There's a reason so many companies worldwide are replacing wet signatures with e-signatures. E-signature services allow people to quickly and securely sign documents from almost anywhere in the world, getting them signed in minutes, not days or weeks.
We really believe that Quik! is the fastest and most straightforward way to e-sign a form. All Quik! forms are e-signable by default as long as they have space for at least one signature. Docusign is one of our e-sign partners, and as long as you have an account, you can use the Quik! App to sign any form with Docusign.
Docusign - How to Connect to an Account
How a User can Connect a Docusign Account
How to Turn Forms On for E-Signature
Docusign - How to E-Sign Forms
For help regarding Quik! Forms and the Quik! API
Email: | Phone: (877) 456-QUIK