Quik! Forms Engine Property List
Below is a list of every property in the Quik! Forms Engine. Properties are organized in tables by category.
Tip: To quickly find information on a specific property, use ctrl+F to search for the property name.
Required Credentials
Property | Type | Description |
Authentication Token | OAuth | Every API call requires an authentication token (see Rest Authentication) |
QuikFormID | string | A comma separated list of form ids that are to be generated. To generate multiple copies of the same form, include that form's ID multiple times, separated by commas. The order in which you supply the FormIDs is the order in which they will appear in the form package. Required to generate a form. |
General Configuration Properties
Property | Type | Description | Default Value (If Applicable) |
OutputFileName | string | Gets or sets the name of the output file(s). You do not need to add any file name extension (e.g. ".html" is not required). If left empty, Quik! will generate a file name by default. Possible output files include forms (HTML and PDF), and error logs (XML). This property is to be used locally, and not in a web service. | |
OutputPath | string | Gets or sets the location where the output files are created. | |
UNID | string | The read-only unique form view request ID generated by the form request. If used, the Quik! Forms Engine understands that the customer is regenerating a previously saved form package. | |
UserID | int | Customers that have more than one User account can use the UserID property to specify the usage of one specific User. If a customer has more than one User and does NOT include a UserID, then the customer’s default User (User associated with Master Credentials) is used. |
ESignTrackingEnabled | bool | If FALSE, the Sign button will be displayed based on the value of the HTMLButtonSign.Show property. If TRUE, the Sign button will automatically be displayed if generated forms are marked as e-signable in the Quik! Forms Enterprise Manager. Note: Generated form must have at least one signature field in order for Sign button to display. If no signature fields are present, the Sign button will never be displayed. | FALSE |
CustomJavaFileIncludePath | array of string | Gets or sets the customer's custom javascript file path in an include statement within the <BODY> tag. Only provide the URI, as the QFE will create the HTML tags automatically. Only one reference file link is supported at this time. | |
CustomJavaScript | list of strings | Gets or sets the customer's custom javascript text (function) in HTML format to append to the end of the HTML file. Multiple functions should be included within one line, with ';' appended to the end of each instruction. | |
iScrollFilePath | string | Sets the "src" attribute for the iScroll javascript file to use with the forms. Default version is 4.0 located in the "javascripts" folder where the HTML file is saved. | |
iScrollOff | bool | Sets iScroll on or off for the Form Viewer all browsers | FALSE |
jQueryBlockUIFilePath | string | Sets the "src" attribute for the jQuery javascript file to use with the forms. Default version is located in the "javascripts" folder where the HTML file is saved. | |
jQueryFilePath | string | Sets the "src" attribute for the jQuery javascript file to use with the forms. Default version is 1.9.1-min located in the "javascripts" folder where the HTML file is saved. | |
jQueryUIFilePath | string | Sets the "src" attribute for the jQuery UI javascript file to use with the forms. Default version 1.10.3 is located in the "javascripts" folder where the HTML file is saved. | |
Results | object | A QuikResult object that contains information about any errors that occurred. If no errors occured, a success message is created. | |
TestDataMode | bool | Writes each field's name as a default value into the field in order to validate that the form was built properly before publishing the form to PUBLISH status. | FALSE |
TestFinalFormsMode | bool | Gets or sets the value indicating whether to view forms in final mode. When TRUE, the forms in FINAL status within the Quik! build cycle will be displayed. Do NOT set this property to TRUE in your production environment. | FALSE |
DraftMode | bool | When set to TRUE the PDF output by the execute/pdf or the print button will show the form with a “DRAFT” water mark on it. In addition, these transactions will NOT be counted as usage which allows for testing without incurring costs. Do NOT set this flag to TRUE for production use. This property will automatically set the formExpiryDate to 1 day from generation. NOTE: This property will automatically be set to TRUE when the TestFinalFormsMode flag is set to TRUE.
