How Do I Display Forms to my Users?
There are two ways to display a list of forms to users: real-time web service calls (preferred) or download the forms data into a local database. This section discusses both options but focuses on how to build your own forms database that is refreshed by Quik!.
Real-time Web Services
All the Forms Data web services can be called at run-time to download only the requisite forms. Call each desired web service and pass search parameters. For example, you can provide an advanced search feature to users in your application by calling the web services to get a list of dealers, states, categories and transaction types to fill your drop-downs and list boxes with options for your user to choose. Then, allow the user to select from the search criteria and pass that data to the next web service call (e.g. the forms list method) to return only the desired forms. This method is optimal because it enables your application to be in sync with the Quik! web server in real-time.
Local Database
To manage the list of Quik! forms available to your users, we have built a turn-key ASP.NET web application and SQL Server (2005) database that can be setup and scheduled to synchronize your form data. Please see the QuikFormsWizard project for details.
If you want to build your own database and web service calls, we recommend updating a single table containing the list of forms. This table should be updated at least once per day to ensure the list of forms is current. In addition, if the customer provides the forms service to multiple broker/dealers, the customer should also manage which dealer's forms a user or set of users can see (based on their broker/dealer affiliation).
Quik! recommends the following tables to manage forms (a script to generate all of these tables is included in the file named QuikFormsWizard_TableScript.sql):
- tblQFForms – contains the list of forms and their attributes, as updated by the forms data web service.
- tblQFDealer – contains the Quik! dealer ID and dealer name, as updated from the dealer list web service.
- tblQFDealerType_lkup – contains a list of dealer types as defined in Quik!
- tblQFDealerDealerTypes_xref – cross-references dealers with their associated dealer types
- tblQFFormCategory_lkup – contains a list of categories for forms
- tblQFFormQFFormCategory_xref – cross-references forms with their associated categories
- tblQFStates_lkup – contains a list of state codes and names
- tblQFFormQFState_xref – cross-reference of forms and their associated states
- tblQFFormTransType_lkup – contains a list of transaction types
- tblQFFormQFFormTransType_xref – cross-reference of forms and their associated transaction type(s)
NOTE: Primary keys are in BOLD BLUE and foreign keys are in blue.
tblQFForms Schema
The purpose of this table is to hold the list of forms and their attributes to display to users in your application.
Column Name | Data Type | Length | Allow Nulls | Description |
QFFormID | int | 4 | 0 | Quik! Form ID |
QFDealerID | Int | 4 | 0 | Quik! Dealer ID for the form |
QFFormShortName | varchar | 250 | 1 | Form's short name to display to user |
QFFormDesc | varchar | 1000 | 1 | Form's long description |
QFFormStatusID | int | 4 | 1 | Form status in Quik! |
PublishDate | datetime | 8 | 1 | Last publish date for the form |
FileSize | int | 4 | 1 | Size of PDF file |
LitNo | varchar | 100 | 1 | Literature number from dealer |
NoPages | int | 4 | 1 | Number of pages in form |
LastUpdate | datetime | 8 | 1 | Last date record was updated |
This table contains the Quik! Dealer ID and dealer name, as updated from the dealer list web service. Dealers include any entity that provides forms (broker/dealers, mutual funds, insurance companies, etc.)
Column Name | Data Type | Length | Allow Nulls | Description |
QFDealerID | int | 4 | 0 | Quik! DealerID |
QFDealerName | varchar | 1000 | 0 | Dealer company name |
QFDealerStatusID | Int | 4 | 0 | The status for the dealer record (1 = Active, 2 = Inactive) |
LastUpdate | datetime | 8 | 0 | Last date record was updated |
This table contains a list of dealer types as defined in Quik!
Column Name | Data Type | Length | Allow Nulls | Description |
QFDealerTypeID | varchar | 3 | 0 | Dealer Type |
QFDealerType | varchar | 255 | 0 | Dealer type name |
QFDealerTypeDesc | varchar | 1000 | 1 | Dealer type description |
LastUpdate | datetime | 8 | 0 | Last date record was updated |
This table is a cross-reference of dealers with their associated dealer types
Column Name | Data Type | Length | Allow Nulls | Description |
QFDealerID | int | 4 | 0 | Dealer ID |
QFDealerTypeID | Int | 4 | 0 | Dealer Types ID |
LastUpdate | datetime | 8 | 0 | Last date record was updated |
This table contains a list of categories for forms.
Column Name | Data Type | Length | Allow Nulls | Description |
QFFormCategoryID | Int | 4 | 0 | Form Category ID |
QFFormCategoryDesc | Varchar | 255 | 0 | Category name |
QFFormCategoryDesc | Varchar | 1000 | 1 | Category description |
LastUpdate | Datetime | 8 | 0 | Last date record was updated |
This table cross-references forms with their associated categories
Column Name | Data Type | Length | Allow Nulls | Description |
QFFormID | Int | 4 | 0 | Quik! Form ID |
QFFormCategoryID | Int | 4 | 0 | Quik! Category ID for the form |
LastUpdate | Datetime | 8 | 0 | Last date record was updated |
This table contains a list of state codes and names for use with tblQFormStates.
Column Name | Data Type | Length | Allow Nulls | Description |
QFStateID | Int | 4 | 0 | Quik! State ID |
StateCode | Varchar | 6 | 0 | State abbreviation |
StateName | varchar | 100 | 0 | State full name |
SortOrder | Int | 4 | 0 | Order the states are listed in the drop downs on the web pages |
LastUpdate | datetime | 4 | 0 | Last date record was updated |
This table is a cross-reference of forms and their associated states
Column Name | Data Type | Length | Allow Nulls | Description |
QFFormID | Int | 4 | 0 | Quik! FormID |
QFStateID | Int | 4 | 0 | The state where the form can be used |
LastUpdate | datetime | 4 | 0 | Last date record was updated |
This table contains a list of form transaction type values.
Column Name | Data Type | Length | Allow Nulls | Description |
QFFormTransTypeID | Int | 4 | 0 | Form transaction types |
QFFormTransType | varchar | 255 | 0 | Transaction type |
QFFormTransTypeDesc | varchar | 1000 | 1 | Description of transaction type |
LastUpdate | datetime | 4 | 0 | Last date record was updated |
This table is a cross-reference of forms and their associated transaction type(s).
Column Name | Data Type | Length | Allow Nulls | Description |
QFFormID | Int | 4 | 0 | This table lists forms and their transaction types |
QFFormTransTypeID | Int | 4 | 0 | Form transaction type associated to FormID |
LastUpdate | datetime | 4 | 1 | Last date record was updated |
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For help regarding Quik! Forms and the Quik! API
Email: | Phone: (877) 456-QUIK