The following assumptions are included in the design of this software:
- A customer must have at least one valid user of Quik! Transaction Manager and an active product subscription in order to use the software.
- Customers who choose to install Quik! Transaction Manager desktop should do so on each unique PC where desired, and in some cases, in each user account on a given PC (if multiple users are sharing a single PC).
- Customer will set up each user of Quik! as a unique user on the Quik! Transaction Manager website to ensure each user has their own specific rights, username and password (this ensures a higher level of security for the customer).
- The desktop software is only intended to work with Windows XP, Vista, Windows 7 and Windows 8. Users will have an active internet connection during the installation and use of this product.
- The customer can deploy the Quik! installation in 'silent' mode as a batch deployment to multiple computers by passing parameters (QuikSetup.exe /s /v/qn).
- Sharing printed PDF-based forms or links to the generated form URLs will make whatever data was prefilled onto the form available to the user who views the PDF or follows the link. Quik! strongly cautions users against sharing, transmitting or exchanging private client data through forms.
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Email: support@quikforms.com | Phone: (877) 456-QUIK