Quik! Software Components

Quik! Software Components

Quik! Forms Engine (QFE)

The QFE is the core of the overall Quik! Enterprise Forms Automation platform and is used to generate forms. The QFE is run by doing the following in the calling application:

  1. Add master customer account credentials
  2. Specify the Quik! FormID(s) to generate
  3. Load data to appear on forms into the QFE
  4. Run the software to return HTML forms

Quik! Form Viewer

The HTML file output by the Quik! Forms Engine is called the Quik! Form Viewer. This is the name given to the viewer developed by Efficient Technology, Inc. to display the forms in an HTML format.
The image below shows the Quik! Form Viewer and how it functions. Nearly every aspect of the HTML format and content can be customized to meet your exact needs. Although not recommended, even the cascading style sheet that controls the layout of the form viewer can be modified to match your color scheme and desired layout. All customization is performed as part of the setup and configuration of the Quik! Forms Engine at run-time so changes can be made per form transaction.

Optional Forms Database

In order for your application to display forms you can either call the Quik! Forms web service in real-time or populate a local database of form information (provided as part of the included Quik! Forms Wizard project). The real-time search methods are intended to return only the found records for a given search – the larger the result set, the longer it may take to display the data to the user.
If using a local database the data will be supplied by Quik! (via the Forms Data web services) but the database design, implementation and updating is up to you. Quik! provides a turnkey program and database called the Quik! Forms Wizard that will call the Quik! Forms Data web services and refresh the Quik! Forms Wizard Database on a schedule of your choosing.

Your Application

You are responsible for designing, building and implementing an application that provides your users the ability to generate forms. Once designed, the Quik! software enables your application by providing behind-the-scenes technology and infrastructure to generate and display the forms.

For help regarding Quik! Forms and the Quik! API
Email: support@quikforms.com | Phone: (877) 456-QUIK