Web Services

Web Services

Implementing the Quik! Forms Engine requires the sharing of information needed to operate the software. The types of shared data include a list of forms, form owners/providers (dealers) and other related meta data.

Quik! Forms Engine Web Service

Instead of installing the QuikFormsEngine.dll you can use the web service version instead. The web service is essentially a wrapper for the QuikFormsEngine.dll enabling you to use the software remotely without installing the actual software or requiring the .NET Framework in your production environment. This is ideal for non-.NET users (e.g. Linux, Unix, MacOS, tablet OS, etc.).
To use the web service version of this software, use the following service URL:
Service URL: https://websvcs.quikforms.com/quikformsenginews/v5200/QuikFormsEngine.asmx
Service WSDL: https://websvcs.quikforms.com/quikformsenginews/v5200/QuikFormsEngine.asmx?WSDL

Forms Data – Web Service

The Forms Data Web Services can be used for real-time form searches or for downloading all the form data to a local database (to help your system run faster with fewer dependencies on outside services). Real-time searches enable you to access the form data directly from the Quik! server without hosting the data yourself. If you prefer to host the data in a local database (for more complex and advanced searches), this software includes the Quik! Forms Wizard.
The Quik! Forms Wizard includes a turn-key ASP.NET demo web project, a .NET Windows application to perform automated form data web service updates and a SQL 2005+ database to store the data returned by the Forms Data web service.

QuikESignTransport Web Service

Enterprise customers who build their application on the Quik! Forms Engine often want the ability to e-sign forms from directly within their own application and environment. To make this possible, the QuikESignTransport web service was developed to handle communications between Quik! and DocuSign.
In order to send a Quik! Form to DocuSign, the data and the document must be transformed by Quik! and prepared to be sent to DocuSign. This web service handles the transmission of the form and data to and from Quik!, and then to DocuSign, giving the customer full control over the steps and events prior to sending to DocuSign and after sending to DocuSign.

For help regarding Quik! Forms and the Quik! API
Email: support@quikforms.com | Phone: (877) 456-QUIK