Parent / Child Accounts and User Setup

Parent / Child Accounts

Quik! offers the ability for customers and partners to have multiple Quik! accounts that are related and roll up to one master, or “parent” account where each sub-account is a “child” account.


There are several reasons to have child accounts:

  1. To segregate users, teams or customers from each other.

  2. To enable users, teams or customers to have their own settings (e.g. form bundles, form subscriptions, private forms, etc.)

  3. To roll up child accounts into a single report for usage and billing purposes

  4. To control child accounts by pushing parent account settings downward (e.g. form bundles, e-sign settings, field validations, etc.)

  5. For partners/resellers who are offering Quik! to their own customers (partners are required to setup customers on their own accounts and it’s ideal to set them up as child accounts).

Setting Up Parent / Child Relationship

When a customer signs up for an account on the Quik! website it may or may not be possible to automatically associate the new account with an existing parent account. Currently (as of 11/2020) the parent and child account relationship must be requested via and our team will set up the relationship manually. If you’re using our Partner APIs to automate account set up then child accounts are automatically associated to your parent account when you create the new account by virtue of your credentials.

API vs. Quik! App Accounts - Parent/Child Relationship

The parent/child setup can be performed on any account regardless of the Quik! product (i.e. Quik! APIs, Quik! App, or other Quik! products) because the relationship is at the account level and not dependent upon the product. For example:

  • a customer could have a parent account with no product (simply for reporting purposes) and child API accounts

  • an API customer could have child Quik! App accounts

  • a Quik! App customer could have child Quik! App accounts which facilitates managing settings from the top down

Users vs. Accounts

A user can be set up on any Quik! account but the purpose of the user varies by product and user role.

API vs App Users

Quik! API customers generally do not need to register users with Quik! and only have a few users on their account purely for administrative purposes. Because API customers are embedding Quik! within their own technology frameworks and user experience (i.e. Quik! is not providing the user interfaces other than the form viewer) there is no need to register end-users - there’s no single-sign-on, no user controls and no need to send users outside your system.

Quik! App users are set up to be functional users of the Quik! App product. Because the Quik! App is a turnkey product that includes the full user experience user registration is required in order to login and use the product.

When A New Account Is Needed

Because an account is defined by a customer record (CustomerID) and can have unlimited user records, the decision to set up child accounts is best determined by the need to segregate users into groups based on functionality. For example, if a financial advisor has a team of 3 (4 including the advisor) who all work together as a team and share the same data but do not share their data with other advisors, then this team would be a logical group to create an account in order to keep their settings separate from others.

Typically a customer chooses to set up child accounts when a set of users has one or more of the following needs:

  • Use of their private/proprietary forms

  • Keep their CRM and customer data private

  • Have their own form bundles (note the parent account can share public form groups with all child accounts)

  • Pay for their own account

  • The account is for a completely separate customer (e.g. for partners who resell/refer Quik! to their customers)

Setting Up Users

For API accounts we recommend setting up users in limited quantity and scope. API customers generally only need users in Quik! to login and manage their form subscriptions, create form groups, manage e-sign enablement and to set up field rules.

For App accounts we recommend setting up each person on a team as a unique user with their own login. This enables customers to manage, track and control user activity and rights in the app.


What Is An Account At Quik!?

An account is defined by a CustomerID or customer record at Quik!. Each Customer account may have as many user records as needed to perform various admin functions and/or to use the Quik! product.

What Is The Difference Between a Parent Account and a Child Account?

Any CustomerID may be designated as a parent or child account, the key difference is the relationship between the two. A child account is any CustomerID that is related to another CustomerID where the child is a sub-account to the parent account (i.e. the parent account is above the child account).

Can A Child Account Have Child Accounts?

Technically, yes, any account can have child accounts at Quik!. Thus, a parent could have a child that also has a child, and so forth. Functionally, this rarely happens and is not recommended.

Can A Child Account Be Related To Multiple Parent Accounts?

While technically a mistake could be made that allows a child account to be associated to more than one parent account, a child account should only belong to one parent account at all times.

How Many Users Can Be On An Account?

There’s no technical limit to how many accounts can be added to a customer account, however there are functional and billing limits based on the product’s design and purpose. We recommend only adding the necessary users and to remove/disable users who no longer need to access their accounts.

For help regarding Quik! Forms and the Quik! API
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