Form Update Solutions

Form Update Solutions

Forms Update Service

The future of maintaining form updates is a combination of centralized forms maintenance, end-user adoption of technology and processes, and service providers dedicated to providing the solution. The main challenge any company faces in working with users who must choose which forms to work with, is keeping all the varying types of forms up-to-date. Since each company's core business is generating revenue and not distributing forms, most companies have not established a form update process for their own forms or third party forms they rely upon. This results in the user working with different processes for updating, communicating, distributing and maintaining the forms they use to perform daily transactions.

Solving Today's Challenges

The ideal solution is a web-based, hosted forms management application that offers tools to update, process, build and distribute the forms to users. In addition, companies who offer users forms that can be prefilled, filled out online, signed digitally and even processed electronically will create a reason for users to use the company's central website to always obtain the latest version of the form.
ETI has solved these specific challenges with a combination of technologies and services that enable customers to attract users to their own website to generate, prefill, bundle, fill out the forms online, save the forms, digitally sign and submit them online. Every time a user fills out a form from their website the latest version of the form is delivered in real-time to the user.

Ensuring Communication

With ETI's Quik! solution, forms are maintained in a single online library, where users receive the latest version of the form automatically and are not required to go find the form updates for themselves. Eliminating the need for a user to maintain their own personal library also eliminates the need to tell users when forms have changed. The Quik! system ensures that form updates are communicated properly to users by actually removing the need to communicate.

Ensuring Distribution

The Quik! system automatically ensures proper distribution of forms by eliminating the need for users to initiate the distribution process. By using the Quik! system to manage and pre-fill forms, users are tapping into Quik!'s central repository of forms and using the latest form version. By definition, a centralized forms repository eliminates the need for user to request, download and/or maintain their own personal library of forms from each company.

Ensuring Timing

Each time a company updates their forms in Quik!, Quik! users automatically have the latest version of the form. In other words, the time required to distribute forms is effectively reduced to zero and users begin using the new form immediately every time they go to fill out a form.

Delivering Forms To Quik!

Quik! offers four distinct ways for companies to communicate and deliver their form updates to any number users. Using our unique forms management process, combined with our forms management team and a variety of automation technologies, providing updates to Quik! is simple. Plus, having your forms automated by Quik! means you maintain control over the user experience, your own website and your form design – Quik! is transparent and seamless to your existing applications and users.

Quik! Forms Manager Website (www.QuikFormsManager.com)

Quik! offers a private, secure website for the person managing your forms manager to manage, communicate and deliver form updates. This full-service website offers a variety of reports, search tools, communication methods and automation useful for managing forms. By using this site, your team can manage your entire library of automated forms and can make immediate changes to form attributes and form versions. You can upload new versions of forms, add new forms and check the status of forms currently in the build process. Once forms have been built by the Quik! form building team, you will be notified that the form is ready to be published, at which point you can test the form for completeness before approving. The Quik! Forms Manager is your full-service solution to forms management.

Web Service

Another way to use the Quik! Forms Manager website is to integrate it as part of your internal forms management system. By utilizing a set of web services, your internal forms management system can securely and dynamically connect to the Quik! Forms Manager to deliver form updates and retrieve information about forms. Plus, you can always log into the Quik! Forms Manager website to run reports and perform other functions in person.

Self Service

When managing forms becomes too much work for your team, Quik! will be happy to do it for you. Simply provide Quik! with a username and password to your website or a secure web location where Quik! can go find and obtain your forms. The Quik! forms management team has technology that enables Quik! to visit your website at least once per week to obtain form updates from your website.

Email Service

At a minimum, you can send form updates to our forms email account (forms@efficienttech.com).

Solving Tomorrow's Challenges

The Quik! Enterprise Forms solution increases operational efficiency for end users by 75% on average – a significant increase in performance over today's paper-based processes. While solutions to today's challenges create new efficiencies and higher levels of service, it is inevitable that new challenges and opportunities will rise to our attention.
Some of these challenges include:

  • Ensuring companies deliver form updates correctly and in a timely manner
  • Increasing end-user adoption of the new processes and tools
  • Managing communication with the variety of companies providing forms
  • Increasing the value of the solution with additional service capabilities

Quik! Forms Enterprise goes beyond solving today's problems to address all of your form-based challenges with a combination of tools, services and processes that seamlessly integrate together.

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For help regarding Quik! Forms and the Quik! API
Email: support@quikforms.com | Phone: (877) 456-QUIK