AddCustomer Method
This method creates a new master customer record in the Quik! Enterprise database and associates that record to the partner's master customer account. New customers will automatically be given a 30-day product subscription to the supplied ProductID (e.g. Quik! Forms Engine is ProductID 14) with a CustomerProductStatus of ACTIVE (not TRIAL – partner customers are not given trial periods).
Important Note:
When adding a new customer account the person whose email is used with the customer account will receive an automated email from Quik! providing them with their username and password. The message is similar to the one below:
Dear John Smith,
Welcome to Quik!. Your customer account automatically gives you free access to Quik! Customer Central, a website designed to make it easy for you to manage all your Quik! products, your billing information and all your users. Your username, password and some information about your account are shown below.
Username: 10012041
Password: jF34rDwe9
SOAP Request
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <soap:Envelope xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:soap=""> <soap:Header> <AuthenticationHeader xmlns=""> <PartnerID>string</PartnerID> <UserName>string</UserName> <Password>string</Password> </AuthenticationHeader> </soap:Header> <soap:Body> <AddCustomer xmlns=""> <CompanyName>string</CompanyName> <ProductID>int</ProductID> <Username>string</Username> <SecurityQuestionID>int</SecurityQuestionID> <SecurityAnswer>string</SecurityAnswer> <DiscountCode>string</DiscountCode> <PrefixID>int</PrefixID> <FirstName>string</FirstName> <MiddleName>string</MiddleName> <LastName>string</LastName> <Suffix>string</Suffix> <Title>string</Title> <EMail>string</EMail> <Phone>string</Phone> <PhoneExt>string</PhoneExt> <Fax>string</Fax> <AddressLine1>string</AddressLine1> <AddressLine2>string</AddressLine2> <AddressLine3>string</AddressLine3> <AddressLine4>string</AddressLine4> <City>string</City> <StateID>int</StateID> <Zip>string</Zip> <CountryID>int</CountryID> <CustomerUserUniqueID>string</CustomerUserUniqueID> <FormCompanyID>int</FormCompanyID> <FormCompanyName>string</FormCompanyName> </AddCustomer> </soap:Body> </soap:Envelope>
SOAP Body Request Parameters
The following parameters can be used with this web service. Required parameters are highlighted in RED.
Field Name | Data Type | Length | Direction | Display | Required? | Description |
CompanyName | String | 1000 | In | YES | YES | The customer's Company Name |
ProductID | Integer | 4 | In | YES | NO | Any valid/active product ID can be passed. |
Username | String | 100 | In | YES | NO | If left blank the Username will be the same as the CustomerID assigned to this new customer record. If provided, Username must be unique in the database or the transaction fails. |
SecurityQuestionID | Integer | 4 | In | YES | YES | Possible values are in listed in the User Password Question table. |
SecurityAnswer | String | 255 | In | YES | YES | The customer's answer for security question |
DiscountCode | String | 255 | In | YES | NO | Optional value to apply a discount to a customer's product |
PrefixID | Integer | 4 | In | YES | NO | Default value is NULL |
FirstName | String | 250 | In | YES | YES | Customer's primary contact First Name |
MiddleName | String | 250 | In | YES | NO | Customer's primary contact Middle Name |
LastName | String | 250 | In | YES | YES | Customer's primary contact Last Name |
Suffix | String | 250 | In | YES | NO | Customer's primary contact Suffix |
Title | String | 250 | In | YES | NO | Customer's primary contact Title |
String | 1000 | In | YES | YES | Customer's primary contact Email | |
Phone | String | 25 | In | YES | YES | Customer's primary contact Phone |
PhoneExt | String | 25 | In | YES | NO | Customer's primary contact Phone Extension |
Fax | String | 25 | In | YES | NO | Customer's primary contact Fax |
AddressLine1 | String | 1000 | In | YES | YES | Customer's primary contact Address line 1 |
AddressLine2 | String | 1000 | In | YES | NO | Customer's primary contact Address line 2 |
AddressLine3 | String | 1000 | In | YES | NO | Customer's primary contact Address line 3 |
AddressLine4 | String | 1000 | In | YES | NO | Customer's primary contact Address line 4 |
City | String | 1000 | In | YES | YES | Customer's primary contact City |
StateID | Integer | 4 | In | YES | YES | Customer's primary contact State ID from the State table |
Zip | String | 15 | In | YES | YES | Customer's primary contact Zip Code |
CountryID | Integer | 4 | In | YES | YES | Customer's primary contact Country ID from the Country table |
CustomerUserUniqueID | String | 250 | In | YES | YES | The customer's unique ID to use for their primary license to use Quik! |
FormCompanyID | Integer | 4 | In | YES | NO | Customer's Broker/Dealer or parent company's Form Company ID to grant forms access to (use 185 if ID not known). |
FormCompanyName | String | 1000 | In | YES | YES | Name of Customer's Broker/Dealer or parent company |
Tables for Parameter Values
The following lookup values can be used as parameters with this web service.
