Generate Forms - Quik! Forms Engine Services
Instead of installing the QuikFormsEngine.dll to generate forms, you can use the REST web service version instead. The web service is essentially a wrapper for the QuikFormsEngine.dll enabling you to use the software remotely without installing the actual software or requiring the .NET Framework in your production environment. This is ideal for non-.NET users (e.g. Linux, Unix, MacOS, tablet OS, etc.). The most popular method below is Execute HTML, which is used to generate HTML forms.
Endpoint URL:
Endpoint Documentation (Swagger - Production):
Endpoint Documentation (Swagger - UAT):
A note on UNID values
The UNID value Quik! shows to customers is encoded (you will notice that it is encoded when you see either %2b or %2f in the value), then Quik! APIs will first decode it (where %2b results in + and %2f results in /) and then we decrypt it to get the UNID format like 893A4B6E-9DBD-4EB3-83EA-B2A723EF101E. When customers pass an encoded value in a query string like the Get Attachments endpoint below (like, the .NET framework will decode it automatically and then we perform the decode again, resulting in an error. A workaround is to encode the value before building the url with the unid in it. In .NET you can do that by using HttpUtility.UrlEncode(unid). This transforms % into %25 so it comes as % again in the API.
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