UpdateData Method
Use the UpdateData method to mark your extracted data for deletion within the Quik! environment.
End Point
PROD: https://websvcs.quikforms.com/rest/quikformxtract/v1000/documents
The final step in the FormXtract process is to clean up any data that you don’t want stored at Quik!. By default, Quik! will purge records when they become 180 days old. To avoid having Quik! hold onto data this long, you can set the record to be deleted within 24 hours by calling the UpdateData method.
Alternatively the UpdateData method to reverse the deletion status if done before the data is actually deleted.
To delete data associated to a submitted document the customer will first get an AuthToken from the REST Authentication service and then provide the SubmitDocumentTransID (along with the AuthToken) and set the Delete flag parameter to TRUE (or FALSE to revert the status) in order to mark the record for deletion. The deletion process will occur within 24 hours, giving customers time to call this method again and revert the status.
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
AuthToken | String | Yes | OAuth token to authorize the API call |
SubmitDocumentTransID | Integer | Yes | Unique identifier for the submitted document |
DeleteFlag | Boolean | Yes | Set the value to TRUE to mark the record for deletion, or FALSE to reverse the status if done before the data is deleted. |
Sample Request
URL: https://websvcs.quikforms.com/rest/quikformxtract/v1000/documents
Method: PUT
Content-type: application/json
"SubmitDocumentTransId": 40,
"DeleteFlag": true
When an update is submitted, the response will indicate if the request was successful or not.
Parameter | Type | Description |
SubmitDocumentTransID | Integer | Unique identifier for the submitted document |
UpdateResponse | Bool | Indicates if the operation to mark the record for deletion or reversion was successful or failed |
ErrorCode | String | Error code if the operation failed 0 = Successfully Cancelled 1 = Failed to Cancel due to timeout 2 = SubmitDocTransID not found |
ErrorMessage | String | Error message if the operation failed |
Sample Response
"ResultData": {
"SubmitDocumentTransId": 45,
"UpdateResponse": true
"ErrorCode": 0,
"Message": "",
"Errors": null
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Email: support@quikforms.com | Phone: (877) 456-QUIK