CancelDocument Method
End Point
FormXtract offers a 10-minute delay on every submitted form to allow for cancellations. This ensures customers have an opportunity to fix accidental submissions or mistakes before costs are incurred. Once processing begins the cost of the transaction will be incurred and the process cannot be stopped.
To cancel a submitted request, first get an AuthToken from the REST Authentication service and then provide the SubmitDocumentTransID (along with the AuthToken) in order to cancel the submitted transaction. If the transaction is less than 10 minutes old it will be cancelled, after which time the cancel request will result in a failure response.
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
AuthToken | String | Yes | OAuth token to authorize the API call |
SubmitDocumentTransID | Integer | Yes | Unique identifier for the submitted document |
Sample Request
PUT /rest/quikformxtract/v1000/documents/{{submitDocTransId}}/cancel HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer {{token}}
Content-length: 0
When a cancellation is submitted, the response will indicate if the cancel request was successful or not.
Parameter | Type | Description |
SubmitDocumentTransID | Integer | Unique identifier for the submitted document |
CancelResponse | Bool | Indicates if the operation was successful or failed |
ErrorCode | String | Error code if the operation failed 0 = Successfully Cancelled 1 = Failed to Cancel due to timeout 2 = SubmitDocTransID not found |
ErrorMessage | String | Error message if the operation failed |
Sample Response
Success response:
"ResultData": {
"SubmitDocumentTransId": 43,
"CancelResponse": true
"ErrorCode": 0,
"Message": "",
"Errors": null
Error response:
"ResultData": false,
"ErrorCode": 1,
"Errors": [
"Message": "Transaction 41 can not be cancelled because 10 minutes have passed since it's creation",
"Type": "CancellationTimeExpiredException"
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