Support Resources

Support Resources

API Guide

We offer an extensive API Guide that you can search for frequently asked questions, installation setup, etc. for using our APIs. Every time we learn something new based on a question from a customer, we enter it in our API Guide so you can have immediate access to it. If you have a complex technical question, try our searching our API Guide.

Help Center

We also maintain a Help Center primarily for questions related to the Quik! Forms App. This is intended for end-users of the Quik! Forms App, and is not as technically detailed as the API Guide. If you have a question about account management, reporting, or how to use the Quik! Forms App, try searching our Help Center.

Live Help

We pride ourselves on our ability to service our customer’s needs. If you need help and can’t figure out the solution on your own, don’t wait another second – give us a call. We understand that your first job is to service your customers, not technology, so rely on us to be your technology expert when it comes to setting up and using Quik!. Feel free to contact us via email or phone, and we will do everything we can to solve your problem within 24 hours, if not within the same hour.

Contact Information

Phone: (877) 456-7845

Email: support@quikforms.com

Web: http://www.quikforms.com/support.aspx

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For help regarding Quik! Forms and the Quik! API
Email: support@quikforms.com | Phone: (877) 456-QUIK