Optimizing Quik! For Internet Explorer

Optimizing Quik! For Internet Explorer

Our customers support needs range from the latest versions of Chrome, Firefox, and Internet Explorer, all the way back to IE8.

For those needing support for legacy browsers such as Internet Explorer 8, we've compiled a list of optimal settings to use when configuring our software.

We recommend getting the baseline form working in IE 8 and then turning on features that you want to use one by one to ensure that they're operating correctly in your environment.

HTML 4 Compatibility

objQFESettings.HTML4Compatible = True

By default is FALSE to only output HTML5 content - set to TRUE if using Internet Explorer 8 or 9

Field Rules

objQFESettings.FieldAttributesManagerOff = True

Turns off field attribute rules. Likely should work in IE8, so you can reenable easily if needed.


objQFESettings.HTMLHideDefaultAltDataButtons = True

Alternative data buttons are not well supported in IE 8


objQFESettings.AutoCenterFieldsOff = True

Turn off auto-centering to avoid excess javascripts running

iScroll (iPad movement and scrolling helper)

objQFESettings.iScrollOff = True

Default should be TRUE, but set it to TRUE just in case - iScroll is for iPad users

Calculated Fields Popup

objQFESettings.ShowCalculatedFieldPopups = False

Default is TRUE, set to False to ensure IE 8 works well then test to ensure the popups work well

For help regarding Quik! Forms and the Quik! API
Email: support@quikforms.com | Phone: (877) 456-QUIK