The following ProductIDs can be used with this web service. Most partners will use ProductID of 14 for the Quik! Forms Engine. If adding the Quik! Transaction Manager (advisor-level software) to an account, use ProductID 1 for customers who are being billed by ETI or ProductID 6 for customers where the parent company or partner is paying for the service. Use ProductID 14 for generating HTML forms.
ProductID | ProductAbbreviation | ProductName |
1 | QTM | Quik! Transaction Manager |
6 | QTM-P | Quik! Transaction Manager (Paid by Parent Customer) |
13 | QWFE | Quik! Web Forms Engine |
14 | QFE | Quik! Forms Engine |
The following security questions can be used with this web service. For a default answer use ID 1 and supply the customer's city where their office is located. This security question is used if the customer contacts the Quik! support team to request access to their account.
SecurityQuestionID | SecurityQuestion |
1 | What city were you born in? |
2 | What is the name of your first pet? |
3 | What is your parent's postal zip code? |
4 | What is your spouse's middle name? |
5 | What is the name of your high school? |
6 | Who is your favorite musician, actor, artist or author? |
7 | What is the name of your favorite song? |
8 | What is the name or your favorite teacher? |
9 | What is your favorite color? |
The following PrefixIDs should be used to represent the customer's primary contact's name prefix.
PrefixID | Prefix |
1 | Mr. |
2 | Mrs. |
3 | Miss |
4 | Ms. |
5 | Dr. |
The following StateIDs should be used to represent the appropriate state or territory.
StateID | StateCode | StateName |
1 | AK | Alaska |
2 | AL | Alabama |
3 | AP | Military code |
4 | AR | Arkansas |
5 | AZ | Arizona |
6 | CA | California |
7 | CO | Colorado |
8 | CT | Connecticut |
9 | DC | Washington DC |
10 | DE | Delaware |
11 | FL | Florida |
12 | GA | Georgia |
13 | GU | Guam |
14 | HI | Hawaii |
15 | IA | Iowa |
16 | ID | Idaho |
17 | IL | Illinois |
18 | IN | Indiana |
19 | KS | Kansas |
20 | KY | Kentucky |
21 | LA | Louisiana |
22 | MA | Massachusetts |
23 | MD | Maryland |
24 | ME | Maine |
25 | MI | Michigan |
26 | MN | Minnesota |
27 | MO | Missouri |
28 | MS | Mississippi |
29 | MT | Montana |
30 | NC | North Carolina |
31 | ND | North Dakota |
32 | NE | Nebraska |
33 | NH | New Hampshire |
34 | NJ | New Jersey |
35 | NM | New Mexico |
36 | NV | Nevada |
37 | NY | New York |
38 | OH | Ohio |
39 | OK | Oklahoma |
40 | OR | Oregon |
41 | PA | Pennsylvania |
42 | PR | Puerto Rico |
43 | RI | Rhode Island |
44 | SC | South Carolina |
45 | SD | South Dakota |
46 | TN | Tennessee |
47 | TX | Texas |
48 | UT | Utah |
49 | VA | Virginia |
50 | VT | Vermont |
51 | WA | Washington |
52 | WI | Wisconsin |
53 | WV | West Virginia |
54 | WY | Wyoming |
55 | VI | Virgin Islands |
56 | AB | Alberta |
58 | BC | British Columbia |
59 | MB | Manitoba |
60 | NB | New Brunswick |
61 | NL | Newfoundland and Labrador |
62 | NS | Nova Scotia |
63 | NT | Northwest Territories |
64 | NU | Nunavut |
65 | ON | Ontario |
66 | PE | Prince Edward Island |
67 | QC | Quebec |
68 | SK | Saskatchewan |
69 | YT[A] | Yukon |
The following countries can be used with this web service.
CountryID | Country |
1 | United States of America |
2 | Canada |
Get this list using the Forms Data Web Service or manually enter it. The value should only be supplied when there is a Broker/Dealer form company in Quik!.A default value of 185 ("No Company") can be used instead.
SOAP Response
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <soap:Envelope xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:soap=""> <soap:Body> <AddCustomerResponse xmlns=""> <AddCustomerResult> <ErrorCode>int</ErrorCode> <Message>string</Message> <ResultData> <xsd:schema>schema</xsd:schema>xml</ResultData> </AddCustomerResult> </AddCustomerResponse> </soap:Body> </soap:Envelope>
Result Fields
The ResultData contains the following fields.
Field Name | Data Type | Length | Description |
CustomerID | Integer | Unique identifier for the new customer account | |
Username | String | 255 chars | Customer's master username |
Password | String | 255 chars | Customer's master password |
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For help regarding Quik! Forms and the Quik! API
Email: | Phone: (877) 456-QUIK