Single Account Setup
Create a Quik! App Account
Signing up for a Quik! account is easy. Read on to learn how to create your account and get started with Quik!.
You can sign up for an account using this link, Quik! Forms
Next, choose the Premium Plan
Select the number of users.
Enter your billing details. (If you have a sandbox or free account, please let our team know so we can adjust your billing)
Things to keep in mind
When you create a workspace, you’ll become the Quik! App Admin
You can add or remove users at any time.
What's next?
You're on your way to using your Quik! account. For more help getting started, check out the resources below:
Learn more about App settings here on the Settings Overview page.
Check out the Add, Edit and Remove Users page to add more users to your account.
For help regarding Quik! Forms and the Quik! API
Email: | Phone: (877) 456-QUIK