Parameters for Generating a Form

Parameters for Generating a Form

The Quik! Forms Engine requires the following parameters in order to generate a form.

  1. QuikUsername (string): The QuikUsername is a string value containing the username for your corporate account with Quik!.
  2. QuikPassword (string): The QuikPassword is a string value containing the password for your corporate account with Quik!.
  3. QuikCustID (string): The QuikCustID is a string value containing the Customer ID assigned by Quik! in your master customer account record in the Quik! customer database.
  4. QuikFormID (string): The FormID is the unique identifier used by the Quik! database to identify a form. You can pass one FormID or multiple FormIDs when running the software.

Basic Setup for Running the Quik! Forms Engine in REST

1. Generate a token using your master credentials:

2. Add the FormID(s) you want to generate:

Example Request:

JSON - Request
   "HostFormOnQuik":true, // When set to true, generates the forms using our Quik! Forms Viewer 
   "TestFinalFormsMode": false, // When set to false, generates the form that is currently live in Production

Example Results:

JSON - Results
    "ResultData": {
        "UNID": "5ehKj1bJHs6Ljfcyxr4OoY%2fhwymqHC8Cu5P3EVwmf4%2b1FLN0BPGWps3Ce5yfbZKJ",
        "HTML": "https://quikforms.com/viewform/zqRR-TKIAGfZ5F",
        "FormIDs": "12,449,5659"
    "ErrorCode": 0,
    "Message": "Forms generated successfully.",
    "Errors": null

3. Add field values to prefill onto the form

Example Request:

JSON - Request
   "HostFormOnQuik":true, // When set to true, this generates the forms using our Quik! Forms Viewer 
   "TestFinalFormsMode": true, // When set to true, generates the form that is not yet published (in "Final" status) - if applicable
   "DraftMode": true, // Generates the forms with a DRAFT watermark displayed
         "FieldValue":"Peter Parker"

Example Results:

JSON - Results
    "ResultData": {
        "UNID": "shElUjXUR90LDPJOxj%2fDFUxcTPOOSVZ798IofLyRrLZuERkZkfSdzoLbOp4V7mFy",
        "HTML": "https://quikforms.com/viewform/zqRR-TevArTl2W7",
        "FormIDs": "12,449,5659"
    "ErrorCode": 0,
    "Message": "This form is in draft mode and is not intended for production use. Using this form in production is a violation of our terms.",
    "Errors": null

Basic Setup for Running the Quik! Forms Engine DLL

Follow the steps below for setting up and executing the Quik! Forms Engine at its most basic level.

  1. Place the DLL in your application's BIN folder.
  2. Create a reference to the .NET DLL within your project
  3. Instantiate the QuikFormsEngine as an object

Dim objQFE As QuikFormsEngine.QuikFormsEngine 

Add your customer credentials (customers must always use their master account credentials)

'Enter the credentials for your Quik! account 
objQFE.QuikUsername = "MasterUsername"
objQFE.QuikPassword = "MasterPassword"
objQFE.QuikCustID = "QuikCustID" 

Add the FormID(s) you want to generate

'Enter the form ID(s) - multiple can be submitted at once separated by commas (e.g. 12,14,17)
objQFE.AddFormIDsGroup = "12,14,17" 

Add field values to prefill onto the form. Ideally, pass values to this method programmatically from an array of data or a record set from a database.

objQFE.AddFieldToForm( _
FieldName:="1own.FName", _
FieldValue:="Owner 1 First Name", _
FieldReadOnly:=QuikFormsEngine.QFD.FieldReadOnly.NoRestrictions, _
FieldVisibility:=QuikFormsEngine.QFD.FieldVisibility.None, _

Set the Save and/or Submit URLs if you want users to send their data to your system (note: the web server receiving the submitted data can be any kind of page that is configured to parse a standard HTML submit event).

objQFE.SaveURL = "http://localhost/SaveForm.aspx"
objQFE.SubmitURL = "http://localhost:59536/SubmitForm.aspx" 

Run the Quik! Forms Engine and return the result to an array list

Dim arrFiles As ArrayList = Nothing
arrFiles = objQFE.Execute 

Check the error object for any errors.

If objQFE.Results.ErrorFlag Then
MessageBox.Show("Error: " & objQFE.Results.Message)
'Do something to show the HTML file to the user – e.g. Response.Redirect or Response.write
End If 

Once the engine has run, you can send the output to the requesting browser.


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For help regarding Quik! Forms and the Quik! API
Email: support@quikforms.com | Phone: (877) 456-QUIK