GeoLocationOn | bool | Set the ability to capture the signer’s location using HTML5 Geolocation |
Quik! Form Viewer Properties
Property | Type | Description | Default Value (If Applicable) |
HTMLFieldFontColor | string | Gets or sets the font color for the form fields using an HTML color name or Hex code (e.g. #AA0000 for dark red or #000 for black) | |
HTMLFooter | string | Gets or sets the default footer HTML value to display as the footer with double-quotes escaped (for each double quote an extra one must be used – e.g. "" will produce a single double quote). | Forms powered by Quik! - <a href=""http://www.QuikForms.com"" target=""_blank"">www.QuikForms.com</a> |
HTMLFooterStyle | string | Gets or sets the HTML footer CSS or style in CSS format. | font-family:sans-serif; font-size:8pt; font-style:italic; color:#aa0000; text-align:right; line-height:30px; |
HTMLLogoAltText | string | Gets or sets the alternate text for the logo image | "Quik! Forms" |
HTMLLogoPath | string | Gets or sets the full URI path to the logo file | "" |
HTMLMainInstruction | string | Gets or sets the main instruction line on the QFV page | "Complete Your Forms" |
HTMLMetaNames | string | Gets or sets the meta names for the HTML page as a single string with double-quotes escaped (for each double quote an extra one must be used – e.g. "" will produce a single double quote) | "<meta name=""viewport"" content=""width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0, user-scalable=yes, minimum-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=1.0"" /><meta name=""apple-mobile-web-app-capable"" content=""yes"" /><meta name=""apple-mobile-web-app-status-bar-style"" content=""black"" />" |
HTMLMinorInstruction | string | Gets or sets the minor instruction line on the QFV page | "Review and complete your forms below. When done, print, submit and/or save for your records." |
HTMLReportFormError | string | HTML for contacting the administrator. By default, this is HTML for mailto://forms@efficienttech.com (<a href="mailto://forms@efficienttech.com" target="_blank">Report Problems</a>)" | mailto://forms@efficienttech.com (<a href="mailto://forms@efficienttech.com" target="_blank">Report Problems</a>)" |
HTMLRequiredBorderColor | string | Gets or sets the color of the borders that surround Required Fields on a form | |
HTMLShowAltDataButtons | bool | Sets the flag for whether to hide Default Alternative Data Buttons. NOTE: This property only affects whether default alt data buttons are displayed. It does not affect whether custom alt data buttons are displayed. | TRUE |
HTMLStyles | string | Gets or sets the CSS styles for the page as a single string. CAUTION: Changing the styles requires careful attention to detail and thorough testing of any changes in all supported browsers. | |
HTMLTitle | string | Gets or sets the title of the HTML page | |
HTMLLoadingImage | string | Gets or sets the loading image to display when the form loads | "loading.gif" |
HostFormOnQuik | bool | When TRUE save the form into Amazon and return a short URL such as https://quikforms.com/viewform/4om6-aGKOqZ3V. CAUTION: Customers should NOT set this property to TRUE unless the forms they are generating are blank or do not include private data, as use of this property sends client data to Quik! to store for up to 24 hours. | |
InputMaskPath | string | Sets the “src” attribute for the InputMask javascript file to use with the forms. This property is seldom used by customers. | |
LogoURL | string | URL that should be displayed in a new window when the Form Viewer logo is clicked. | |
OutputTempFiles | bool | When TRUE, outputs files to the server's temporary directory. If FALSE, outputs files to the OutputPath location | |
PreviewMode | bool | When TRUE, this property causes the form to be generated in preview mode overriding other settings. Preview mode hides all the buttons in the form viewer, makes the form read-only, and users cannot fill, print, sign or anything. Forms generated when TRUE will not count as a billable transaction in the Quik! system. | |
PrintEditablePDF | bool | Sets the Print button to generate a PDF that is prefilled and editable | |
ProductLicenseID | string | The Quik! LicenseID that matches the CustomerUserID | |
RequireDocName | bool | This forces the user, when True, to Save the document with a name before submitting. This property applies when using Routing Rules only. | |
RoutingRuleFormGroupID | string | Pass a Form Group ID to run the routing rules associated to that group. This property is intended for use with ViaForms and FormLinks products only. Please contact Quik! for more information. | |
RoutingRulesOn | bool | When TRUE routing rules are turned on and applied to the form. This property is intended for use with ViaForms and FormLinks products only. Please contact Quik! for more information. | |
SetFormReadOnly | bool | When TRUE, this property locks all fields on the form, making them "read-only" | |
ShowCalculatedFieldPopups | bool | When TRUE, calculated field popups are displayed. Calculated fields combine multiple pieces of information (e.g. when a form asks for an owner name, the calculated field called "FullName" is used, which is comprised of the owner's first name, middle name and last name). This property only controls whether or not the popup will display when typing into a calculated field. For turning on/off the concatenation function of calculated fields, see the “FieldCalcOverride” property for form fields in the AddFieldToForm Method documentation. | TRUE |
ShowMultilinePopups | bool | When TRUE, multiline popups are displayed. Multiline popups are used for large text fields. | |
