Find Forms

Find Forms

You can start your search by clicking the Form Search icon on the Home page, the "Find Forms" link on the Navigation Bar or the "Search for Forms" link on the Collapsible menu .
Finding forms is done in real-time, which means that when you click the Search button, you are searching against the actual Quik! library of forms, not a downloaded, and possibly outdated collection.

Basic Search Features

The simplest way to search is to choose a company and click "Search" (see the top arrow on the left side of the image below). The results of your search will be displayed in the grid below the Search button (see the bottom arrow on the left side of the image below).

By doing a search on a single company, you can see all of their available forms. To refine your search, you can sort the columns, drag and drop the columns into a different order or do another search with additional criteria (see the Advanced Search Features section for more details).

Most Used Dealers

To make it easier for you to find companies you use most, Quik! Transaction Manager counts how many times you generate forms for a given company and then displays the 15 most used at the top of the company drop-down list under the heading "<Most Used Dealers>". The company count is updated daily so as your business changes, so does the list.
Below this list, under the heading "<All Dealers>, the companies are listed in alphabetical order.

Advanced Search Features

To make finding forms more convenient, there are several advanced search features. To perform an advanced search, fill in the additional search criteria: Keyword; Literature Number; Form ID: States.


If you want to find all the forms that have a specific word, phrase, enter the phrase in the "Keyword" box and click "Search".

Literature Number

Some forms are easiest to identify by the unique literature number assigned to the form by the owner. Enter a literature number or a partial literature number in the "Literature Number" field and click "Search" to see the results.

Form ID

This is a unique number assigned to the form by Quik!. If you have this number, search this way first.


Forms that are state-specific can be searched for by selecting the appropriate state. Forms that are not state-specific (e.g. mutual fund account forms) will not be affected by choosing a state.

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For help regarding Quik! Forms and the Quik! API
Email: support@quikforms.com | Phone: (877) 456-QUIK