | Birth Place Phone Area Code | Phone Area Code | CLIENT | Client Personal Info | 6/17/05 12:00 AM | NULL | String | NULL |
BP.Phone1Comb | Birth Place Phone Area Code Comb Field | Phone Area Code Comb Field | CLIENT | Client Personal Info | 6/17/05 12:00 AM | NULL | String | NULL |
BP.Phone2 | Birth Place Phone Prefix | Phone Prefix | CLIENT | Client Personal Info | 6/17/05 12:00 AM | NULL | String | NULL |
BP.Phone2Comb | Birth Place Phone Prefix Comb Field | Phone Prefix Comb Field | CLIENT | Client Personal Info | 6/17/05 12:00 AM | NULL | String | NULL |
BP.Phone3 | Birth Place Phone Line Code | Phone Line Code | CLIENT | Client Personal Info | 6/17/05 12:00 AM | NULL | String | NULL |
BP.Phone3Comb | Birth Place Phone Line Code Comb Field | Phone Line Code Comb Field | CLIENT | Client Personal Info | 6/17/05 12:00 AM | NULL | String | NULL |
BP.PhoneComb | Birth Place Phone Comb | Phone Comb Field | CLIENT | Client Personal Info | 6/17/05 12:00 AM | NULL | String | NULL |
BP.PhoneExt | Birth Place Phone Extension | Phone Extension | CLIENT | Client Personal Info | 6/17/05 12:00 AM | NULL | String | NULL |
BP.PhoneNumFormat | Birth Place Phone Number Format | Phone number format for international vs domestic numbers | CLIENT | Client Personal Info | 6/17/05 12:00 AM | NULL | String | NULL |
BP.PrimaryAddress | Birth Place Primary Address | Primary Address | CLIENT | Client Personal Info | 6/17/05 12:00 AM | NULL | String | NULL |
BP.PrimaryEmail | Birth Place Primary Email | Primary Email | CLIENT | Client Personal Info | 6/17/05 12:00 AM | NULL | String | NULL |
BP.PrimaryPhone | Birth Place Primary Phone | Primary Phone | CLIENT | Client Personal Info | 6/17/05 12:00 AM | NULL | String | NULL |
BP.StartDate | Birth Place Start Date | Date started residency | CLIENT | Client Personal Info | 6/17/05 12:00 AM | NULL | String | NULL |
BP.State | Birth Place Address State | Address State | CLIENT | Client Personal Info | 6/17/05 12:00 AM | NULL | String | NULL |
BP.Suite | Birth Place Suite | Address Suite | CLIENT | Client Personal Info | 6/17/05 12:00 AM | NULL | String | NULL |
BP.URL | Birth Place URL | Website address or URL | CLIENT | Client Personal Info | 6/17/05 12:00 AM | NULL | String | NULL |
BP.Zip | Birth Place Address Zip | Address Zip | CLIENT | Client Personal Info | 6/17/05 12:00 AM | NULL | String | NULL |
BP.ZipComb | Birth Place Address Zip Comb | Address Zip Comb Field | CLIENT | Client Personal Info | 6/17/05 12:00 AM | NULL | String | NULL |
BR.Addr1 | Branch Address Line 1 | Address Line 1 | REP | Branch/Broker-Dealer | 6/17/05 12:00 AM | NULL | String | NULL |
BR.Addr1 | Branch Address Address Line 1 | Address Line 1 | FUNDSOURCE | FundSource | 10/24/05 12:00 AM | NULL | String | NULL |
BR.Addr123 | Branch Address All Lines | Address All Lines | REP | Branch/Broker-Dealer | 6/17/05 12:00 AM | NULL | String | NULL |
BR.Addr123 | Branch Address Address All Lines | Address All Lines | FUNDSOURCE | FundSource | 10/24/05 12:00 AM | NULL | String | NULL |
BR.Addr1234 | Branch Address All Lines w Suite | Address All Lines w Suite | REP | Branch/Broker-Dealer | 6/17/05 12:00 AM | NULL | String | NULL |
BR.Addr1234 | Branch Address Address All Lines w Suite | Address All Lines w Suite | FUNDSOURCE | FundSource | 10/24/05 12:00 AM | NULL | String | NULL |
BR.Addr2 | Branch Address Line 2 | Address Line 2 | REP | Branch/Broker-Dealer | 6/17/05 12:00 AM | NULL | String | NULL |
BR.Addr2 | Branch Address Address Line 2 | Address Line 2 | FUNDSOURCE | FundSource | 10/24/05 12:00 AM | NULL | String | NULL |
BR.Addr3 | Branch Address Line 3 | Address Line 3 | REP | Branch/Broker-Dealer | 6/17/05 12:00 AM | NULL | String | NULL |
BR.Addr3 | Branch Address Address Line 3 | Address Line 3 | FUNDSOURCE | FundSource | 10/24/05 12:00 AM | NULL | String | NULL |
BR.Addr4 | Branch Address Line 4 | Address Line 4 (not included in Addr123) | REP | Branch/Broker-Dealer | 6/17/05 12:00 AM | NULL | String | NULL |
BR.Addr4 | Branch Address Address Line 4 | Address Line 4 (not included in Addr123) | FUNDSOURCE | FundSource | 10/24/05 12:00 AM | NULL | String | NULL |
BR.AddrType | Branch Address Type Indicator | Address Type Indicator | REP | Branch/Broker-Dealer | 6/17/05 12:00 AM | NULL | String | NULL |
BR.AddrType | Branch Address Address Type Indicator | Address Type Indicator | FUNDSOURCE | FundSource | 10/24/05 12:00 AM | NULL | String | NULL |
BR.AddrUnitType | Branch Address Unit Type | Address Unit Type | REP | Branch/Broker-Dealer | 6/17/05 12:00 AM | NULL | String | NULL |
BR.AddrUnitType | Branch Address Address Unit Type | Address Unit Type | FUNDSOURCE | FundSource | 10/24/05 12:00 AM | NULL | String | NULL |
BR.Attn | Branch Attention Line | Attention address line | REP | Branch/Broker-Dealer | 6/17/05 12:00 AM | NULL | String | NULL |
BR.Attn | Branch Address Attention Line | Attention address line | FUNDSOURCE | FundSource | 10/24/05 12:00 AM | NULL | String | NULL |
BR.City | Branch Address City | Address City | REP | Branch/Broker-Dealer | 6/17/05 12:00 AM | NULL | String | NULL |
BR.City | Branch Address Address City | Address City | FUNDSOURCE | FundSource | 10/24/05 12:00 AM | NULL | String | NULL |
BR.CityState | Branch City State | City State combined together | REP | Branch/Broker-Dealer | 6/17/05 12:00 AM | NULL | String | NULL |
BR.CityState | Branch Address City State | City State combined together | FUNDSOURCE | FundSource | 10/24/05 12:00 AM | NULL | String | NULL |
BR.CityStateZip | Branch City State Zip | City State Zip combined together | REP | Branch/Broker-Dealer | 6/17/05 12:00 AM | NULL | String | NULL |
BR.CityStateZip | Branch Address City State Zip | City State Zip combined together | FUNDSOURCE | FundSource | 10/24/05 12:00 AM | NULL | String | NULL |
BR.Country | Branch Country | Country | REP | Branch/Broker-Dealer | 6/17/05 12:00 AM | NULL | String | NULL |
BR.Country | Branch Address Country | Country | FUNDSOURCE | FundSource | 10/24/05 12:00 AM |