SignSubmitCombined | bool | When TRUE, makes the Sign button event first invoke the Submit event and Submit URL before starting the signature process. The Submit validation for required fields will also be triggered but a failed validation will not stop the signature process using the default Submit Javascript. | FALSE |
SubmitContentType | RequestContentType | This property can be used when customers would like to process submitted form data in JSON format instead of UrlEncoded. Enum Values: Legacy and UrlEncoded use url encoded key pair values. | Legacy |
AutoCenterFieldsOff | bool | When FALSE, the form page in the Quik! Form Viewer will auto-center to the location of the active field. | TRUE |
DisableAttachments | bool | If True, this property hides the attachment panel in the Quik! Form Viewer and any attachment icons near fields on the form. | FALSE |
FormExpiryDate | Date | A customer-entered date and time that a form will expire, not to exceed the default value of 10 days from the current system date. No format required. | |
HTML4Compatible | bool | When TRUE, the HTML output will be backwards compatible to HTML 4 browsers including Internet Explorer 8.0. When TRUE, the file size of a generated HTML form can be as much as 50% larger than when this property is set to FALSE. | |
HTMLBodyOnloadFunction | string | Customers can set a javascript that will be triggered on body onload event. Body onload() occurs after loading the document's DOM as well as resources (images etc.) | |
ESignSuccessBehavior | Enumerator | This property controls the behavior of the buttons in the HTML Form Viewer after the e-sign event occurs. The setting chosen will determine if the print button and/or sign button continue to function or display after e-signing. |
HTML Buttons Properties
Property | Type | Description | Default Value (If Applicable) |
HTMLButtonClear.Name | string | Sets the name of the Clear button. The Clear button deletes all field data that has been pre-filled or entered by the user. | "Clear" |
HTMLButtonClear.Show | bool | Shows/Hides the Clear button. The Clear button deletes all field data that has been pre-filled or entered by the user. | TRUE |
HTMLButtonClear.Title | string | Sets the tooltip of the Clear button. The Clear button deletes all field data that has been pre-filled or entered by the user. | "Clear all fields of form data." |
HTMLButtonEmail.Name | string | Sets the name of the Email button. The Email button allows users to email the form to another party. Note: This button should only be used when setting up Routing Rules for Quik! Native E-Signature. If not using Routing Rules, do not configure the Email button. | "Email" |
HTMLButtonEmail.Show | bool | Shows/Hides the Email button. The Email button allows users to email the form to another party. Note: This button should only be used when setting up Routing Rules for Quik! Native E-Signature. If not using Routing Rules, do not configure the Email button. | FALSE |
EmailSendButtonURL | string | Sets the URL to which the form will post the data when email button is clicked. The Email button allows users to email the form to another party. Note: This button should only be used when setting up Routing Rules for Quik! Native E-Signature. If not using Routing Rules, do not configure the Email button. | |
HTMLButtonEmail.Title | string | Sets the tooltip of the Email button. The Email button allows users to email the form to another party. Note: This button should only be used when setting up Routing Rules for Quik! Native E-Signature. If not using Routing Rules, do not configure the Email button. | |
HTMLButtonLoad.Name | string | Sets the name of the Load button. The Load button loads the saved version of the form for the user to continue to fill out. | "Load" |
HTMLButtonLoad.Show | bool | Shows/Hides the Load button. The Load button loads the saved version of the form for the user to continue to fill out. | TRUE |
HTMLButtonLoad.Title | string | Sets the tooltip of the Load button. The Load button loads the saved version of the form for the user to continue to fill out. | "Load your saved data for this set of forms." |
HTMLButtonPrint.Name | string | Sets the name of the Print button. The Print button exports and downloads the form as a PDF. | "Print" |
HTMLButtonPrint.Show | bool | Shows/Hides the Print button. The Print button exports and downloads the form as a PDF. | TRUE |
HTMLButtonPrint.Title | sring | Sets the tooltip of the Print button. The Print button exports and downloads the form as a PDF. | "Create a PDF of this form for printing." |
HTMLButtonReset.Name | string | Sets the name of the Reset button. The Reset button deletes all field data that has been entered by the user (pre-filled data will remain). | "Reset" |
HTMLButtonReset.Show | bool | Shows/Hides the Reset button. The Reset button deletes all field data that has been entered by the user (pre-filled data will remain). | TRUE |
HTMLButtonReset.Title | string | Sets the tooltip of the Reset button. The Reset button deletes all field data that has been entered by the user (pre-filled data will remain). | "Reset all fields to their original state and data." |
HTMLButtonSave.Name | string | Sets the name of the Save button. The Save button saves the current state of the form either to a pre-configured location, or, if a location is not provided, to a user's local browser | "Save" |
HTMLButtonSave.SaveJavascript | string | Sets the JavaScript to be run when clicking the Save button. The Save button saves the current state of the form either to a pre-configured location, or, if a location is not provided, to a user's local browser. | |
