How Do I Add External Documents to Forms?

How Do I Add External Documents to Forms?

When printing or e-signing a document, external PDF documents (attachments) can be included with the forms (e.g. drivers license photocopy, scanned documents, etc.). To perform this function for each attachment, call the AddDocToForms method to add the document to a list of documents to include and then call the Upload method to add the document to the Quik! server for inclusion. Each time this method is run another document will be added to the list. 

This method operates independently of all the other features within the Quik! Forms Engine, meaning that when the Execute command is run, the data loaded via this method is ignored. It's only when the Upload method is run that the data for each file is actually uploaded to Quik!. This enables the QFE to be run separately for uploading documents vs. generating forms.


  • The Quik! Forms Engine Execute method must be run before uploading documents in order to obtain a FormViewRequestUNID value to associate the external document to.
  • Attachments must not exceed 20 MB


Each document uploaded to the Quik! server is systematically encrypted during transmission and storage with a unique key per document using standard 128+bit encryption algorithms. Documents are never in the possession or available to any employee or other customer – the documents can only be un-encrypted during the process of including them into the final form package for print or signing purposes. Additionally, all documents are deleted from the server in 10 days or less, per the form package's expiration date set by the customer.

Required Parameters

The parameters needed for each document include:





The FormViewRequestUNID representing the form package that the document is to be attached to when signing. This value is obtained from the Quik! Forms Engine after running the Execute command.



The file name of the document (e.g. "DriversLicense.pdf")



The full path of the document on the customer's machine (e.g. "C:\documents\DriversLicense.pdf")



The order in which to display the document relative to the forms and other documents. 
NOTE: Value must be a positive integer value between 0 and 999.



A boolean flag indicating if the document is inserted before or after the form. If TRUE, insert the document before the form according to the SortOrder. Default is FALSE which appends the document to the Form according to the SortOrder


Upload the External Documents

Calling the Upload method will process all the documents added via the AddDocToForms method by doing the following:

  1. Verify that the FormViewRequestUNID has not expired (is not older than 10 days) otherwise an error is returned.
  2. Add each file as a record to the Quik! server.
  3. Upload and encrypt each document in the Quik! file storage location.

If any errors occur, the Quik! software will return detailed error messages in the error object and an appropriate error code to indicate if a file could not be read, failed to upload, etc.

Adding the Documents

Add each external document using the following process. After the external documents are added to the Quik! system, a final PDF of the form and the external documents are bundled together for delivery to the user or the e-signature vendor when the user prints or e-signs the form.

  1. Run the Quik! Forms Engine by calling the Execute method.
  2. Retrieve the FormViewRequestUNID from the Quik! Forms Engine.
  3. Call the AddDocToForms method.
  4. Call the Upload method.
  5. Print or e-sign the forms to include the external documents in a final PDF.

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