E-Signature Integration
Companies no longer need to print out a document and sign it by hand with a wet signature. Instead, Quik! offers the ability to electronically sign digital documents in a few different ways, including:
- DocuSign integration
- SIGNiX integration
- Native E-Sign
In order to use DocuSign or SIGNiX, customers must first have a valid account with either, and then connect their account to Quik!. Quik! is not a re-seller of DocuSign or SIGNiX.
Quik! developed Native E-Sign within Quik! Forms for the times when a simple solution is called for. Quik!'s Native E-Sign feature is not intended to replace the power, sophistication and security that e-sign vendors provide (i.e. Native E-Sign is not a digital signature that is backed by certificates or private key infrastructure, it is only an electronic one). Quik! does NOT recommend Native E-Sign be used for financial transactions, healthcare transactions where HIPAA compliance is required, or other more scenarios that require higher level of security and compliance with privacy laws.
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