HTMLButtonSave.SaveURL | string | Sets the URL to which the form will post the data when the Save button is clicked. The Save button saves the current state of the form either to a pre-configured location, or, if a location is not provided, to a user's local browser. | |
HTMLButtonSave.Show | bool | Shows/Hides the Save button. The Save button saves the current state of the form either to a pre-configured location, or, if a location is not provided, to a user's local browser | TRUE |
HTMLButtonSave.Title | string | Sets the tooltip of the Save button. The Save button saves the current state of the form either to a pre-configured location, or, if a location is not provided, to a user's local browser | "Save your form data for use with this set of forms." |
HTMLButtonSign.Name | string | Sets the name of the Sign button. The Sign button launches the E-Signature pop-up for either SIGNiX, Docusign, or Quik! Native E-Signature. | "Sign" |
HTMLButtonSign.Show | bool | Shows/Hides the Sign button. The Sign button launches the E-Signature pop-up for either SIGNiX, Docusign, or Quik! Native E-Signature. | TRUE (not visible without setting either SignCallBackURL or SignURL properties. See here for more information) |
HTMLButtonSign.Title | string | Sets the tooltip of the Sign button. The Sign button launches the E-Signature pop-up for either SIGNiX, Docusign, or Quik! Native E-Signature. | |
HTMLButtonSubmit.Name | string | Sets the name of the Submit button. The Submit button posts the form to a pre-configured URL (SubmitURL) for archiving, processing, etc. | "Submit" |
HTMLButtonSubmit.Show | bool | Shows/Hides the Submit button. The Submit button posts the form to a pre-configured URL (SubmitURL) for archiving, processing, etc. | TRUE (not visible without SubmitURL) |
HTMLButtonSubmit.SubmitJavascript | string | Sets the JavaScript to be run when clicking the Submit button. The Submit button posts the form to a pre-configured URL (SubmitURL) for archiving, processing, etc. | |
HTMLButtonSubmit.SubmitURL | string | Sets the URL to which the form will post the data when the Submit button is clicked. The Submit button posts the form to this URL for archiving, processing, etc. | |
HTMLButtonSubmit.Title | string | Sets the tooltip of the Submit button. The Submit button posts the form to a pre-configured URL (SubmitURL) for archiving, processing, etc. |
DocuSign Properties
Property | Type | Description | Default Value (If Applicable) |
AccountID | string | Customers that have more than one DocuSign account can use the AccountID property to specify the usage of one specific account. If a customer has more than one DocuSign account and does NOT include an AccountID, then the customer’s default (typically most used) DocuSign account is used. More information here | "" |
AllowMarkup | bool | When TRUE, document markup is allowed. With document markup, recipients can make changes to your documents by covering up existing text and adding new text. This is an account-wide permission that must be turned on by a DocuSign employee, i.e. an Account Manager. | FALSE |
AllowReassign | bool | When TRUE, the recipient can redirect an envelope to a more appropriate recipient. | FALSE |
AllowRecipientRecursion | bool | When TRUE, this enables the Recursive Recipients feature and allows a recipient to appear more than once in the routing order. | FALSE |
Asynchronous | bool | When TRUE, will queue the envelope for processing and the envelope status will have a value of ‘Processing’. Additionally, get status calls will return ‘Processing’ until completed. This property is useful when you do not want to wait for DocuSign to respond with the API response. A synchronous call is made later that would include not only status but also EnvelopeID. Keep in mind that this does rely on TransactionID, so make sure that is included when leveraging this property. | FALSE |
AuthTypes - Facebook | enum | Authorize signers via a Facebook account | |
AuthTypes - Google | enum | Authorize signers via a Google account | |
AuthTypes - IDCheck | enum | Authorize signers via a list of questions | |
AuthTypes - LinkedIn | enum | Authorize signers via a Linkedin account | |
AuthTypes - LiveID | enum | Authorize signers via a LiveID account | |
AuthTypes - NoIDCheck | enum | Signers will not be authorized in any way before signing the form | |
AuthTypes - OpenID | enum | Authorize signers via an OpenID account | |
AuthTypes - Phone | enum | Authorize signers via a code called in to a phone number | |
AuthTypes - Salesforce | enum | Authorize signers via a Salesforce account | |
AuthTypes - SMS | enum | Authorize signers via a code texted to a phone number | |
AuthTypes - SocialAll | enum | Show only the social media options (Twitter, Facebook, etc.) for authorization, as well as No Identity Check | |
AuthTypes - Twitter | enum | Authorize signers via a Twitter account | |
AuthTypes - Yahoo | enum | Authorize signers via Yahoo account | |
AuthUserID | string | Sets the CustomerUserID asociated to the token that will be used for authentication. Beginning in version 5.5, all tokens should have a CustomerUserID (not null). Note: CustomerUserID can be thought of as an alias string, created by you, to associate to different DocuSign tokens. It is not assigned by Quik!. Quik! allows for unlimited CustomerUserIDs to be created, though there may be token creation limits with DocuSign. | "" |
AuthoritativeCopy | bool | When TRUE, DocuSign's Authoritative copy feature is enabled. When enabled, an authoritative copy of the signed document will be held on your DocuSign account. | FALSE |
