Quik! Forms Engine Sandbox

This is a link to the package of files first sent to new customers when setting up their Quik! account (also known as the Quik! "Sandbox"). The name of the containing folder includes the version number of the DLL contained within (for example, v5.5.6467.40112). Contents include:

Quik! ESignTransport.SelfService Project (.NET CORE) & Envelope Creator Project
SelfService project intended to guide customers through implementing the Self Service model for DocuSign integration built with the .NET CORE framework. Envelope Creator project intended to help customers with creating envelopes at DocuSign. Both can be used as is or you can build your own project matching your needs. See here for more information.

Quik! ESignTransport.SelfService Project (LEGACY .NET) & Envelope Creator Project
SelfService project intended to guide customers through implementing the Self Service model for DocuSign integration built with the legacy .NET framework. Envelope Creator project intended to help customers with creating envelopes at DocuSign. Both can be used as is or you can build your own project matching your needs. See here for more information.

Quik! Pass Thru Sample Project
A project to guide customers through implementing the Pass Thru model for DocuSign integration. It can be used as is or you can build your own project matching your needs. See here for more information.

Quik! ESign Transport Project (version 5.4)
A project to guide customers through implementing the Self Service model for DocuSign integration for version 5.4 of the Quik! Forms Engine. See here for more information.