Home Page Sections

Home Page Sections

Basic Navigation Steps

Steps 1, 2 and 3 are covered at the beginning of this section.

Configure Quik!

Although you typically only need to configure Quik! Transaction Manager once, there may be times when you need to update the configuration or make additional changes. The Configure Quik! section offers the most-used options.

You can also access configuration options from the Collapsible menu on the left of the screen and the Tools menu at the top.

Add Your Custom Forms To Quik!

Use this section to add your personal forms to the library or request that product company forms be added.

The Online menu (next to the Tools menu at the top of the screen) also has a link to "Request Forms". In addition, you can use the Online menu to request a form company and unlock private forms. Please see the Request Forms section for more details.


To help keep you informed about what's going on at Efficient Technology and with Quik!, the Announcements section will show you the latest news. As new product companies join Quik! and make their forms available for use, announcements will be displayed in this section. To read the details of any of the announcements or press releases, click the title and the full article will be displayed.


The Tools section is a collection of links ranging from account information to support options to software maintenance items.


This section is a summary of product information.

Product Status

Product status can include the following values:

  • TRIAL – You are still in your trial period and have not purchased yet. Your next invoice will incur the purchase price and begin your actual subscription
  • ACTIVE – You have an active subscription are your next invoice will incur the renewal price


Product Version

This section ensures you are aware of product updates. If your product version is less than our latest published version, your Product Version status will indicate that it's time to upgrade.
To upgrade, click the "Check For Updates" link in the Tools section or in the Administrative Functions section of the Collapsible menu . You can also check for updates from the Help menu. (For more details please see the section titled, "Check For Updates")

Renewal Date

The renewal date of the product is based on the period covered by the last payment or trial period. All payments are made in advance of the service period (e.g. a monthly payment made for a January 15 renewal date will cover January 15 to February 14). Regardless of your billing frequency, the renewal date represents the date the software will stop working unless you purchase another period (which will be automatically done by PayPal for all customers who supply a credit card).
Our billing policy is to send an invoice before the renewal date and to bill your credit card on the actual renewal date. If you wish to cancel your subscription you may do so at any time up to the date of the renewal date.

Unread Messages

Quik! Transaction Manager includes a private messaging system that allows customers to communicate with customer service and with other users on the same customer account. To read your unread messages, log into your Quik! Customer Central account and go to the "Message Summary" section (see the image below). Once you read a message you can mark it as read, archive it, transfer it, etc.

Licenses Used and Available

This section shows the total number of advisor licenses in use and also the number available.

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For help regarding Quik! Forms and the Quik! API
Email: support@quikforms.com | Phone: (877) 456-QUIK