AutoNavigation | bool | When TRUE, auto-navigation is enabled for the envelope. The auto-navigation method used is determined by the account setting. There are 7 possible navigation settings:
BrandId | string | This sets the brand profile format used for the envelope. The value in the string is the Brand ID associated with the profile. Account branding must be enabled for the account to use this option. Brand ID can be found in the Admin settings of your DocuSign account. | "" |
BrandLock | bool | When TRUE, the brand profile associated with the envelope cannot be changed. This is only managed in the DocuSign API. | FALSE |
CreateEnvelopeAsDraft | bool | When TRUE, the envelope will be sent to DocuSign in Draft status (Quik! does not support any other status options). A possible use case for this feature is when customers want to approve an envelope before it is sent to clients. More information here | FALSE |
CustomFields | DocuSignCustomFields | Complex element contains a list of names and values. Element can specify if the name value pair needs to be entered before sending the envelope. It can also specify if the name value pair needs to be shown to user who is sending the envelope. | null |
EmailSettings | DocuSignEmailSettings | | null |
BccEmailAddresses | list of string | A list of up to 5 Email addresses the envelope is sent to as a BCC email. DocuSign verifies that the email format is correct, but does not verify that the email is active. This can be a maximum of 100 characters. Using this overrides the BCC for Email Archive information setting for this envelope. | null |
ReplyEmailAddressOverride | string | The Reply To email used for the envelope. DocuSign will verify a correct email format is used, but does not verify that the email is active. This can be a maximum of 100 characters. | "" |
ReplyEmailNameOverride | string | The name associated with the Reply To email address. This can be a maximum of 100 characters. | "" |
EnableWetSign | bool | When TRUE, allows the signer to print the document and sign it on paper. Signers will see a "print and sign" option in the Other Actions menu before signing the document. Note that this does not prevent signers from adding their e-signatures if they choose to--it just offers both options. | FALSE |
EnforceSignerVisibility | bool | When TRUE, requires that a Signer have a signature or initial on the document or that the document has no signers in order to view it. Recipients that have an administrative role (Agent, Editor, or Intermediaries) or informational role (Certified Deliveries or Carbon Copies) can always see all the documents in an envelope, unless they are specifically excluded using this setting when an envelope is sent. Documents that do not have signature fields are always visible to all recipients, unless they are specifically excluded using this setting when an envelope is sent. Your account must have Document Visibility enabled to use this. | FALSE |
ESignMetaData.AccountCode | string | Set AccountCode metadata | "" |
ESignMetaData.ClientCode | string | Set ClientCode metadata | "" |
ESignMetaData.FirmCode | string | Set FirmCode metadata | "" |
ESignMetaData.RepCode | string | Set RepCode metadata | "" |
MessageLock | bool | When TRUE, prevents senders from changing the Subject and message for the email when correcting an envelope. The Quik! E-Sign Pop-up Subject and Message is still editable when this is both TRUE and FALSE. | FALSE |
Notification | DocuSignNotificationSettings | An optional complex element that specifies the notification options for the envelope. It consists of: UseAccountDefaults, Expirations, Reminders | null |
UseAccountDefaults | bool | When TRUE, the account default notification settings are used for the envelope. | FALSE |
Expirations | DocuSignNotificationExpiration | A complex element that specifies the expiration settings for the envelope. It consists of: expireEnabled, expireAfter, expireWarn. | null |
ExpireEnabled | bool | When TRUE, the envelope expires (is no longer available for signing) in the set number of days. If false, the account default setting is used. If the account does not have an expiration setting, the DocuSign default value of 120 days is used. | FALSE |
ExpireAfter | int | An integer that sets the number of days the envelope is active. | 0 |
ExpireWarn | int | An integer that sets the number of days before envelope expiration that an expiration warning email is sent to the recipient. If set to 0 (zero), no warning email is sent. | 0 |
ESignVendorSuccessJavaScript | string | Allows customers to implement custom JavaScript after a successful e-sign transaction. | "" |
InPersonSigningHost.Name | string | Allows customers to prefill the Name of the Host when In Person Signer send type is used |
InPersonSigningHost.Email | string | Allows customers to prefill the Email of the Host when In Person Signer send type is used |
Reminders | DocsignNotificationReminder | A complex element that specifies reminder settings for the envelope. It consists of: ReminderDelay, ReminderEnabled, ReminderFrequency | null |
ReminderDelay | int | An interger that sets the number of days after the recipient receives the envelope that reminder emails are sent to the recipient. | 0 |
ReminderEnabled | bool | When true a reminder message is sent to the recipient. | FALSE |
ReminderFrequency | int | An interger that sets the interval, in days, between reminder emails. | 0 |
RecipientsLock | bool | When TRUE, prevents senders from changing, correcting, or deleting the recipient information for the envelope. | FALSE |
