General Process Flow

General Process Flow

Regardless of your chosen implementation type, the basic flow for a user should be approximately the same. The recommended steps are listed as 1, 2, 3 and optional steps as a, b, c below:

  1. Find Forms
    1. Perform a form search
    2. Display pre-existing form groups
    3. Select forms from a list
  2. Choose Clients
    1. Call the Quik! Forms Engine Config Web Service to generate a list of client roles by FormIDs
    2. Choose clients (or data sets) to prefill onto Quik! forms
    3. Type data onto a web form to pass to the Quik! form
  3. Generate Forms
    1. Choose one or more reps/agents to prefill onto the Quik! form
    2. Determine the order of forms to display
    3. Apply form configurations, append external documents and disply the Quik! HTML form

Sample Process Flow

This process flow is best depicted in the turnkey Sample Website in the next section. 

Process Flow Example

Find Forms

Form Search

Form Groups

Choose Clients

Generate Forms

Screenshots shown are from the Quik! Forms Engine Sample Website, a turnkey solution for deploying the Quik! Forms Engine within your application environment.

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Email: support@quikforms.com | Phone: (877) 456-QUIK