Can users edit information on a printed PDF form?

PrintEditablePDF is a Quik! Forms Engine property that, when set to TRUE, allows users to edit information in the fields of a form after the form has printed to PDF. If set as FALSE, then once users click the Print button in the Quik! Form Viewer, the resulting PDF will be locked down, and all fields will be un-editable (a.k.a "read only").

In general, Quik! recommends setting PrintEditablePDF to FALSE. There are a few reasons for this:

  • When users can make changes to a printed form, their actions are outside of the controls that may be in place in the HTML viewer (i.e. field rules cannot be applied to PDFs)
  • Data does not "flow" down the PDF form in the same way that it does on the HTML version. For example, if a user checks a checkbox on page 1 of a form, and the same checkbox exists on another page in the bundle, then that check will not "flow" to other instances of the checkbox as it would in the HTML. This can create a confusing, and time-consuming user experience.
  • The E-Signature process must begin from the HTML form in the form viewer. If changes are made to the fields on the printed PDF form, they will be lost when it is time to submit the HTML form for E-Signature.

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