SenderUserID | string | Sets the CustomerUserID asociated to the token that will act as the Sender when using SOBO. If it's not provided the default token will be used. If SOBO is turned off, this is ignored | "" |
SendTypes | List of DocuSignSendType | Limits the items displayed in the Send Type drop down lists within the esign popup. If the list is empty, all items are displayed. DocusignSendType is an enumerator that has the following values: | empty list |
SendTypes - Agent | enum | Use when the recipient can add name and email information for recipients that appear after them in routing order. | |
SendTypes - CertifiedDeliveries | enum | Use when the recipient should get a copy of the envelope, but the recipient does not need to sign, initial, date or add any information to the documents. | |
SendTypes - Editor | enum | Use when the recipient has the same management and access rights for the envelope as the sender and can make changes to the envelope as if they were using the Advanced Correct feature. | |
SendTypes - EmailToSign | enum | Use when the recipient must sign, initial, date or add data to form fields on the documents in the envelope. | |
SendTypes - InPersonSigner | enum | Use when the signer is in the same physical location as the DocuSign user who is requesting a signature. | |
SendTypes - SendCopy | enum | Use when the recipient should get a copy of the envelope, but the recipient does not need to sign, initial, date or add any information to the documents. | |
SetContentTypeCallBackURL | enum | Sets the content types of the HTTP request when using the Callback approach for your DocuSign integration. See configuration documentation here | 0 |
SignAllDocsCombined | bool | When TRUE, attachments will be pushed to DocuSign along with forms. When FALSE, the envelope will not include attachments added in the Viewer. | TRUE |
SignCallBackURL | string | (Required) A customer-defined URL for the Quik! Form to post the EnvelopeID to so customer's system knows the transaction is complete | "" |
SignEnvironmentID | int | (Required) Sets the DocuSign evironment to work with | 1 |
SignErrorMessage | string | Sets the error message | "" |
SignHideEmptySigners | bool | When TRUE any signing roles on the form that do not have a person's name (first, middle, last or full name) or email address will not be displayed in the e-sign popup | FALSE |
SignJavascript | string | Javascript to be run when clicking the Sign button | "" |
SignMessage | string | Sets the sign message in the Quik! E-Signature pop-up. If not provided, the following message is displayed: The attached forms were completed and prepared for you to sign. <Form Names> Please sign these forms by clicking the link. <FormViewID #> | "" |
SignMultipleDocs | bool | When TRUE each Form in the package will be available in it's own PDF within the e-sign envelope vs. a single combined PDF of all forms (when this property is FALSE) | FALSE |
SignOrderLock | bool | When TRUE, locks the order column in the esign popup | FALSE |
SignRequireIDCheckName | ESignRequireIDCheckName (enum) | Sets the Auth type to be used for ALL recipients, and hides the Auth Type column in the esign popup. The value is an enumerator called ESignRequireIDCheckName which has the following values. Note: If "None", then there will be no required Auth Type for all recipients (essentially turning this feature off.) See Auth Types properties for description of other enumerators. | |
SignSendJavascript | string | Javascript to be run when clicking the Send button in the esign popup | "" |
SignShowAccessCode | bool | When TRUE, the access code column is shown in the Quik! E-Signature pop-up. Previously named SignShowVerifyCode in versions 5.4 and earlier. | FALSE |
SignSubject | string | Sets the Subject line of the email sent to signers. If not provided, default value is "Please e-sign these forms <dealer name>" | "" |
SignTransDescription | string | Description of the transaction. This property is related to EsignMetaData so customers can more easily identify transactions. Not needed for generating envelopes at DocuSign. | Default value of first recipient's name, the first form's dealer name, and the first form's name |
SignURL | string | A URL that the Send button (in the E-Sign Popup) posts envelope data to for Self Service and Pass Thru models ONLY. If using the Callback model, customers will use the SignCallbackURL instead. | "" |
SkipESignPopup | bool | When True, the e-sign pop-up is not displayed when the Sign button is clicked. Signing roles that have information supplied to the form will be set as signers without input by the user, and the signing ceremony will begin. | FALSE |
SOBOFlag | bool | Enables the SOBO (Send On Behalf of) functionality | FALSE |
TransactionId | string | Sets the TransactionID setting at DocuSign. TransactionIds are used to define an envelope, and are only valid in the DocuSign system for 7 days. It is recommended that a transaction ID is used for offline signing to ensure that an envelope is not sent multiple times. The transactionId property can be used determine an envelope's status (i.e. was it created or not) in cases where the internet connection was lost before the envelope status was returned. | "" |
UseDisclosure | bool | When set to FALSE, the Electronic Record and Signature Disclosure is not shown to any envelope recipients. When set to TRUE, the disclosure is shown to recipients if the customer's DocuSign account's Electronic Record and Signature Disclosure frequency setting is set to display the disclosure (recipients will be required to accept the disclosure before signing the document). If there is no setting for use useDisclosure, then the account’s normal disclosure setting is used and the useDisclosure setting is not returned in responses when getting envelope information. | FALSE |
