Quik! Forms Engine Property List
Below is a list of every property in the Quik! Forms Engine. Properties are organized in tables by category.
Tip: To quickly find information on a specific property, use ctrl+F to search for the property name.
Required Credentials
Property | Type | Description |
Authentication Token | OAuth | Every API call requires an authentication token (see Rest Authentication) |
QuikFormID | string | A comma separated list of form ids that are to be generated. To generate multiple copies of the same form, include that form's ID multiple times, separated by commas. The order in which you supply the FormIDs is the order in which they will appear in the form package. Required to generate a form. |
General Configuration Properties
Property | Type | Description | Default Value (If Applicable) |
OutputFileName | string | Gets or sets the name of the output file(s). You do not need to add any file name extension (e.g. ".html" is not required). If left empty, Quik! will generate a file name by default. Possible output files include forms (HTML and PDF), and error logs (XML). This property is to be used locally, and not in a web service. | |
OutputPath | string | Gets or sets the location where the output files are created. | |
UNID | string | The read-only unique form view request ID generated by the form request. If used, the Quik! Forms Engine understands that the customer is regenerating a previously saved form package. | |
UserID | int | Customers that have more than one User account can use the UserID property to specify the usage of one specific User. If a customer has more than one User and does NOT include a UserID, then the customer’s default User (User associated with Master Credentials) is used. |
ESignTrackingEnabled | bool | If FALSE, the Sign button will be displayed based on the value of the HTMLButtonSign.Show property. If TRUE, the Sign button will automatically be displayed if generated forms are marked as e-signable in the Quik! Forms Enterprise Manager. Note: Generated form must have at least one signature field in order for Sign button to display. If no signature fields are present, the Sign button will never be displayed. | FALSE |
CustomJavaFileIncludePath | array of string | Gets or sets the customer's custom javascript file path in an include statement within the <BODY> tag. Only provide the URI, as the QFE will create the HTML tags automatically. Only one reference file link is supported at this time. | |
CustomJavaScript | list of strings | Gets or sets the customer's custom javascript text (function) in HTML format to append to the end of the HTML file. Multiple functions should be included within one line, with ';' appended to the end of each instruction. | |
iScrollFilePath | string | Sets the "src" attribute for the iScroll javascript file to use with the forms. Default version is 4.0 located in the "javascripts" folder where the HTML file is saved. | |
iScrollOff | bool | Sets iScroll on or off for the Form Viewer all browsers | FALSE |
jQueryBlockUIFilePath | string | Sets the "src" attribute for the jQuery javascript file to use with the forms. Default version is located in the "javascripts" folder where the HTML file is saved. | |
jQueryFilePath | string | Sets the "src" attribute for the jQuery javascript file to use with the forms. Default version is 1.9.1-min located in the "javascripts" folder where the HTML file is saved. | |
jQueryUIFilePath | string | Sets the "src" attribute for the jQuery UI javascript file to use with the forms. Default version 1.10.3 is located in the "javascripts" folder where the HTML file is saved. | |
Results | object | A QuikResult object that contains information about any errors that occurred. If no errors occured, a success message is created. | |
TestDataMode | bool | Writes each field's name as a default value into the field in order to validate that the form was built properly before publishing the form to PUBLISH status. | FALSE |
TestFinalFormsMode | bool | Gets or sets the value indicating whether to view forms in final mode. When TRUE, the forms in FINAL status within the Quik! build cycle will be displayed. Do NOT set this property to TRUE in your production environment. | FALSE |
DraftMode | bool | When set to TRUE the PDF output by the execute/pdf or the print button will show the form with a “DRAFT” water mark on it. In addition, these transactions will NOT be counted as usage which allows for testing without incurring costs. Do NOT set this flag to TRUE for production use. This property will automatically set the formExpiryDate to 1 day from generation. NOTE: This property will automatically be set to TRUE when the TestFinalFormsMode flag is set to TRUE.
GeoLocationOn | bool | Set the ability to capture the signer’s location using HTML5 Geolocation |
Quik! Form Viewer Properties
Property | Type | Description | Default Value (If Applicable) |
HTMLFieldFontColor | string | Gets or sets the font color for the form fields using an HTML color name or Hex code (e.g. #AA0000 for dark red or #000 for black) | |
HTMLFooter | string | Gets or sets the default footer HTML value to display as the footer with double-quotes escaped (for each double quote an extra one must be used – e.g. "" will produce a single double quote). | Forms powered by Quik! - <a href=""http://www.QuikForms.com"" target=""_blank"">www.QuikForms.com</a> |
HTMLFooterStyle | string | Gets or sets the HTML footer CSS or style in CSS format. | font-family:sans-serif; font-size:8pt; font-style:italic; color:#aa0000; text-align:right; line-height:30px; |
HTMLLogoAltText | string | Gets or sets the alternate text for the logo image | "Quik! Forms" |
HTMLLogoPath | string | Gets or sets the full URI path to the logo file | "" |
HTMLMainInstruction | string | Gets or sets the main instruction line on the QFV page | "Complete Your Forms" |
HTMLMetaNames | string |