

Data privacy and security is at the forefront of all Quik! solution designs. FormXtract leverages the same security protocols and methods used in all Quik! products.

Components of FormXtract For Security Review

Customers using FormXtract will be interested in the following items and how they are secured:

  1. API Authentication

  2. Data Transmission

  3. Data Storage

FormXtract is a secure product in every facet of it’s design - how customers authenticate, how data is encrypted while in transit and how data is encrypted, tokenized and obfuscated while at rest.

API Authentication

All Quik! APIs are rest-based and leverage the Rest Authentication process to create tokens (OAuth2) that are used with the APIs, along with our data transmission standard of using 256-bit SSL certificates.

For more details on the rest authentication method, please see the API Authentication page.

Data Transmission

Data is transmitted to and from Quik! via the FormXtract APIs in the format of the customer’s submitted document (PDF or TIF) sent to Quik! and the extracted data (JSON) retrieved from Quik!.

All transmissions on Quik! APIs use TLS 1.3 and SSL security with 256-bit or higher certificates. Thus, the transmission of data is secure to and from the Quik! APIs.

Data Storage

The data that FormXtract reads off the forms is stored in the Quik! Vault, which is a very secure method of data storage.

At a high level data security is managed by:

  • form data is stored as individual fields without relation to the other fields on the form,

  • each field value is uniquely encrypted, and

  • every field value is tokenized.

In addition, customers can determine when their data is deleted from the Vault if desired before the 180 day default (max) timeframe.

The concepts of this storage security architecture are more fully described on this page: Client Data Security - Quik! Vault

Security Due Diligence

Quik! works with customers to review security and enable customers to approve the use of Quik!, especially as it pertains to privately identifiable information. To that end, Quik! is able to provide, under a signed NDA, the audit report(s) on our security infrastructure. Please send your request to our support team (support@quikforms.com).

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For help regarding Quik! Forms and the Quik! API
Email: support@quikforms.com | Phone: (877) 456-QUIK