DocusignTab | class | A wrapper class for DocuSign Signature and initial tabs, which lets users configure signatures and intial fields as optional when signing a form in DocuSign. For a description of all settings and how to use this, please see Configuring Optional Signature Fields documentation. |
SIGNiX Properties
Property | Type | Description | Default Value (If Applicable) |
SignAllDocsCombined | bool | When TRUE, attachments and forms are combined in SIGNiX | FALSE |
SignCallBackURL | string | (Required) A customer-defined URL for the Quik! Form to post the Envelope information to so customer's system knows the transaction is complete | "" |
SignEnvironmentID | enum | (Required) Sets the SIGNiX evironment to work with | |
SignErrorMessage | string | Sets the error message | "" |
SignHideEmptySigners | bool | When TRUE any signing roles on the form that do not have a person's name (first, middle, last or full name) or email address will not be displayed in the e-sign popup | FALSE |
SignixAuthType - EmailOnlySignAllDisabled | enum | Do not authorize signers. Only input their name and email in Quik! E-Signature pop-up. | |
SignixAuthType - EmailOnlyWithVerifyCode | enum | Authorize signers via a verification code. The signer must enter the code in SIGNiX in order to sign the form. | |
SignixAuthType - KnowledgeBasedWithInteractiveQuestions | enum | Authorize signers via identity questions. The signer must answer questions in order to sign the form. | |
SignixAuthType - KnowledgeBasedWithInteractiveQuestionsCanadians | enum | Authorize canadian signers via Canadian Social Insurance number, and identiy questions. The signer must answer questions in order to sign the form. NOTE: Customers must contact SIGNiX in order to use this property, and agree to a minimum monthly service charge with SIGNiX. For use by Canadian nationals only. | |
SignixAuthType - KnowledgeBasedWithInteractiveQuestionsWithOneClick | enum | Authorize signers via identity questions. The signer must answer questions in order to sign the form with 'OneClick' feature | |
SignixAuthType - SecretCodeSentViaTextMessage | enum | Authorize signers with a code sent in a text message to their phone. | |
SignixAuthType - SecretCodeSentViaTextMessageWithOneClick | enum | Authorize signers with a code sent in a text message to their phone with SIGNiX 'OneClick' feature. | |
SignixBillingRef | string | Identifies the Billing Party for this transaction. Primarily used by Clients that need to differentiate between different divisions, end-users, etc. in order to either bill them in return or to allocate cost for reporting purposes. The BillingRef appears on billing reports generated by SIGNiX. | "" |
SignixClientPrefAllowSignatureGraphic | yes/no | Determines whether a user can set up a signature graphic when they register (Required) | |
SignixClientPrefAuditTrailWithCC | yes/no | The audit trail of the transaction will be included as a PDF attachment to the CC (Carbon Copy) email. | |
SignixClientPrefAutoAdvanceToNextDocument | yes/no | When the user finishes all required actions for the current document, the next document is automatically opened without first displaying the Document List. | |
SignixClientPrefAutoAdvanceToNextSignature | yes/no | When the user completes a signature line, the document is positioned to the next signature line. | |
SignixClientPrefAutoOpenFirstDocument | yes/no | When this preference is set to "yes", the Document List will not be displayed to the user logging in to a transaction if the user has an action to complete. In this case, the first document requiring an action will be displayed. If the user has completed all required actions, then the document list will be displayed. | |
SignixClientPrefBrowserAutofill | yes/no | Toggles the browser's autocomplete attribute of HTML form input fields. | |
SignixClientPrefDateSignedFormat | enum | Sets the format of the date field associated with a signature line. | |
SignixClientPrefDateSignedTimeZone | enum | This preference sets the default time zone for the Wizard's date field Properties Dialog. | |
SignixClientPrefEnable21CFRPart11CompliantMode | enum | This preference enables various UI components required by 21 CFR Part 11 compliance. | |
SignixClientPrefMiddleName | enum | Determines how middle names appear. | |
SignixClientPrefMustSignFirstDocumentFirst | yes/no | Determines whether the first document of the document set must be signed before the user is allowed to access any other document. Typically, the first document might be a consent form or service agreement. | |
SignixClientPrefNextPartyLink | yes/no | This preference determines whether the party completion page supports immediate login by the next party. | |
SignixClientPrefNotificationSchedule | A comma-separated list enclosed in curly braces, immediately followed by the units. | The Notification Schedule indicates how often the system will send a reminder email to a party that has not completed signing. | |
SignixContactInfo | string | Text to display in the various SDD guides, including the login, coversheet, and PDFguides. For example, "If you need assistance, please call 1-800-000-0000" | "" |
SignixDateSignedFormat | enum | Specifies how to format the signing date/time. Required if DateSignedField present. Enumerators listed below: none = -1 | 0 (MM_dd_yyyy) |
SignixDateSignedTimeZone | enum | Specifies the time zone in which to report the signing date and time. Enumerators listed below: none = -1, | 7 (UTC) |
