User Account – Web Service
NOTE: SOAP are legacy web services originally developed for the Quik! APIs. At this time, they are deprecated and no longer in use. This guide is here for documentation purposes only.
The User Account web service allows you to manage your end users with Quik!. You can add/update end-user records, change their active status and retrieve a list of already registered users.
Service URL:
Service WSDL:
User Account Methods:
The following methods can be called with the User License web service.
- UpdateLicense – adds or updates a customer's end-user license in Quik! Customer database, licensing table.
- SetLicenseStatus – updates a specific license status as active, inactive or delete in the Quik! Customer database.
- GetLicenseList – retrieves a list of customer's registered licenses in the Quik! Customer database (ordered by account status).
An end-user is defined by the following pieces of information (all required except for MiddelName)
- CustomerID – customer's ID assigned by the Quik! system
- FirstName – user's first name
- MiddleName – user's middle name
- LastName – user's last name
- Email – user's email address – used to handle customer service inquiries
- Phone – user's phone number – used to handle customer service inquiries
- CustomerUserID – unique ID used in customer's database to identify user
- LicenseStatusID – active/inactive/delete as set by customer or Quik! as a secondary measure to control a user's account activity
UpdateLicense Details
The UpdateLicense web service will update an existing license record if one exists or it will add a new license record if a matching record does not exist. Use the UpdateLicense method to add new users to the Quik! system, or to update any attribute of the user's information in Quik!. Each time you call this method, be sure to pass all the data for the user, as any missing data will update the user's record with null or empty values. Also, required inputs that are missing will cause the method to fail.
SOAP Request
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <soap:Envelope xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:soap=""> <soap:Header> <AuthenticationHeader xmlns=""> <CustomerID>string</CustomerID> <UserName>string</UserName> <Password>string</Password> </AuthenticationHeader> </soap:Header> <soap:Body> <UpdateLicense xmlns=""> <FirstName>string</FirstName> <MiddleName>string</MiddleName> <LastName>string</LastName> <Email>string</Email> <Phone>string</Phone> <CustomerUserID>string</CustomerUserID> <LicenseStatusID>int</LicenseStatusID> <LicenseExpiry>string</LicenseExpiry> </UpdateLicense> </soap:Body> </soap:Envelope>
SOAP Body Request Parameters
Field Name | Data Type | Length | Required? | Description |
FirstName | String | 250 chars | YES | Licensee first name |
MiddleName | String | 250 chars | NO | Licensee middle name |
LastName | String | 250 chars | YES | Licensee last name |
String | 1000 chars | NO | Licensee email address | |
Phone | String | 15 chars | NO | Licensee phone number |
CustomerUserID | String | 250 chars | YES | Customer's unique ID for licensee |
LicenseStatusID | Integer | 1 | YES | 1 = Active 2 = Inactive 3 = DELETE (to flag user to be removed) |
LicenseExpiry | Date | Date | NO | The date a license expires, as set by the Customer |
SOAP Response
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <soap:Envelope xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:soap=""> <soap:Body> <UpdateLicenseResponse xmlns=""> <UpdateLicenseResult> <ErrorCode>int</ErrorCode> <Message>string</Message> <ResultData> <xsd:schema>schema</xsd:schema>xml</ResultData> <File>base64Binary</File> </UpdateLicenseResult> </UpdateLicenseResponse> </soap:Body> </soap:Envelope>
SetLicenseStatus Details
SetLicenseStatus will update a user's account status as either active, inactive or delete in the Quik! Forms Enterprise Manager end-user database. If you wish to delete a user's record from the Quik! system, set the LicenseStatusID to 3 (delete). By setting an account to be deleted, the record will still exist and be available via this function if you wish to re-activate the account by setting the status to 1 (active).
SOAP Request
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <soap:Envelope xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:soap=""> <soap:Header> <AuthenticationHeader xmlns=""> <CustomerID>string</CustomerID> <UserName>string</UserName> <Password>string</Password> </AuthenticationHeader> </soap:Header> <soap:Body> <SetLicenseStatus xmlns=""> <CustomerUserID>string</CustomerUserID> <LicenseStatusID>int</LicenseStatusID> <LicenseExpiry>string</LicenseExpiry> </SetLicenseStatus> </soap:Body> </soap:Envelope>
SOAP Body Request Parameters
Field Name | Data Type | Length | Required? | Description |
CustomerUserID | String | 250 chars | YES | Customer's unique ID for licensee |
LicenseStatusID | Integer | 1 | YES | 1 = Active2 = Inactive3 = DELETE (to flag user to be removed) |
LicenseExpiry | Date | Date | NO | The date a license expires, as set by the Customer |
SOAP Response
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <soap:Envelope xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:soap=""> <soap:Body> <SetLicenseStatusResponse xmlns=""> <SetLicenseStatusResult> <ErrorCode>int</ErrorCode> <Message>string</Message> <ResultData> <xsd:schema>schema</xsd:schema>xml</ResultData> <File>base64Binary</File> </SetLicenseStatusResult> </SetLicenseStatusResponse> </soap:Body> </soap:Envelope>
GetLicenseList Details
Retrieve a list of end-users that you registered in the Quik! database (by account status). You can search for a specific user, or all users by account status or all users at any status, depending on the parameters you provide. No body parameters are required to return all users.
SOAP Request
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <soap:Envelope xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:soap=""> <soap:Header> <AuthenticationHeader xmlns=""> <CustomerID>string</CustomerID> <UserName>string</UserName> <Password>string</Password> </AuthenticationHeader> </soap:Header> <soap:Body> <GetLicenseList xmlns=""> <FirstName>string</FirstName> <LastName>string</LastName> <Email>string</Email> <CustomerUserIDList>string</CustomerUserIDList> <LicensesStatusIDList>string</LicensesStatusIDList> <LicenseExpiryFROM>dateTime</LicenseExpiryFROM> <LicenseExpiryTO>dateTime</LicenseExpiryTO> </GetLicenseList> </soap:Body> </soap:Envelope>
SOAP Body Request Parameters
Field Name | Data Type | Length | Required? | Description |
FirstName | String | 250 chars | NO | Licensee first name |
LastName | String | 250 chars | NO | Licensee last name |
String | 1000 chars | NO | Licensee email address | |
CustomerUserIDList | String | 8000 chars | NO | CSV list of CustomerUserIDs |
LicenseStatusIDList | String | 8000 chars | NO | CSV list of LicenseStatusIDs |
LicenseExpiryFROM | Date | Date | NO | The minimum date a license expires |
LicenseExpiryTO | Date | Date | NO | The maximum date a license expires |
SOAP Response
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <soap:Envelope xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:soap=""> <soap:Body> <GetLicenseListResponse xmlns=""> <GetLicenseListResult> <ErrorCode>int</ErrorCode> <Message>string</Message> <ResultData> <xsd:schema>schema</xsd:schema>xml</ResultData> <File>base64Binary</File> </GetLicenseListResult> </GetLicenseListResponse> </soap:Body> </soap:Envelope>
Result Fields
Field Name | Data Type | Length | Description |
FirstName | String | 250 chars | Licensee first name |
MiddleName | String | 250 chars | Licensee middle name |
LastName | String | 250 chars | Licensee last name |
String | 1000 chars | Licensee email address | |
Phone | String | 15 chars | Licensee phone number |
CustomerUserID | String | 250 chars | Customer's unique ID for licensee |
LicenseStatusID | Integer | 1 | 1 = Active |
LicenseExpiry | Date | Date | The date a license expires, as set by the Customer |
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