How to prefill custom recipient emails

How to prefill custom recipient emails

By default, recipient emails in the e-sign popup are prefilled using the same values that are entered or prefilled on the form itself. For example, if the form has a 1own.H.Email field prefilled with “name@company.com”, then its e-sign pop-up will automatically pull “name@company.com” for the Owner 1 signer.

However, this default behavior is not useful in some scenarios, including:

  • when customers wish to use a different email for signing than the one used on the form

  • when a form does not include an email field for a signing role on the form

In these cases, customers can directly prefill an email value into the e-sign pop-up using the ForcePrefill property in the Signers object. Code sample below:

{ "HostFormOnQuik": true, "QuikFormID": "12", "ESignType": { "Type":"Signix", "SignEnvironmentID":8 , "SignixSubmitterName":"<your SubmitterName>", "SignixSubmitterEmail":"<your SubmitterEmail>", "Recipients": { "Signers": [ { "Email": { "Value": "test@test.com", "ForcePrefill": true }, "Role": "1rep" } ] } } }

In the above configuration, “test@test.com” is used for the Rep 1’s email in the e-sign pop-up, regardless of what is entered in the Rep 1’s email field on the form, or even if the form does not include a Rep 1 email.


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