The steps to setting up and running the Quik! Forms Engine are listed below.
Place the DLL in your application’s BIN folder.
Create a reference to the .NET DLL within your project
Instantiate the QuikFormsEngine as an object
Dim objQFE As QuikFormsEngine.QuikFormsEngine
Add your customer credentials
'Enter the credentials for your Quik! account
objQFE.QuikUsername = “MasterUsername”
objQFE.QuikPassword = “MasterPassword”
objQFE.QuikCustID = “10001234”
Add the FormID(s) you want to generate
'Enter the form ID(s) - multiple can be submitted at once separated by commas (e.g. 12,14,17)
objQFE.QuikFormID = Me.txtFormIDs.Text
Add field values to prefill onto the form. Ideally, pass values to this method programmatically from an array of data or a record set from a database.
objQFE.AddFieldToForm( _
FieldName:="1own.FName", _
FieldValue:="Owner 1 First Name", _
FieldReadOnly:=QuikFormsEngine.QFD.FieldReadOnly.NoRestrictions, _
FieldVisibility:=QuikFormsEngine.QFD.FieldVisibility.None, _
Set the Save and/or Submit URLs if you want users to send their data to your system (note: the web server receiving the submitted data can be any kind of page that is configured to parse a standard HTML submit event).
objQFE.SaveURL = http://localhost/SaveForm.aspx
objQFE.SubmitURL = http://localhost:59536/SubmitForm.aspx
Run the Quik! Forms Engine and return the result to an array list
Dim arrFiles As ArrayList = Nothing
arrFiles = objQFE.Execute
Check the error object for any errors.
If objQFE.Results.ErrorFlag Then
MessageBox.Show("Error: " & objQFE.Results.Message)
'Do something to show the HTML file to the user – e.g. Response.Redirect or Response.write
End If
Once the engine has run, you can send the output to the requesting browser.
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For help regarding Quik! Forms and the Quik! API
Email: | Phone: (877) 456-QUIK