E-Signature Services


The collection of Quik! Forms Engine E-Signature services are used to implement E-Signature features and capabilities within your environment. 

Endpoint URL: https://websvcs.quikforms.com/rest/esignature/

Endpoint Documentation: https://websvcs.quikforms.com/rest/esignature/swagger/index.html

How to Authorize on Swagger

  1. Retrieve your Quik! token by calling the following service in a tool such as Postman: https://websvcs.quikforms.com/rest_authentication/token 
    1. In the body, enter the correct grant_type for your account: grant_type=password&username=YOUR_USERNAME&password=YOUR_PASSWORD
    2. Content-type should be: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
  2. Copy the returned access_token value
  3. In swagger, click the Authorize button, and in the value field, type Bearer, a space, and paste your token value (e.g. Bearer YOUR_TOKEN_VALUE)
  4. Now you can select any method on the swagger page, click the Try it out button, enter parameters, and test the method

DocuSign Services



Service Description


Sign with DocuSign/docusign/signPOSTThe endpoint where the Sign button posts to when the signing process is handled by Quik! rather than the customer.posted data
Revoke DocuSign Token/docusign/oauthtokensDELETE

Revokes a DocuSign token for the specified Environment and CustomerUserID

Token, Environment ID, CustomerUserID
Get DocuSign Token by CustomerID/docusign/oauthtokensGET

Gets the list of DocuSign tokens associated to the given CustomerID


Create DocuSign Token


NOTE: Starting September 30 2024, this method will no longer be accepted by Docusign. Existing tokens using this method will still work, but you will not be able to create new tokens using this method.

Please refer to our updated method to create Docusign OAuth tokens: Docusign Authentication (Create OAuth Tokens)

POSTCreates a DocuSign token


Get DocuSign Token by Environment



Gets the list of DocuSign tokens associated to the given CustomerID and SignEnvironmentID

CustomerID, Environment ID
Get DocuSign Token by Environment and CustomerUserID



Gets the DocuSign Token for the given SignEnvironmentID and CustomerUserID

SignEnvironmentID, CustomerUserID
Get DocuSign Environments



Gets the list of available Docusign Environments

Get Envelope Data/docusign/selfservice/envelopedataPOSTGets the necessary information for generating a DocuSign envelope. This method is used for implementing the Self Service model only.PostedDada

SIGNiX Services



Service Description


Get SIGNiX Environments/signix/environmentsGETGets the list of available SIGNiX environments
Delete SIGNiX Credentials/signix/credentials/{environmentID}DELETEDelete credentials for the customer by environmentenvironmentID
Get SIGNiX Credentials/signix/credentials/{environmentID}GETGets credentials for the customer by environmentenvironmentID
Get SIGNiX Credentials for Customer/signix/credentialsGETGets list of all available credentials for the customer
Add SIGNiX Credentials/signix/credentialsPOSTAdd SIGNiX credentialsuserData (Username, Password, SignEnviromentID, ClientID, Sponsor)

For help regarding Quik! Forms and the Quik! API
Email: support@quikforms.com | Phone: (877) 456-QUIK