SignixDateSignedMilitaryOff | bool | false | If True, then the format of the time signed will NOT be in military time format (will show AM/PM). If False, then the format of the time signed WILL be in miltary format (will not show AM/PM). |
SignixDateSignedHideTime | bool | false | If True, removes the time and timezone from signature in SIGNiX |
SignixDelDocsAfter | int | Specifies the amount of days completed documents will be available in your MyDox account. After the final specified day, the document will be purged from the system. | 60 |
SignixDeliveryType | enum | Configures which type of delivery service is used with SIGNiX (SDDC vs SDD) | SDDDC |
SignixDemo | bool | Configures SIGNiX production server to behave like a demo | FALSE |
SignixDistributeToSubmitter | bool | Indicate if the Submitter is to receive a copy of the distribution email when the transaction completes. | FALSE |
SignixDistributionEmailContent | string | Text that is to be included in the distribution email sent when the transaction completes. | "" |
SignixDistributionEmailList | string | List of email recipients of the distribution email sent when the transaction completes | "" |
SignixDocSetDescription | string | Description of forms in a transaction. If not provided, the following default value will be used: "{First Signer name}: {Dealer Name}: {Form Short Name}" | "" |
SignixExpireAfter | int | Transaction automatically cancelled if it is not completed within the specified number of days. | 10 |
SignixShowSignNow | bool | Show the Sign Now field in the E-Sign Pop-Up | TRUE |
SignixSubmitterEmail | string | Sets the Email of Submitter | "" |
SignixSubmitterEmailList | string | Sets the SIGNiX Submitter Email List | "" |
SignixSubmitterName | string | Sets the Name of Submitter. Assigned name can be seen in the Document History under your transaction in MyDox. | "" |
SignixSuspendOnStart | bool | When TRUE, Indicates if transaction preprocessing is to suspend the transaction instead of notifying | FALSE |
SignixWorkgroup | enum | Sets the SIGNiX workgroup type | "SDD" |
SignJavascript | string | Javascript to be run when clicking the Sign button | "" |
SignMessage | string | Sets the sign message in the Quik! E-Signature pop-up. If not provided, the following message is displayed: The attached forms were completed and prepared for you to sign. <Form Names> Please sign these forms by clicking the link. <FormViewID #> | "" |
SignMultipleDocs | bool | When TRUE each Form in the package will be available in it's own PDF within the e-sign envelope vs. a single combined PDF of all forms (when this property is FALSE) | FALSE |
SignOrderLock | bool | When TRUE, locks the order column in the esign popup | TRUE |
SignSendJavascript | string | Javascript to be run when clicking the Send button in the esign popup | "" |
SignShowVerifyCode | bool | When TRUE, the Verify Code column is shown in the Quik! E-Signature pop-up | TRUE |
SignURL | string | Sets the URL for posting document data to the QuikEsignTransport project. |
Error Log Properties
Property | Type | Description | Default Value (If Applicable) |
WriteErrorLogToDisk | bool | Gets or sets the value indicating whether the error log is written to disk. | |
ErrorLogPath | string | Gets or sets the location for the error log. |
Field Rule Properties
Property | Type | Description | Default Value (If Applicable) |
FieldAttributesManagerOff | bool | When set to TRUE, this property tells the Quik! Forms Engine to ignore all rules created in the Quik! Forms Enterprise Manager, and only apply those created programatically. | FALSE |
FieldAttributesManagerTest | bool | When set to TRUE, all forms generated will only use field rules that are currently in Test status. This is useful for testing how new field rules work before going live with them. | FALSE |
Custom Field Editor Properties
Property | Type | Description | Default Value (If Applicable) |
CustomFieldEditorSettings | Class | A wrapper class for the Custom Field Editor, which lets users add custom fields to a form in the Quik! Form Viewer. For a description of all settings and how to use this, please see Configuring Custom Fields documentation. |
FormFieldObject Properties
Property | Type | Description | Default Value (If Applicable) |
FormField | Class | A wrapper class for field attributes. Instead of passing the attributes as different parameters of the AddFieldToForm method, they are set as properties of the FormField object and this last object is passed as the single parameter of the method. This is the current supported method for pre-filling a field into a form package. For a description of all attributes, please see AddFieldToForm Method documentation. |
Custom Alternate Data Button Properties
Property | Type | Description | Default Value (If Applicable) |
CustomAltButton | Class | A wrapper class for Custom Altnerate Data Button settings. There are several properties associated with Custom Alternate Data Buttons, used to help users fill out forms faster. For a description of these properties, please see the Custom Alternate Data Buttons Properties documentation. |
In Person Signing Properties
Property | Type | Description | Default Value (If Applicable) |
InPersonSigningHost | Class | A wrapper class for In Person Signing Host settings. These properties allow customers to prefill host information when InPersonSigning is used as a Send Type. For more information, please see How to configure "In Person Signer" Send Type |
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Email: support@quikforms.com | Phone: (877) 456-QUIK