Set up the QFE WS object
Private Sub btnGenerate_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnGenerate.Click 'This example web page demonstrates the Quik! Forms Engine web service and form viewer by loading a hard-coded FormID. 'A production version of this example would give users the ability to select one or more forms and generate them from a website '
'Set up the QFE WS object
Dim objQFE As QuikFormsEngineWSv5400.QuikFormsEngineService
objQFE = New QuikFormsEngineWSv5400.QuikFormsEngineService
'Set the XML to populate on a form (this example is for demo purposes)
Dim strXML As String
strXML = "<?xml version=""1.0"" encoding=""UTF-8"" standalone=""yes""?><ParentField><Field><FieldName>1rep.FName</FieldName><FieldValue>Tom</FieldValue><FieldReadOnly>false</FieldReadOnly><FieldVisibility>1</FieldVisibility><FieldRequired>false</FieldRequired><FieldFormat></FieldFormat><FieldMask>false</FieldMask><FieldCalcOverride>false</FieldCalcOverride><HiddenField>false</HiddenField></Field></ParentField>"
'Create the web service results object
Dim objWSResults As New QuikFormsEngineWSv5400.QuikResultWS
'Set the customer credentials into the SOAP Header
Dim authHeader As New QuikFormsEngineWSv5400.AuthenticationHeader
authHeader.UserName = Me.txtUsername.Text
authHeader.Password = Me.txtPassword.Text
authHeader.CustomerID = Me.txtCustID.Text
objQFE.AuthenticationHeaderValue = authHeader
'Set up the settings object for the Quik! Forms Engine
Dim objQFESettings As New QuikFormsEngineWSv5400.QFESettings
objQFESettings.HTML4Compatible = False 'Only output HTML5 content - set to TRUE if using Internet Explorer 8 or 9
objQFESettings.HTMLButtonPrintName = "PDF" 'Renames the "Print" button to "PDF"
objQFESettings.HTMLShowButtonEmail = False 'Hides the email button
objQFESettings.HTMLShowButtonSign = True 'Shows the Sign button
objQFESettings.OutputTempFiles = False 'Determines if a temp file should be output with the HTML
objQFESettings.HostFormOnQuik = True 'If TRUE, this option generates a URL to the generated form for Quik! to host (including your data)
objQFESettings.PreviewMode = False 'If TRUE, the form will be in PREVIEW mode only and cannot be printed
objQFESettings.SignSubmitCombined = False 'if TRUE the Sign button will perform the Submit action before signing so the Submit button can be hidden
'Load the XML data to show on the form
objQFESettings.LoadXML = strXML
'Set the FormID(s) to display
objQFESettings.QuikFormID = txtFormIDs.Text
'Set up e-sign settings object
Dim objESignType As New QuikFormsEngineWSv5400.ESignTypeDocusign
objESignType.SignAllDocsCombined = False 'TRUE causes all the documents to be bundled together when sent to DocuSign, FALSE will split each form into a separate PDF sent to DocuSign
'For the Self Service and Pass Through e-sign models, you'll need to set the SignURL value
objESignType.SignURL = ""
'For the Callback e-sign model, you'll need to set a SignCallBackURL value with a URL on your server that can receive the envelope ID
objESignType.SignCallBackURL = ""
'E-Sign environment must match the e-sign vendor's environment for the credentials you're using
objESignType.SignEnvironmentID = 1 'You can set the environment ID as a number or as an Enum, shown in the next line
objESignType.SignEnvironmentID = NSDocusign.ESignTypeDocusign.SignEnvironment.DocuSignPROD
objESignType.SignHideEmptySigners = True 'When TRUE, hide the signing roles in the e-sign popup screen for the roles that have no contact info on the form
objESignType.SignOrderLock = False 'When TRUE do not allow the user to change the order of the signers
objESignType.SignShowVerifyCode = True 'When TRUE show the Verify Code option in the e-sign popup
objESignType.SignShowVerifyIDCheck = True 'When TRUE show the ID Check option in the e-sign popup
'To create single PDF files per FormID in DocuSign, set SignMultipleDocs = True
objESignType.SignMultipleDocs = True
'Assign the e-sign type in the settings object
objQFESettings.ESignType = objESignType
'Run the Quik! software
objWSResults = objQFE.Execute(objQFESettings)
'Check the results of the run event
If objWSResults.ErrorCode <> 0 Then
'Serve the HTML file to the user
System.IO.File.WriteAllText(Me.txtOutputPath.Text & "\sample.html", objWSResults.ResultData.Tables(0).Rows(0).Item(0))
End If
objQFE = Nothing
End Sub
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