How Many Quik! App Accounts Do You Need?
Enterprises (firms with over 15 users) have several choices to make when it comes to setting up the Quik! App for users. This page discusses those options and approaches to help you make the right decision.
Quik! is available as a single enterprise account, a parent account with multiple child accounts, and individual accounts.
One Account or Multiple?
Single Account
A simple rule-of-thumb is to determine if a single account can work for you. If you answer yes to all of these questions, then a single account will work. Otherwise, you’ll need multiple Quik! accounts organized by team or user groups.
Do you have a single CRM that all users access?
Will you pay for all users on a single invoice?
Do you have a small group of service reps doing the work on behalf of your producers?
If you answered no to any of the above questions, then read the Decision Factors below to help you understand your needs further.
Multiple Independent Accounts
If your firm is going to roll out Quik! as an option for your users to adopt at will, and the users will each pay their own bill, then you’ll end up with multiple independent accounts at Quik!. The user/team will be responsible for signing up, paying, and managing their account. You’ll still provide your forms to Quik!, and we’ll make them accessible to your users.
If you also want a central report of all your user’s activities and perhaps even some amount of control or influence over their accounts, then you’ll want a Parent-Child account set up instead.
Parent-Child Accounts
A parent account is your master account at Quik! where you set up settings like form bundles, e-sign credentials, form field attributes/rules, and more. A child account is where your users perform work and manage their own separate accounts. Child accounts give users/teams the ability to have their own custom forms, form bundles, CRM connections, e-sign settings, and more.
It is possible to further limit what users can do in their child accounts with customized settings, though that will incur additional setup costs.
Decision Factors
The most important aspects that help you decide if you need a single enterprise account, a parent account with many child accounts, or individual accounts per office include:
Do you have 1 enterprise CRM all users access?
If yes, maybe a single Quik! account will suffice, but that depends on additional factors
Do you have a preferred or single CRM, but each user has their own account with the CRM company?
It’s possible a single Quik! account may work, but you’ll likely need many Quik! accounts to segregate your users (e.g., by the office, by the advisor, by region, etc.)
Do your users choose their own CRM from a variety of vendors?
If yes, each of your users or teams will need their own Quik! account.
Do you have a single enterprise e-sign account, but users don’t have their own login (i.e. there is only one login)?
If yes, a single Quik! account may be the best option.
Do you have a single enterprise e-sign account, and each user has their own login credentials?
If yes, users or teams will need their own Quik! accounts.
Do users have their own e-sign accounts and/or use accounts provided to them by 3rd parties (e.g. custodians)?
If yes, users or teams will need their own Quik! accounts.
Will you offer Quik! but each user must pay their own bill?
If yes, each user or team will need their own Quik! account.
Will you pay for all users?
Either a single or multiple Quik! accounts can be billed on a single invoice
Single Sign-On
Do you want users to single sign-on to Quik! AND be automatically registered in your Quik! account?
If you have a single enterprise account for all users, then you can use SSO to auto-register users into your account. See Integration Type - Single Sign-on (SSO).
Do you want users to single sign-on to their own Quik! account?
If yes, Quik! offers an external single-sign-on method that will allow users to be prompted to log in or sign up for their own Quik! account. This method requires you to have your own “parent” account at Quik! first. Link to External SSO
User Settings
Do users need their own proprietary forms added to Quik!?
If yes, then that user/team will need their own Quik! account.
Do users need to keep their CRM, form groups, e-sign settings, and/or financial professional data separated from other users?
If yes, each user or team will need their own Quik! account.
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