GetCustomerList Method
This method allows a partner to get a list of their customers and account status.
NOTE: Results do not include the partner's master account, which is considered the parent account.
SOAP Request
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <soap:Envelope xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:soap=""> <soap:Header> <AuthenticationHeader xmlns=""> <PartnerID>string</PartnerID> <UserName>string</UserName> <Password>string</Password> </AuthenticationHeader> </soap:Header> <soap:Body> <GetCustomerList xmlns=""> <CustomerIDs>string</CustomerIDs> <CustomerUniqueIDs>string</CustomerUniqueIDs> <ProductID>int</ProductID> <CustomerProductStatusID>int</CustomerProductStatusID> <RenewalDateStart>dateTime</RenewalDateStart> <RenewalDateEnd>dateTime</RenewalDateEnd> </GetCustomerList> </soap:Body> </soap:Envelope>
SOAP Body Request Parameters
The following parameters can be used with this web service. This web service can be used as a dynamic query with search criteria entered into the parameters, or return all records by leaving all the parameters empty.
Field Name | Data Type | Length | Direction | Display | Required? | Description |
CustomerIDs | String | 8000 | In | YES | NO | Comma-separated list of CustomerIDs |
CustomerUniqueIDs | String | 8000 | In | YES | NO | A list of the Partner's Unique IDs assigned by the partner system to identify customers |
ProductID | Integer | 4 | In | YES | NO | Optional value to return customers who have a given ProductID. |
CustomerProductStatusID | Integer | 4 | In | YES | NO | Optional value to restrict results by product status. |
RenewalDateStart | Date | 8 | In | YES | NO | Optional value to restrict results to a starting renewal date |
RenewalDateEnd | Date | 8 | In | YES | NO | Optional value to restrict results to an ending renewal date |
SOAP Response
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <soap:Envelope xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:soap=""> <soap:Body> <GetCustomerListResponse xmlns=""> <GetCustomerListResult> <ErrorCode>int</ErrorCode> <Message>string</Message> <ResultData> <xsd:schema>schema</xsd:schema>xml</ResultData> </GetCustomerListResult> </GetCustomerListResponse> </soap:Body> </soap:Envelope>
Result Fields
The ResultData contains the following fields:
Field Name | Data Type | Length | Description |
CustomerID | Integer | Unique identifier for the customer account | |
AccountEstablishedDate | Date | Date the customer account was established | |
ProductID | Integer | ProductID the customer is subscribed to | |
ProductName | String | 255 chars | Product name |
CustomerProductStatusID | Integer | Product Status ID of the customer's product | |
CustomerProductStatus | String | 255 chars | Status of the customer's product |
AcquisitionDate | Date | Date the product was acquired | |
ProductExpirationDate | Date | Date the product expires | |
RenewalDate | Date | Date the product will renew | |
Quantity | Integer | Number of licenses for the product | |
CustomerUserUniqueID | String | 250 | The customer's primary unique ID used as their initial license on the account (tblUser.CustUserID for the MasterUserID). |
CompanyName | String | 1000 | The customer's Company Name |
Username | String | 100 | Default Username will be the CustomerID assigned to this customer record. If provided, Username must be unique in the database or transaction fails. |
Prefix | String | 250 | Customer's primary contact Prefix |
FirstName | String | 250 | Customer's primary contact First Name |
MiddleName | String | 250 | Customer's primary contact Middle Name |
LastName | String | 250 | Customer's primary contact Last Name |
Suffix | String | 250 | Customer's primary contact Suffix |
Title | String | 250 | Customer's primary contact Title |
String | 1000 | Customer's primary contact Email | |
Phone | String | 25 | Customer's primary contact Phone |
PhoneExt | String | 25 | Customer's primary contact Phone Extension |
Fax | String | 25 | Customer's primary contact Fax |
AddressLine1 | String | 1000 | Customer's primary contact Address line 1 |
AddressLine2 | String | 1000 | Customer's primary contact Address line 2 |
AddressLine3 | String | 1000 | Customer's primary contact Address line 3 |
AddressLine4 | String | 1000 | Customer's primary contact Address line 4 |
City | String | 1000 | Customer's primary contact City |
State | String | 250 | Customer's primary contact State |
Zip | String | 15 | Customer's primary contact Zip Code |
Country | String | 250 | Customer's primary contact Country |
FormCompanyName | String | 1000 | Name of Customer's Broker/Dealer or parent company (QuikEnterprise.dbo.tblCustomer. OriginalDealerName) |
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