Viewer Configuration Options
To control how the HTML form viewer displays and works, the following properties are configurable at run-time.
Property |
Description |
URL that should be displayed in a new window when the QFV logo is clicked. |
HTMLTitle |
Gets or sets the title of the HTML page |
HTMLMetaNames |
Gets or sets the meta names for the HTML page as a single string with double-quotes escaped (for each double quote an extra one must be used – e.g. "" will produce a single double quote) Default Value: "<meta name=""viewport"" content=""width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0, user-scalable=yes, minimum-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=1.0""/>" & _ |
HTMLStyles |
Gets or sets the CSS styles for the page as a single string |
HTMLBodyOnloadFunction |
Gets or sets the "onload" function for the Body tag Default Value: init() |
HTMLLoadingImage |
Gets or sets the loading image to display when the form loads Default Value: "loading.gif" |
HTMLLogoPath |
Gets or sets the full URI path to the logo file Default Value: "logo.png" |
HTMLLogoAltText |
Gets or sets the alternate text for the logo image Default Value: "Quik! Forms" |
HTMLMainInstruction |
Gets or sets the main instruction line on the QFV page Default Value: "Complete Your Forms" |
HTMLMinorInstruction |
Gets or sets the minor instruction line on the QFV page Default Value: "Review and complete your forms below. When done, print, submit and/or save for your records." |
HTMLShowAltDataButtons |
Sets the flag for whether to hide the Alternative Data Buttons. Default Value: Visible (TRUE) |
HTMLShowButtonClear |
Gets or sets the flag for whether to show the Clear button. Default Value: Visible |
HTMLShowButtonReset |
Gets or sets the flag for whether to show the Reset button Default Value: Visible |
HTMLShowButtonPrint |
Gets or sets the flag for whether to show the Print button Default Value: Visible |
HTMLShowButtonSave |
Gets or sets the flag for whether to show the Save and Load buttons Default Value: Visible |
HTMLShowButtonSubmit |
Gets or sets the flag for whether to show the Submit button. The submit button will NOT appear unless a URL is provided in the SubmitURL property. Default Value: Visible (but not displayed without a SubmitURL value) |
HTMLShowButtonSign |
Gets or sets the flag for whether to show the Sign button. The submit button will NOT appear unless a URL is provided in the SignURL property. Default Value: Visible (but not displayed without a SignURL value) |
HTMLFieldFontColor |
Gets or sets the font color for the form fields using an HTML color name or Hex code (e.g. #AA0000 for dark red or #000 for black) Default Value: Blue |
HTMLFooter |
Gets or sets the default footer HTML value to display as the footer with double-quotes escaped (for each double quote an extra one must be used – e.g. "" will produce a single double quote). Default Value: Forms powered by Quik! - <a href="""" target=""_blank""></a> |
HTMLFooterStyle |
Gets or sets the HTML footer CSS or style in CSS format. Default Value: font-family:sans-serif; font-size:8pt; font-style:italic; color:#aa0000; text-align:right; line-height:30px; |
NEW HTMLShowAltDataButtons |
When FALSE, do not display the Alternative Data Buttons on the form. Default value is TRUE. |
SubmitURL |
Gets or sets the customer's Submit URL for the submit button – required in order to display the Submit button. |
SubmitJavascript |
Sets a custom javascript or function reference to use for the submit action when the user clicks the Submit button. |
SaveURL |
Gets or sets the customer's Save URL for the save button. Only set this property if you want to override the default save functionality and have the data sent to your server instead. By setting this property you are turning off the ability for the user to work offline. |
SignURL |
Gets or sets the customer's Sign URL for the sign button – required in order to display the Sign button. Default Value: TBD on the Quik! server |
SignJavascript |
Sets a custom javascript or function reference to use for the sign action when the user clicks the Sign button. |
SignShowVerifyCode |
A boolean value that turns on or off the Verify Code option within the e-signature pop-up window. |
SignShowVerifyIDCheck |
A boolean value that turns on or off the Verify ID Check option within the e-signature pop-up window. |
SignShowVerifyPhone |
A boolean value that turns on or off the Verify Phone option within the e-signature pop-up window. |
SignSubject |
The default subject line to use in the e-sign email to recipients. Default value is "Please e-sign these forms (<CARRIER_LIST>)" |
SignMessage |
The default message to use in the e-sign email to recipients. |
SignAllDocsCombined |
Set flag to TRUE to include forms AND any external documents into a single PDF for delivery to the e-sign vendor. (Default = FALSE) |
CustomJavaFileIncludePath |
Gets or sets the customer's custom javascript file path in an include statement within the <HEAD> tag. Only provide the URI, as the QFE will create the HTML tags automatically. Only one reference file link is supported at this time. Example: providing "../myJavascript.js" will result in "<script src="../myJavascript.js"></script> |
CustomJavaScript |
Gets or sets the customer's custom javascript text (function) in HTML format to append to the end of the HTML file. Entire script and proper tags must be included. Multiple scripts can be added as additional items, added to the list in order of preference. |
jQueryFilePath |
Sets the "src" attribute for the jQuery javascript file to use with the forms. Default version is 1.9.1-min located in the "javascripts" folder where the HTML file is saved. ("javascripts/jquery-1.9.1.min.js") |
jQueryUIFilePath |
Sets the "src" attribute for the jQuery UI javascript file to use with the forms. Default version 1.10.3 is located in the "javascripts" folder where the HTML file is saved. ("javascripts/jquery-ui.min.js") |
jQueryBlockUIFilePath |
Sets the "src" attribute for the jQuery javascript file to use with the forms. Default version is located in the "javascripts" folder where the HTML file is saved. ("javascripts/jquery.blockUI.js") |
iScrollFilePath |
Sets the "src" attribute for the iScroll javascript file to use with the forms. Default version is 4.0 located in the "javascripts" folder where the HTML file is saved. ("javascripts/iscroll.js") |
iScrollOff |
A boolean value that turns off iScroll for all browsers. Default Value: FALSE |
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For help regarding Quik! Forms and the Quik! API
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