Speed and Business Hours

Speed and Business Hours

Business Hours

FormXtract has a service level agreement to return processed data within 3 business hours or less once processing begins (note: Quik! adds a 10-minute delay to submitted forms before processing begins in order to allow for a short period of time to cancel the submission).

The business hours of FormXtract are on business days (Monday through Friday), excluding holidays, between 9 AM and 3 PM in your local US-based timezone.

  • Documents can be submitted to FormXtract 24 hours per day, 7 days per week.

  • Documents submitted between 9 AM and 3 PM on a business day will have data extracted and available for download within 3 business hours on the same business day.

  • Any document submitted after 3 PM will be returned within 3 business hours starting by 9 AM the next business day.

  • Examples:

    • Submit on Monday at 2:30 PM, data is returned at 5:30 PM on the same business day

    • Submit on Thursday at 4 PM, data is returned at 9 AM on the next business day

    • Submit on Friday at 7 AM, data is returned three hours later at 10 AM on that

    • Submit on Saturday at 2 PM, data is returned at 9 AM on next business day (Monday)

What Affects Speed?

Quik!'s service level agreement has a 3-business-hour window but it is possible to return documents faster depending on the conditions of the document.

The speed at which FormXtract works is based on several factors:

  1. Number of pages - the more pages, the more processing time

  2. Number of fields - the more fields, the more processing time

  3. Digital vs. Electronic vs. Handwritten

    1. Digital forms, documents that retain input fields on the PDF, where the data entered into fields is digitally accessible, will be the fastest and easiest to process since the data is already electronic.

    2. Electronically created forms (i.e. a PDF was typed into but the fields have been flattened), which require scanning, character recognition and artificial intelligence to gather the information, will be second fastest and should avoid the need to have any human validation.

    3. Handwritten documents, and any document that was printed and rescanned, can be difficult for machines to read may require humans to validate. Human validation takes the longest to perform and both the handwriting and any defects in the scan or original document (e.g. coffee cup stains, scanner image quality, etc.) will cause delays.

How To Improve Speed

The ability of FormXtract to perform human work in less time is highly dependent upon the quality of the input: the quality of the submitted document. We recommend following our Best Practices for best results, including removing pages that you don’t want FormXtract to process and doing your best to provide the highest quality digital or electronic documents you have available.

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