Using Form Groups
Form Groups are one of the most powerful features in Quik! Transaction Manager because they allow you to save forms in a logical grouping. For example, you might want to create a group of forms necessary to open an IRA account. You might also create a group of your brokerage new account forms. Quik! allows you to name and describe your group.
NOTE: Form groups are available to all the users of your customer account so adding, editing and deleting groups will affect other users
Create Form Groups
Creating a form group is as simple as searching for forms, checking off the ones you want, and naming your group. Give your group a name others will understand (e.g. "American Funds Roth IRA", "Brokerage New Account Forms", etc).
To create a new group for the forms you have chosen, enter the group name in the "Group Name" text box then click the Add button (see red box in image below).
Add Forms To An Existing Form Group
To add forms to an existing form group, find and then select the forms. Then choose the group from the drop-down list and click the Add button (see red box in image below).
You can't add the same form to a group more than once so don't worry about clicking "Add" with forms checked that are already part of the group. Plus, you can always edit your group by adding more forms, removing forms and editing your group information.
Edit Form Groups
To edit your form group, go to the form group screen by clicking the "Form Groups" icon or by clicking the "Browse Form Groups" link on the Collapsible menu
With the Form Group screen displayed, select a group then click the Edit Group button.
The Edit Form Group pop-up screen will appear (see the image below). Once you have finished making your changes, click the OK button or click "Cancel" to discard your changes.
Remove Forms From a Group
Forms can be added or removed from an existing group at any time. To remove one or more forms from a group, select the group and review the forms in the grid. Check only the forms you want to remove then click the Remove Forms From Group(s) button.
You will be prompted to confirm that you want to remove the form.
Click "Yes" to permanently remove the form from your group or "No" to cancel.
Delete Form Groups
Deleting a form group is done by selecting the group(s) you wish to delete then clicking the Delete Group(s) button.
You will be prompted to confirm your selection because form groups cannot be restored once deleted. Click "Yes" to permanently delete the form group or "No" to cancel your action.
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For help regarding Quik! Forms and the Quik! API
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