Setting Up Quik! Forms Engine Web Service

Setting Up Quik! Forms Engine Web Service

This section shows how to implement the Quik! Forms Engine Web Service.


The steps to setting up and running the Quik! Forms Engine Web Service are listed below.

a)    Create a reference to the Quik! Forms Engine Web Service URL.

b)    Instantiate the QuikFormsEngine as an object

                Dim objQFE As QuikFormsEngineWS.QuikFormsEngineService

c)     Gather your data into an XML file or stream.

d)    Add your configuration paramenters. To use defaults set the value to empty strings and false.

                Dim strResults As String

                strResults = objQFE.Execute(Username:=Me.txtUsername.Text, _

                                            Password:=Me.txtPassword.Text, _

                                            CustomerID:=Me.txtCustID.Text, _

                                            FormIDs:=Me.txtFormIDs.Text, _

                                            TestDataMode:=False, _

                                            TestFinalFormsMode:=False, _

                                            FormExpiryDate:="", _

                                            HTMLBodyOnloadFunction:="", _

                                            HTMLFieldFontColor:="", _

                                            HTMLFooter:="", _

                                            HTMLFooterStyle:="", _

                                            HTMLLoadingImage:="", _

                                            HTMLLogoAltText:="", _

                                            HTMLLogoPath:="", _

                                            HTMLMainInstruction:="", _

                                            HTMLMetaNames:="", _

                                            HTMLMinorInstruction:="", _

                                            HTMLReportFormError:="", _

                                            HTMLRequiredBorderColor:="", _

                                            HTMLShowButtonClear:=True, _

                                            HTMLShowButtonPrint:=True, _

                                            HTMLShowButtonReset:=True, _

                                            HTMLShowButtonSave:=True, _

                                            HTMLShowButtonSign:=True, _

                                            HTMLShowButtonSubmit:=True, _

                                            HTMLStyles:="", _

                                            HTMLTitle:="", _

                                            iScrollFilePath:="", _

                                            iScrollOff:=False, _

                                            jQueryBlockUIFilePath:="", _

                                            jQueryFilePath:="", _

                                            jQueryUIFilePath:="", _

                                            LoadXML:=strXML, _

                                            SaveURL:="", _

                                            SignAllDocsCombined:=True, _

                                            SignMessage:="", _

                                            SignJavascript:="", _

                                            SignShowSignNow:=True, _

                                            SignShowVerifyCode:=True, _

                                            SignShowVerifyIDCheck:=True, _

                                            SignSubject:="", _

                                            SignURL:="https://www.YOURDOMAIN.com/QuikESignTransport/QuikSignTransport.aspx", _

                                            SubmitJavascript:="", _


e)    Check the error object for any errors.

            'Check for errors in running the Quik! Forms Engine

            If UCase(Strings.Left(strResults, 5)) = "ERROR" Then



f)      Serve the HTML file as a response

                Dim strHTML As String = strResults

                If strHTML = "" Then

                    strHTML = "ERROR! No forms were generated."



                    Response.ContentType = "text/html"


                End If

            End If

            objQFE = Nothing


Sample SOAP / XML

If your development environment is not compatible with .NET and you’re creating the XML payload for the SOAP request manually, here is an example of the XML you should create.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema">


<AuthenticationHeader xmlns="https://websvcs.quikforms.com/quikformsenginews/">







<Execute xmlns="https://websvcs.quikforms.com/quikformsenginews/">

<CustomJavaFileIncludePath />

<CustomJavaScript />




<FormExpiryDate />

<HTMLBodyOnloadFunction />

<HTMLFieldFontColor />

<HTMLFooter />

<HTMLFooterStyle />

<HTMLLoadingImage />

<HTMLLogoAltText />

<HTMLLogoPath />

<HTMLMainInstruction />

<HTMLMetaNames />

<HTMLMinorInstruction />

<HTMLReportFormError />

<HTMLRequiredBorderColor />







<HTMLStyles />

<HTMLTitle />

<iScrollFilePath />


<jQueryBlockUIFilePath />

<jQueryFilePath />

<jQueryUIFilePath />

<LoadXML />

<SaveURL />


<SignJavascript />

<SignMessage />




<SignSubject />


<SubmitJavascript />








For help regarding Quik! Forms and the Quik! API
Email: support@quikforms.com | Phone: (877) 456-QUIK