

Quik! Forms Engine Sandbox

This is a link to the package of files first sent to new customers when setting up their Quik! account (also known as the Quik! "Sandbox"). The name of the containing folder includes the version number of the DLL contained within (for example, v5.5.6467.40112). Contents include:

  • DocuSign - ESignWS_SamplePartnerProject: This project is an example of how to use DocuSign e-signature methods with Quik!. Methods of using DocuSign are more fully discussed in the reference guide.

  • DocusignSampleWebsite: The source code and files for a sample website which displays and describes all of the DocuSign features and properties that can be configured.

  • EmailSendButton_SampleProject: This is a sample project for how to implement the Email button to send forms to users to fill out. This project also demonstrates how to receive posted form data so you can save it, process it or more.

  • EnvelopeCreatorProject: This project is used in conjunction with DocuSign for creating envelopes in DocuSign.

  • javascripts: These are the JavaScript files used in Quik!

  • QuikESignTransport: This is a project used to connect Quik! with DocuSign. Please see the DocuSign Implementation Models section of this API Guide for more details.

  • SampleWebsite: The sample website provides full C# source code for a ready-to-run website that demonstrates the core user experience features needed to generate forms. Users can find forms, create form groups, select clients, choose an advisor and generate form bundles.

  • WebServicesExampleJava: For customers who are not using .NET this project will help show how to set up connections to the Quik! web services.

  • EndUserLicenseAgreement: A copy of the enterprise end user license agreement for using Quik! products.

  • ErrorLogViewer: An application used to display the Quik! error log.

  • LoadXMLExample: A sample XML payload for the LoadXML Method.

  • LoadXMLSchema: The schema the LoadXML Method.

  • Quik! Forms Engine Documentation: A link to this API Guide.

  • QuikFormsEngine.dll: The .dll file of the latest version of the Quik! Forms Engine. Your Quik! implementation must refer to this file.

  • readme: A text file describing the contents of the containing folder, and latest version of the Quik! Forms Engine DLL file.

Quik! ESignTransport.SelfService Project (.NET CORE) & Envelope Creator Project
SelfService project intended to guide customers through implementing the Self Service model for DocuSign integration built with the .NET CORE framework. Envelope Creator project intended to help customers with creating envelopes at DocuSign. Both can be used as is or you can build your own project matching your needs. See here for more information.

Quik! ESignTransport.SelfService Project (LEGACY .NET) & Envelope Creator Project
SelfService project intended to guide customers through implementing the Self Service model for DocuSign integration built with the legacy .NET framework. Envelope Creator project intended to help customers with creating envelopes at DocuSign. Both can be used as is or you can build your own project matching your needs. See here for more information.

Quik! Pass Thru Sample Project
A project to guide customers through implementing the Pass Thru model for DocuSign integration. It can be used as is or you can build your own project matching your needs. See here for more information.

Quik! ESign Transport Project (version 5.4)
A project to guide customers through implementing the Self Service model for DocuSign integration for version 5.4 of the Quik! Forms Engine. See here for more information.

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For help regarding Quik! Forms and the Quik! API
Email: support@quikforms.com | Phone: (877) 456-QUIK