Quik! makes reporting possible in two ways: as a REST-based service and through a special dashboard reporting account.
Reports Dashboard
For our enterprise customers and partners, and by request or invitation, we've made a set of reports available via a dashboard. Our reporting dashboard gives you access to several of the reports from our REST Reporting API in a set of visualized reports. Each of the reports can be downloaded, shared and configured. Many of the reports include the ability to drill-down on the data elements or change customer accounts to see granular details. The dashboard report gives you a new way to see information about your Quik! account including forms usage, form and dealer subscriptions, active customers and licenses, form building information and more.
Learn More:
REST Reporting Services
Our REST based reporting services enable enterprise partners and customers to run reports as needed via an API. There are many reports organized around forms usage, aggregate reporting for all Quik! customers, forms library info, partner-level reports and more. These reporting APIs are available to all Quik! customers to use.
Learn More:
Read about our Reporting Services APIs.
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For help regarding Quik! Forms and the Quik! API
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