Quik! offers customers the ability to set up sub-accounts (aka "Child Accounts") for their clients for enhanced account-level customization. This page will describe some of the reasons a customer may want to set up these sub-accounts under their main account (aka "Parent Account"), and how to do this.

Child Accounts: For Partners and Enterprises

If your company is embedding Quik! within a product or service that you extend to your own customers (i.e. a re-seller who sells Quik! as a feature in their product, or a large enterprise who extends software to users and wants users to have separate accounts), then using Child Accounts may be for you.

What Is A Child Account

Every customer in Quik! gets a Customer Account that includes:

We offer the ability for your Customer Account to become a "parent" account to any number of "child" accounts, meaning you can sign up customers within Quik! and have their accounts related to yours. This parent-child relationship serves as a link for the following purposes:

Reasons to Create Child Accounts for Your Clients

Types of customers who create child accounts:

Some of the uses cases include:

How to Create Child Accounts

Child accounts can be set up in one of two ways:


If you would like support setting up child accounts during your on-boarding or piloting phase, or if you don't expect to add more than one or two accounts per month, then feel free to send an email to support@quikforms.com with your customer's info including:


If you expect to set up a lot of customer accounts or simply want an automated way to ensure accounts are set up, then use our APIs to add, edit or remove accounts and users.

Call the AddCustomer method to create child customer accounts that are associated to your parent account. When a child customer account is created, one master user account is created by default with an associated email, username, and password that typically belongs to an admin at the client organization. Once a a new child account is created, the person whose email is used with the customer account will receive an automated email from Quik! providing them with their credentials.

Important Considerations

When using child accounts, please consider some of the impact managing these accounts may have.